Refridgerator vs. Antlion

Refridgerator or Antlion

  • ph34r t3h fridgez0rz!!!111!!one

    Votes: 95 68.3%
  • An Ant

    Votes: 23 16.5%
  • A Lion

    Votes: 14 10.1%
  • An Antlion

    Votes: 7 5.0%

  • Total voters
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Ok guys, this is a very, very serious question. In a fight, who would win, a fridge or an antlion? I'm really torn between it, I just don't know which would die first...
Well seeing as a fridge is an inanimate object...
and seeing as I hate these polls oh so much...
The fridge would win if it was a big fridge. Would fall on the antlion and crush it / trap it and kill it.
Antlion smacks fridge, fridge falls over, antlion go splat.
Antlions are actually really weak, except when attacking Combine (in which their damage is set to the opponent's health, + 50%, just for good measure). Otherwise, they hit for only 5 - the same as a headcrab.

The Fridge has too much health to be beatdown by one antlion.

-Angry Lawyer
Depends what kind of fridge it is. My old one was made of mainly plastic, and ants would enter it during the hot or cold seasons every now and then. My new one is pretty much indestructible made of mainly metal and with an icemaker/water filter and antlions would break their claws trying to tear it open.
A fridge vs an antlion....hrm....

/me envisions fridge landing to atop antlion >_>
Well first the Antlion would try to attack the fridge, then the fridge would be like "OMFGWTFLOLPWNED" and then fall, SPLAT goes the antlion
if the fridge hav missiles launcher it will win
Those older members in the UK, may remember a TV add years ago, that warned of the dangers of dumping old fridges and freezers, without first taking the doors off, something about kids getting into them, the door closing shut, and the kids suffocating.
The fridge could entice the antlion into itself, snap the door shut, and the antlion would suffocate, assuming they actually breathe oxygen, Unless of course they just fart and fart and eventually suffocate from breathing in excess farts.
Ooo yeah the whole 'public service announcement' fridge thing :)
This announcment was in the US as well, Back in the say the fridges didn't have that "suction lock" and had an old fashioned clapse instead. Kids playing on the streets would go in and become trapped.

Pl-l34l` 7l-l3 l=rll)3!!!
DeusExMachinia said:
What if I told you that ant had a laser mounted on its head?
if it is a powerful laser, the whieght will crush the ant,
if it is a weak laser, it won't do shit to the fridge.

EDIT: i voted lion, a lion can waste an army of ants, an army of antlions, and an army of fridges all at the same time!
Here's how it'd work: The fridge would swing open the door just long enough for the antlion to see the little light on inside. Then, the fridge would close the door. The antliion, now currious as to weather or not the light is still on would come slightly closer. The fridge would continue this untill the antlion was within striking distance. As soon as the antlion was close enough, it would slam the metal door shut on the antlions head. Hence, no more antlion. Of course..then the Koala bear's comin in and he'd be all: "y0, f34r t3h K04l45 W007!!!11one!!

Just to settle the fridge/antlion debate once and for all:

PS: 200th post W00t!!!
Who were the heathens who voted antlion? You fools! The refridgerator feels no pain! It will crush j00!
Do also aunt-lions count?
I once had an aunt, that smelled like a lion, had a hairy face like a lion and ya bet- she could also fight like a lion. She was so hot and juicy she would melt the fridges inside. Imagine the fridge`s freakin`meltdown! Anyway she was so fat (eating fridge empty all day) that she would not fit into it. Fridge meeting aunt<-- angst eating soul up! U bet.
Ant raids fridge & steals food.
Ant makes lion really itchy.
Antlion scared of ant.
The antlion would attack the Fridge and the fridge would fall over squashing the antlion. :sniper:
Well....If its a metal fridgerator like I have, it whould pwn the Antlion by mainly just sitting there idle while the antlion keeps trying to make damage to it but just keeps hurting only himself, cause of the hardiness of the fridgerator. And I think the Antlion whouldnt be able to ''destroy'' the fridgerator. So.....I say yes, we should all collabera'' I mean ,vote fridgerator :P
It's a FridgeMech 2000!

Like an Mech-warrior, but with the ability to dispense cool, refreshing drinks and store vegetables! If you order now, it comes with a 30 pack of ICE BLOCKS for FREE!

Obviously will freeze antlion to death.
Exactly..The antlion has no chance. How do you kill an inanimate object?
I think there's 2 things we can all agree on

1. This is the greatest thread I have ever and will ever make.

2. The Antlion is the fridge's bitch.
Fr1dG3 P\/\/|\|z!!1 /\|\|7!_10!\|zZ!!11 \/\/007z3rz!!1 l0|_|_3rZ|</\73z!!!11

Edit: Spelling mistake fixed.