

Habitual Scorp

About The Mod
Hi I am Sc0rpi0n and I am a mod leader. Me and a friend has started a mod for Half-Life 2 called City Of Tyrants. It is a MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Game) and it is a Modern Gang Warfare type mod. There is only 2 members so far but looking for more. We have the hole idea that we want but not all of it is on paper yet, and if we get any new ideas that sound good we Wright them down. I am right now in the process of looking for some information on some guns to use for the game.

Mod Information
The mod is a Modern Gang Warfare theme, you get a lot of freedom in the game so you can do purity much anything you want, I want to make it realistic. There are going to be some cools things you can do like start you own gang and recruit people, you can become a cop, but have to go thru training to be one, you can also be more things, you can sell/buy drugs, you can get drunk. You can do allsorts of things go to bars and start some fights, you can use some things around you and you can also get kicked out. If you have a mic and want to talk you must have a cell phone in order to communicate with them, or you can go and find a payphone but if someone is right beside you they can hear you. You can steal things, and rob banks.

You can make your own profile for the mod so that it keeps you saved data, so if you want to become a cop and you go thru the training it will save that and you don’t have to do it again, it also saves kills, deaths, your money. You can have more then 1 profile so you can have more then one character.

There is one objective on the game but a few ways of accomplishing it. You need to have domination over the city, this means you need to have control over the most land, and to do this you need money to but property. There arte more ways of getting land but they are harder. You can also win with the process of elimination. Kill all gangs and you win. In case of a tie, the gang with the most money will win.

There are many types of vehicles, cars, boats, choppers. You can take anyone one of them but get caught stealing one and you are in big trouble. There are going to be real cars in the game but slightly modified. You can bash them up, blow them up and even drive them into the water. The really nice cars you want see often but the shity cars you will.

If you do something bad the cops will come, if they see you and you try to run they will get a few more cops after you and try to hunt you down, if you kill another cop they will bring a lot more police and more, if you get caught they will bring you in jail and the only ways to get out is to break out, bribe a cop, or get a gang member to bail you out. Your gang members can also find a way to break you out.

Money is an important part in this mod, you use it for anything, the way you can get money is by doing missions the game makes, stealing, robbing banks and more other little ways. You use the money to buy land bribe people or even to hire a hit man if you like. There is no limit to how much money you can get.

Day and Night
There will be a day and night system, also there are weather changes. The server admin can set up to how ever many days he wants it to be before the game ends and goes to a new map.

That is just some of the ideas we have for the mod there are a lot more we have and you can hear them if you want to join, I don’t want to give away all my ideas before the mod is released. You can go to my website here.

I need basically everything I need to make a mod. For all I have is 2 members.

Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
MIRC: Network: Channel: #CityOfTyrants

Thanks Scorpion
Hey men, sounds good, I always like good ideas, but remember while making papers try no to include real hard ideas. Try taking out the one that you thing you may not be able to handle or to code. For example to hire a hitman that’s kind of hard.
It will require good coders for it (If you are a good coder then my bad)

Its funny, but once I had that kind of the same idea, only it wasn’t a MOD but on real game, I can give you tips and ideas if you like, just let me know.

I'm sorry but that's not going to work.

Half-Life 2 just doesn't have the capability for a MMOG.
well i dont think everything i want will be able to be done, that is just what i have planed and hope i can do. Well i know hl2 aint a mmog but i was talking to a good coder and he said you can edit the engine to be a mmog.