Red Sox in the World Series

seinfeldrules said:
Me too. I'm just waiting for the inevitable screw up somewhere. Reminds me too much of another Game 7 not too long ago in a stadium very similar to the one we are currently playing in. ;(

alright, i'm a little shaky on my history, was that the 84 world series or another year.

oh ****, yanks just got a point

please don't let this happen again.......

edit: Home Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :E
Sai said:
edit: Home Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :E
what a gangster, he's going to get a homerun everytime hes off the bench.

Thousands of people are losing bets at this very moment.
Woa, I take back my doubt!

The socks will not only get to the world series, they will lose in 7 games. I would bet 100 bucks on it.
8-1 wow now what! nooo red sox had a chance to be 12-1 stupid yankees!
Sai said:
alright, i'm a little shaky on my history, was that the 84 world series or another year.

oh ****, yanks just got a point

please don't let this happen again.......

edit: Home Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :E

Last years ALCS Game 7 when the Yanks came back in the eighth down by 3. Just keep it up Mr. Damon. We need some strong pitching now. Manny needs to wake up too. Along with Millar and a few others. No RBIs from someone like Manny is unacceptable.
k i got my gun to shoot myself just incase the yankees win...(go bears!)
Damnit, where is that curse of the bambino when you need it.
NOOOOOOO strike!....yahh!!! base hit take that homos!!!
awww!!! out...were on second ahahahahah losers!
Dalamari said:
Damnit, where is that curse of the bambino when you need it.

That just keeps them from winning the big one, they have to get there every once in a while to be reminded how dumb it was to trade that pudgy legend.
omg omg omg!!!!!!! holly crap wahoo yankees...(error) 2nd and third go boston!!!!!


update: inning is over ...tear :-( boston is stupid...go boston!!!
seinfeldrules said:
Last years ALCS Game 7 when the Yanks came back in the eighth down by 3. Just keep it up Mr. Damon. We need some strong pitching now. Manny needs to wake up too. Along with Millar and a few others. No RBIs from someone like Manny is unacceptable.

i am here to congratulate u :)
i was one of those who thought it would be as dramatic as game 7, 14th inning and a Yankee player hitting a home run.

anyway that doesn't mean i like the Red Sox all of a sudden.. i still can't stand Manny Ramirez and Pedro Martinez.. but damn, Big Papi is da man!! :E

anyway.. Red Sox still need to win the World Series to prove anything... ;)
You know, what ever happened to the Red Skins?

isn't red skins football...btw i'm happy that boston made it, but i wish the dodgers made it b/c i'm from la but they had a weak pitcher :(