Release Date?

10th August. Lucky guess, but this comes with the secret exclusive that PCGAMER UK have in store on August the 5th
:dozey: I think it's going to be September 1st or September 30th.
LOL i was looking at the now famous "white broad"

The last number on the broad is 3, so im going to say Aug. 3 for laughs. I think that's the day they give in the final copy of HL2 to VU games. The game should be gold in late Aug. and should be in stores around the 2nd or 4th of Sep. Will that's my guess. :borg:
re·leas·er Listen: [ r -l s r ] n.

To set free from confinement, restraint, or bondage: released the prisoners.

To free from something that binds, fastens, or holds back; let go: released the balloons; released a flood of questions.

To dismiss, as from a job.

To relieve of debt or obligation.

To relieve of care and suffering.

a. To issue for performance, sale, publication, or distribution. b. To make known or available.

To relinquish (a right or claim).

A deliverance or liberation, as from confinement, restraint, or suffering.

An authoritative discharge, as from an obligation or from prison.

An unfastening or letting go of something caught or held fast.

A device or catch for locking or releasing a mechanism.

a. The act or an instance of issuing something for publication, use, or distribution. b. Something thus released: a new release of a software program. c. The condition of being available, in use, or in publication: a movie in wide release.

Law a. Relinquishment to another of a right, title, or claim. b. The document authorizing such relinquishment.

Linguistics The movement of a vocal organ or organs so as to end the closure of a stop consonant.

date 1 Listen: [ d t ] n. * a. Time stated in terms of the day, month, and year. b. A statement of calendar time, as on a document.

To mark or supply with a date: date a letter.

To determine the date of: date a fossil.

To betray the age of: Pictures of old cars date the book.

To go on a date or dates with.
I'm betting for the last part of August, September = bad memories :p
argh... shoot the thread opener!

seriously though, Half Life 2 went gold on September 30th 2003 and Valve have been keeping it in storage just to annoy us all since then.
I know when it will come out on
September 30th 2003!
Just all the box's are invisible and valve is trying to disenable there invisibility!
Muahahahha! Im going insane arn't i?
Minerel said:
I know when it will come out on
September 30th 2003!
Just all the box's are invisible and valve is trying to disenable there invisibility!
Muahahahha! Im going insane arn't i?

yep, and you're copying what I'm saying! your n00bness cant keep up with me!!!1111!!

Yay 1000 posts!
Hordon=Gman, Gman is GayMan/Gunmna.. fingernails all long and NastyLike... Egggghhiiii
Oh for the love of... The game will be released for X-mas.
i think , or hope that it will come on august 9th !! (my birthday) :)
eber said:
i think , or hope that it will come on august 9th !! (my birthday) :)

That'd be a nice bday gift...

Maybe it'll come quicker though..possibly the first :D

But I doubt it...
We know just about as much as VALVe and Vivendi do about the release date...
The_Monkey said:
Was that a joke?
LOL what do you think... everyone on this site would be parked at the Wal-Marts of the world and sleep overnight till the store opens up... sort of like what happened with the PS2... :cheers:
im gonna take a wild guess....and if i guess it rite i hope valve sends me a free copy of hl2 .......august 30th or september 25th
sroom2 said:
LOL what do you think... everyone on this site would be parked at the Wal-Marts of the world and sleep overnight till the store opens up... sort of like what happened with the PS2... :cheers:

To go gold and to be released is nor the same thing...but I figured that it was a joke.
dino_21 said:
im gonna take a wild guess....and if i guess it rite i hope valve sends me a free copy of hl2 .......august 30th or september 25th

I'm gonna take a wild guess too, and if i guess it right i hope valve sends me a free copy of HL2 also!!


Wheres my copy of HL2!!!!

Ah here it is...came UPS. Damn, now thats what I call speedy delivery!!
Okay, I now think...

September 4th.

When its Done

When its Done....just wait till it comes :smoking:
Only VALVe knows :p

This is going to go down in the history of gaming as, "Greatest PC game of ALL TIME"

probably win 4 game of the decade awards, and 10 Game of the Year awards :D

lol...Ok, whatever...but seriously, they might win a couple (or couple hundred) Game of the Year awards...
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Only VALVe knows :p

This is going to go down in the history of gaming as, "Greatest PC game of ALL TIME"

probably win 4 game of the decade awards, and 10 Game of the Year awards :D

lol...Ok, whatever...but seriously, they might win a couple (or couple hundred) Game of the Year awards...
Or DOOM³ takes them away infront of HL²'s nose for being on shelves faster
zea i bet it will be august the 9th ,my birthday :p