Release Candidate in September?

Hallucinogen said:
Atleast they kept their word unlike "some" other developer *cough* VALVE *cough*
errr... They say "When its done". I don't think it is even possible to lie or make a mistake about that.
niugiovanni said:
Valve should thank God that none of us have lives and will continue to put up with this.

Haha, that's one of the best statements ever. I think that's my new signature
I dont mind if they delay it or whatever, cause there are so many new games coming out, COD expansion pack, NFSU 2, Fifa 2005, NBA 2005 and others that slipped my mind, so its all good, but to let people pre-load a game that wont be released in months is stupid.
Mr. Redundant said:
"Oh noes ! HL2 is teh delayed agen!!!111"

(lol someone had to do it Chris, Im surprised I got here so late and it had not already been stolen :) )
but seriously, this was expected. Im still thinking its gonna be a december release (dont jump all over me please, I just wont get my hopes up anymore)
No one honestly expected it in September Im sure.
what i don't understand is how people CONSTANTLY say "this was expected" every time hl2 misses an expected date.... what exactly do you mean by that? are you saying that you expect hl2 to get delayed forever or something? (not trying to flame you, i just get irritated when people say that)
DrunkPanda said:
what i don't understand is how people CONSTANTLY say "this was expected" every time hl2 misses an expected date.... what exactly do you mean by that? are you saying that you expect hl2 to get delayed forever or something? (not trying to flame you, i just get irritated when people say that)

sorry about that then.
I say "it was expected" only because of the state of things currently,
the preload is so far only is about half-way (supposedly), there has been no gold announcement, and well.. it is valve :P

I havent said that "this was expected" before, this was my first time.. and I meant it.. I did expect this, that is why Im not pissed or let down in the slightest.. Im expecting December.. but even then *shrugs*

and like I said in another thread:
Mr. Redundant said:
thing that I wonder about is, if they were only "planning" on sending a "release candidate" to VU on the 15th... that only leaves them 15 days (or so) to go gold, mass produce and get the game to shelves, in order to make the "summer" release date... so they knew the game wasnt going to make Summer.. but hey thats the tom-foolery and trickery of Valve :D

so it was kinda obvious (at least to me)
again sorry, I didnt mean to come off as one of "those people" who always quote someone, or say the same thing when they delay.
nge001 said:


just makin sure everyone sees this.
Feath said:
Put up with what? Them finishing the game. What evil bastards they are, wanting to actually finish a game before releasing it. Gasp.

EDIT: Valve may miss some insignificant dates like the preload, but they missed that date by about a week. People are acting as if they've missed the preload date, then 3 years later finally got around to preloading. And all that time you were giving Valve £10 a second until it came out. Waiting a week for something (especially something so insignificant to the release of the game) is NOTHING; you lose absolutely nothing. It's the equivilant of a film starting 5 minutes late at the cinema. You don't go on a huge rant about how the cinema should be lucky that you are so patient and other such crap.

The first RC is going to be sent a few weeks later than we expected. That's because the CS:S beta isn't bug free. What do you expect Valve to do? "We know there are bugs but we're going to submit the RC anyway". Why submit something that you know will fail.

Valve haven't said that Half-Life 2 will come out in November. Gamespot just said it looks that way. All Valve said was that they think Half-Life 2 will be good enough to submit to Vivendi on the 15th of September. Even if they did say it will come out in November (Which they didn't) it's still stupid to get angry. Why get angry at them because they said the game will come out in the Autumn and then you find out it is actually coming out in Autumn.

"a few weeks later than we expected?"... i think we all expected it BY last christmas man... we've waited goddamn long enough... this is getting REALLY annoying... I mean for God's sakes, maybe next month, nah, maybe next month, nah, sry somebody stole our codes, april, definately april, nah, maybe summer i'm sure of it, yup yup summer, early july, july 2nd, go out and get your new computers now it's coming in summer! nah, well, it'll be august, nah, lets make it late august, well, cs:s is coming out august 12 er something, nah lets push that back, OKAY IT FINALLY CAME OUT! hl2 preload, pushed back, pushed back again, pushed back AGAIN, and EVEN ONE MORE TIME!!!! going gold soon guys, back in late july they're like, it says there's only 16 days left on bugs! we're all like WOO HOO, nah, maybe a few more, hmm, maybe a release candidate on september 15?

i do no expect a release candidate on september 15!!!! i would not be surprised if they say, sry guys, christmas, definately christmas, well... looks like we're not gonna make it this christmas, early january, we ran into some difficulty's and it'll definately be out by st. patricks day... well, middle april... nah, how about summer, definatly summer, uhh, later in the summer... OH WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT!!! SOMEBODY STOLE OUR GODDAMN CODES AGAIN! OH WELL! THERE WAS A BUG IN THE DISCS SHIPPED, "DOUG LOMBARDI RECALLS ALL DISCS SENT TO VIVENDI!!!" "THE DRIVERS OF ALL THE TRUCKS CARRYING ALL OF THE HALF LIFE 2 COPIES DIED!!!" WHADDAYA KNOW!!!??? LETS START OVER!!!! DON'T WORRY! WE'LL MAKE IT EVEN BETTER!!!!


...please... *sniffle sniffle*... all I want is my Half Life 2... please..
Feath said:
Lombardi said nothing about November. Gamespot are the ones saying that November. A first RC in the middle of September would mean something a lot sooner than November. Unless it will take Valve a month to fix all the issues with the RCs.

Also, Valve said that they are going to submit a RC after the CS Beta. ( I have no reason to doubt this quote.

Yup, and they said 30 September 2003 too, that quote surely sucked... :thumbs:

What happened to the whole "16 days until all the bugs are gone and we send a release candidate to VU?"

The joke that is Hl2 and its release continues for another 11 days at least.

wouldn't that be funny if they had a recall of all the hl2 discs after they shipped it to vivendi?
I want the game as much as everyone else, but..

All these delays and speculations and whatnot will just make the gold announcement much more.. enjoyable :)
And November becomes December. Then it becomes January, then February, etc, etc.

Valve you are pathetic.
OTT said:
And November becomes December. Then it becomes January, then February, etc, etc.

Valve you are pathetic.

Isn't that a bit 'insert you name here'?
azz0r said:
You have to consider that Viv will wanna beta test it for about 2 weeks, so defo mid Nov.

why would VU want to beta it?? Its not their game, all theyre doin is mass producing it onto little pieces of plastic and putting it in cardboard boxes and sending them to us. no need to test it, thats what valve and us css players are for! :thumbs:
Point is the game is done when its in your hands/harddrive and you are playing the full complete non-leaked-beta version.
"HL2 will be released this summer"

my ass.

I don't care if it's September of November. There are a lot of other nice games going to be released in September wich I want to buy too and if I would get all those games simultaniously I would going to be crazy because I couldn't decide wich one I should play.
The Mullinator said:
errr... They say "When its done". I don't think it is even possible to lie or make a mistake about that.

nope. they should better jump on the 3drealms "WID" train, but they don't. they give us release dates (and every time, it seems to be a sure thing) but the reality looks different.

doug lombardi said a month or two ago, that they're planning to release it in autumn. so, if it comes out in oct. or nov., it's actually no delay. hopefully, they ship in october. i want this game sooo much. :)
Think of it this way guys. How many Half-Life fans may have died since HL2 the game has been announced to be in production? How many have died since the missed Sept 2003 release date? And how many more will die waiting between now and its actual release date? Look around you guys, some of you aren't going to make it. CAN U LIVE WITH THIS, VALVE!

LOL (BTW, I'll be living in a plastic bubble until release)
Feath said:
I'm saying that those people waiting shouldn't complain about having to wait, not that they should be happy about it.

Lack of understanding of Game development is no excuse for being stupidly angry at Valve. If you bought any hardware JUST for a 40 hour long game, you're an idiot. If you bought it to take advantage of many games, you're not. You can still use that hardware to run other games. And it will still run Half-Life 2 when it finally comes out.

Valve said "We are hoping to get the game out for a fall release". November is a fall release. Therefore: No delay. Just because you thought the game should come out earlier means nothing.
i complain about having to wait, because the $700 i spent on a vid card because the game was supposed to be coming out, could have been about 400...oh wait...the 9800xt is 350 now....
do you understand?
i wasted $350....i've been waiting for 6 years for this when they said it was coming out i jumped and upgraded! now....that money could have got me a card that performs twice as good as my current. had i known that HL2 is not coming out, i would not have bought my card. Valve, and thier lies, COST ME HARD EARNED DOLLARS. FAR AS I AM CONCERNED, I HOPE SOMEONE DOES HACK'EM AND LEAK THE GAME ALMOST...LET THEM LOSE MONEY LIKE I HAVE. thankfully i am patient, and forgiving, and damn well addicted, or they wouldn't get the money i still have saved to buy the GAME when it comes out.
Chris_D said:
As often as necessary so we can try and make things sound a lot better than they actually are [...]

[Londo Mollari]Sounds right![/Londo Mollari]

It's quite dumbfounding how, after all that's happened, Valve still go ahead and make public guesstimates about future development phases.
How long do they think they can dangle the carrot?
X-Vector said:
[Londo Mollari]Sounds right![/Londo Mollari]

It's quite dumbfounding how, after all that's happened, Valve still go ahead and make public guesstimates about future development phases.
How long do they think they can dangle the carrot?

Until someone bites it off, and hopefully takes Lombardi's hand by accident with it.
November 15th, which would make it perfect for the Holiday Season to skip the School Season slump.

But I can't wait that long!!
"HL2 will be released this summer"

my ass."

Hey it will be summer in Australia
I'm starting to believe Doug's word over Gabe's now.

I wonder if there's something wrong with me.
Why does this remind me of a book I read called Catch-22....
Vampire the Masquarade: Bloodlines is "supposed" to be released on October 31, so basically if Valve and VU don't release HL2 by that date then won't Bloodlines have to be pushed back? If Bloodlines release date is pretty firm isn't that a clue that Valve and VU a shooting for a pre-October 31 release? Just a thought.
It depends what's in the licensing agreement of the Source engine. It may be the case that there isn't a clause about not releasing it before Half-Life 2, in which case Troika(?) will be free to release Bloodlines whenever they like.

if its delayed to november, sure its not gonna kill anyone. but that still will blow. its pretty ridiculous to have a game delayed anywhere near a year (especially not over) when they so vehemently stuck to their sept. 30. they even would say things like "we don't want to be like other companies. we wanted to wait to give you guys a release date when we were sure we could make it." if its november...well really i cant' even comprehend how they could be that off when they pushed sept 30 till a week before. whatever though. its going to be a great game no matter what. they probably should have kept their mouths shut until like they were positive that they were within 3-6 months of going gold
I bet the new GTA will be released on time with no delays...
well im new here so hi there we go introduced. i for one am both a bit twinked at Valve but im also happy too. mad cause i wan to play hl2 dammit and happy because i had time to update my system to run hl2 and other games really well. couldnt even run hl2 on my old system.
The Sept. 15 date seems really odd to me. I'm not really that upset that the game might not come out until November, even though I just built a new computer with the belief that HL2 was close. Instead, I find the idea that they would allow pre-loading this early very odd. There's just no reason to start pre-loading if the game is 6-8 weeks or more away. I work for a major game retailer, and I can realistically say that HL2 will be released no earlier than a month after the game goes gold. Just look at Doom 3, Warcraft 3, Diablo 2, etc. Major titles take a month from "gold" to store shelves because of the time needed to produce that last CD and make sure mass quantities are shipped to everyone in time to so they can all have it on the shelves the same day. That's how it works with titles like this.

As for the fate of Vampire, I think it was pretty much confirmed a while ago that it can't come out until after HL2, and even then has to wait a certain amount of time so as to not "steal" HL2's thunder. I'm realistically figuring that Vampire is now next year, for sure. Valve may have to pay a penalty to Activision (Vampire's publisher), but Valve seems to be willing to do that if necessary.
Why does it say that a locked copy of Half Life 2 is available on my PC
Why do people even go on this website?

This is... You, and you have been running in circles with a hammer in one hand and a panalshe knife in the other; with a gay guy behind you. Imagine this, all the while you are on television, and you know that you can't be gay because you will be judged by your audience. So you try to pretend your straight, but you still get all hot in the pants about the gay guy grabbing your ass as he caught you from behind so you fall down. Ohh, realize now you got stabbed with your knife and hit hard with the hammer, which was in your other hand!

Thats just how it is in the world of Video Game Makers.

They take you down! Like gay guys!