Red Orchestra Free 5 Day Trial


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Starting tomorrow Red Orchestra will be free of charge for 5 full days, with preloading already started. "Those who try Red Orchestra during the Free Days will have access to the full game, including the brand new map (Lyes Krovy) and new gameplay enhancements from Tripwire." Click here to preload.[br]

[br]Also, The Ship has released a new update. Take a look at the complete changelog here.
/gets ready to massacre people new to RO

some advice, if your going to preload watch the training videos first, some people find the learning curve a little steep :sniper: :O
I have never played and look forward to being messed up by you smokey
This is going to be ****ing great. /me puts on this and sings the russian national anthem!
/gets ready to massacre people new to RO

some advice, if your going to preload watch the training videos first, some people find the learning curve a little steep :sniper: :O
Thank you for the heads up on the training vids. :eek:
Damn little disk space D:

Damn exams D:

Damn everything D:
I would've let it preload when I was sleeping, but there was no link for it on Steam or at D:

Thanks for the link you gave us here.
cool, might have to give this a look :D
I hyped this game (rightfully) to such an extent to some of my friends that they are actually counting down the hours until the Trial begins. Can't wait to kick their and countless other's butts in Stalingrad Kessel! :D
Great game, glad to see they are doing a free trial for it, anyone who appreciates realism shooters will love this game, I know I do.
Im glad this free weekend is going ahead. More people should play this game.

But remember - to get the full experience, you really need to use a mic, and work as a team.
This game is abit mysterious for me, not read or seen much about it but I have some great hype on my back just wanting to play it.

Can't wait until it is preloaded. :D
/gets ready to massacre people new to RO

some advice, if your going to preload watch the training videos first, some people find the learning curve a little steep :sniper: :O

Too right, there is a steep learning curve, so when you [new players] play ask questions, and don't give up on it! It is a great game, but requires a little effort on your part to learn how everything works.
I'm going to try it out, I've already got it preloaded ready to play. Anybody care to join me or teach me the ropes? My xfire is tcfrombn.
I hope you like it guyz.
Our community is always open for new members.
And I'm ready too to be shot by new players (in the back probably ;) )

A big tip for newbies, avoid trying to rambo, it will only get you killed and frustrated. Stick with your team, use cover whenver possible and use the lean/rest feature, its there for a good reason. It will seem to play like a slug at first compared to many other games out there, just give it a chance and you will see how great of a game it really is.
I can't wait. Been wanting to buy this forever but wouldn't buy it until they released a demo or something. I'm so cheap.
Can you shoot cowardly soldiers? Betraying the motherland = bullet to the head, surely?

Guys i'm going to shoot you if you wank off into the shrubbery with your rifle. Not one step back!
A big tip for newbies, avoid trying to rambo, it will only get you killed and frustrated. Stick with your team, use cover whenver possible and use the lean/rest feature, its there for a good reason. It will seem to play like a slug at first compared to many other games out there, just give it a chance and you will see how great of a game it really is.

heheh, i will start the pre-load in a second.
i'm glad to hear they have a lean feature! i used to play in a clan on Solider of Fortune 2 back in the day, and the leaning was so useful, really missed it on CS:S
As far as the sticking with your team and not running off headless chicken style... a wise suggestion for any team-based game really ;)
"The Steam servers are currently too busy to handle any more preloads of Red Orchestra." Well, shit.
What game can this be related to?

Haha, I preloaded about 4 hours ago, good I didn't get blocked by server limit, unlucky. :p

5min to go!
Well it's here but I'm having problems unlocking it... Waste of space.