Red Orchestra Free 5 Day Trial

I think I like Battlefield 2 better than this game.
It's alright... needs more time to get used to it, abit slow for me, prefer DODS or COD, abit faster.
ya, I agree. I dont like it too much
I don't like the engine it's on. Is it UT04? Don't like the feel of it, for some reason it reminded me of how Wolfenstein Enemy Territory played. :|
Meh, I like it, its looking good so far.
But yeah, it is a bit slow. BF2 is better, but this is cheap, so Ill probably buy it eventually.
Dam it I love this game and I cant get it Dled steam keeps telling me servers are to busy!! :angry:
I like infantry combat. It's a change of pace from Day of Defeat, but vehicles are painfully realistic. They kind of ruin the fun.
I think someone needs to start a poll seeing who liked it and who did not.
With this game I found I was not completely happy with it initially when it released, but the more I played the more I started to enjoy it. The learning curve is the reason why I think, this is one of those games you should really play for a few days before you come to conclusions.
I can't really form a opinion yet, my computer sucks so I can't hit the broad side of a barn on the infantry side, although I like the tanks. I went out solo and picked off a few tanks before they got me.
I think it's great. I don't get why so many prefer fast stat-hunting games. I really feel immersed with this game, it's got a great atmosphere. Enemies can show up anywhere, and when bullets start showering over you (especially tracer ones), you get all desperate crawling into a corner as much as you can!
Very steep learning curve. Once you get past that hill, it is actually quite fun!

Infantry combat is immersive and slow, and vehicle combat requires a lot of teamwork. I with a good driver, I can take out three or more tanks easily.

So my message to everyone: Give it a try. Play for at least five hours. It will be very frusterating at first, but once you get the hang of it it is fun.
The learning curve keeps the weaker ones out which I think is good.

But its fun to shoot clueless bf2 peeps though, rushing at me shooting their phs from 10 metres away, pure fun, damn noobs

Some people ewven tried to do that insta-prone thing, well they failed :D

But soon css and dods fans will be out so itll be normal for me again, but atm its down right silly, easy to rank up kills :D

I love this game
Actually I did pretty well on my first games. I was playing as Rifleman with the Mosin Nagant. My first few minutes looked like *death**kill**kill**kill**death*. I like the fact that you can't bunnyhop here and do some weird shit to evade fire. You have to proceed cautiously and not charge head-on. And I love killing people with the Mosin Nagant :)

I like it, more than the "realistic" America's Army where firefights look dumb, people hopping and leaning left/right to dodge bullets and the soldiers move as if they were made from wood.
i love red orchestra, the learning curve is a bit daunting tho
It was pretty fun. Although it's a bit annoying to know that when the enemy has a clue, and your team does not, you're pretty much screwed. Many times have I tried to flank the enemy with some other guys, only having them run away / charge ahead firing wildly.
i was coming top3 in all the games i pld after about 2 hours. this is just how ww2 games should be, i try to play games like DoD and BF like this but it just doesnt work because someone just strafe shoots u while ur lying down crawling forward. I think this game appeals more to the older players rather than the youngsters after fast frantic action. It's a lot slower and u have to treat situations with realism as opposed to playing like john rambo :D
The game is great, some of the russian voice commands are strange(За мной блядь), but the feeling is cool, infentery combat is awsome, its not that slow, and not that fast, people dont rush towords the enemy like CSS noobs,but crowel behined crowel and trying to smoke out others with granades.
I like it when you die after the first shot, and deth poses are also cool.
Snipers are not too over powered and class limittations FTW(I hated it when I was shot by an army of SMGs in DOD...0.

I gove it an A+
Yeah this game is pretty sweet.. i love the realism, im definitely gettin it. I have had some pretty movie like moments... like bayonetting and stuff... or me and a couple other guys charging a trench... only to be completely mowed down. very cool game.
I tried it out in Practice, then I tried it out online. Guh. Team-killing noobs inbound.

EDIT: Also Axis Rifleman FTW.
the WWI and WWII genre is:

Become Cliche
Boring as a type of game...

Bring on the arcade style of FF and TF2.

If I want more WW immersion, I'll read a book.
everyone in the world should play red orchestra

but for the LOVE OF GOD look at the controls before you play
Man I love that... uh... Kosignpatz? Kosignspatz? Oh wait; Konigplatz. Yes.

That map is just awesome.
Just played a bit of it. Not my taste. :/
I like it alot, the realism is just perfect for my taste. It's not too slow and not too fast. And it's not like you get killed instantly when you walk around a corner, you have to actually aim in this game.
I think I'm going to get it. Good move by Tripwire to introduce a free weekend, because before I played this, I didn't feel like buying it at all.
I like it alot, the realism is just perfect for my taste. It's not too slow and not too fast. And it's not like you get killed instantly when you walk around a corner, you have to actually aim in this game.
I think I'm going to get it. Good move by Tripwire to introduce a free weekend, because before I played this, I didn't feel like buying it at all.

You mean free week. :p Well, almost.
It's not really THAT hard to learn. The game movies even tell you: use common sense of what you would do in real life. It took me about 10 deaths to figure out what in general not to do and what in general is good to do.

Things to do:
Lean your weapon on something before shooting long range
Attach a bayonet to your rifle before close combat.
When shooting from a corner prone down and lean over from it, this guarantees that you are a small target and the enemy is less likely to expect you at such a height.
Stay in position until it's clear, then think of the fastest way to get to your next position. Run.
Don't shoot until your chances of hitting are high.
Camp for as long as your team needs you to not how long you want to. If the team moves up, you do too.
Always traverse a street or open area on the side of it and not down it.

Things not to do:
Don't try to shoot from the hip unless it's absolutely neccesary.
Don't try to jump from enemy fire, this will only leave you without stamina to run away. Instead run for a few feet and then dive.
Don't shoot your automatic rifle next to a rifleman, it is damn near impossible for him to aim when you're shooting.
Don't step across proned leaning teamates, you set their aim off and might prevent them from making a critical shot.
Don't walk behind a tank, it might seem smart but he will back away from enemy fire and most likely kill you.
Don't ever run down a street or any open place, the moment you do you're the easiest target in the world.
Don't do what your class doesn't do. Snipers shouldn't ever be found in close combat and assault rifles have no reason to be sniping.
What is it with all the tards that don't want to share tanks? 4 out of 5 times I get yelled at when I jump in with someone. Ummm, there's 3 seats in them for a reason? Even when I just wanna play coaxial MG for a bit.

Most of the time it's fun though, espacially when there's voip going on.
Tank battles can be pretty awesome, and I bet the reason ppl like to solo in tanks is because they don't want to risk having a noob firing the cannon and ruin everything. Personnaly I just hop in the turret and wait for someone to drive :E (unless there's no one around)
EDIT: Acutally heres a thread about "team tanking" and why one person prefers solo:

And to add to CookieCuttah's list:
When you hear the arty's, check the map and look for a mushroom cloud icon.
It might be your own team firing artillery near you, and if that is the case, it is usually a good idea to run.
I've played it for 4 days now. Tanking is pretty fun. I've picked up all of the tricks so that I can get on the top couple places on the public servers. Tanking with a teammate provides a modest advantage is they are good but mostly it will just screw you over cause they can't drive or they can't shoot. I'd be one of the people that would yell at you to get out of my tank unless it's a map with only one tank.

One time on a tank map I was way up at the front line. Just killed an enemy tank and some dickweed who bailed out of his tank jumps into the driver seat and drives my tank off the map and into a minefield. Most driver's aren't that bad. They just don't understand that you can't shoot while their driving, or they will keep nudging your aim off with little movements. They also don't get positioning and will try to line the tank up with the front armour facing the enemy or sit out in the middle of an open field. Sometimes I've had driver's spin me around so that the rear armour is facing the enemy.

As for gunners, mostly I just don't trust them. I know that I can make most shots and the average gunner will miss some of the easy shots. The only advantage I see is the ability to reload while driving.

Here's what I've learned about tanking:

Always angle your armour into enemy fire. If you're facing dead on or sideways towards a tank that's shooting at you, you will be dead very soon. When you're angled properly everything bounces off of you.

If you have a good angle on the enemy tank, aim for the ammo bin, it's under the turret but in different spots depending on the tank. Otherwise aim for the driver's hatch or the engine block.

If you're coming over a hill or up from a depression stop just shy of the top so that only your turret shows over the ridge. If you do this and are also angled everything will just bounce off.

Use the range finder for big maps. You adjust range with the lean keys. It doesn't take long to be able to judge distances. There's nothing more satisfying than arcing your shot and nailing a moving tank at 600m away.

The scroll button lets you stick your head up. This one took me a little while to figure out cause it wasn't one of the keys in the configuration.

If the enemy tank is far away and you know when the enemy is going to shoot, jump in the driver seat and move your tank forward 10 ft just as he shoots, it will either throw his aim off or make him miss.