Release Date?!!!!

First of all it's from a random site, secondly it would be all over the net by now imo, and thirdly they aren't supposed to release it untill one month after Half Life 2 are they? Would be excellent if they did release it on Nov 26 though.
November 26'th is of course a Tuesday, and most of these games are of course released on a Tuesday.

I'm assuming that if there was a clause stating that Bloodlines must be released 1 full month after HL2's release then that clause has been waved.

Christmas is the time when a lot of these titles get sold, and I'm certain that the people at Valve know this - they want Bloodlines to succeed just as much as anyone does, and I'm certain that they wouldn't want to harm it by holding it back so close to Christmas, if you understand my meaning.

Then again, this is all just speculation.

Man, am I ever a little depressed that more people aren't excited about this game. I thought that there would've been a huge Bloodlines Community by now.

Has anybody played Fable - look at the hype that was generated for that piece of crap. And here we have Bloodlines, which is a thousand times more interesting, and far deeper, and yet nobody seems to care.

Where the hell are all the dedicated role players? What are they doing, playing Fable? God they can all go to hell.
WabeWalker said:
November 26'th is of course a Tuesday, and most of these games are of course released on a Tuesday.

I'm assuming that if there was a clause stating that Bloodlines must be released 1 full month after HL2's release then that clause has been waved.

Christmas is the time when a lot of these titles get sold, and I'm certain that the people at Valve know this - they want Bloodlines to succeed just as much as anyone does, and I'm certain that they wouldn't want to harm it by holding it back so close to Christmas, if you understand my meaning.

Then again, this is all just speculation.

Man, am I ever a little depressed that more people aren't excited about this game. I thought that there would've been a huge Bloodlines Community by now.

Has anybody played Fable - look at the hype that was generated for that piece of crap. And here we have Bloodlines, which is a thousand times more interesting, and far deeper, and yet nobody seems to care.

Where the hell are all the dedicated role players? What are they doing, playing Fable? God they can all go to hell.

who said that there arent a lot of fans ?? :)
im sure a lot will emerge when the gamne will come out atm they r just reading all the posts they can find on the subject.
The problem is the lack of an official forum or a truly big fansite like this one.

I'm assuming that if there was a clause stating that Bloodlines must be released 1 full month after HL2's release then that clause has been waved.

Doug said that there is no time limit, but that it simply cannot be released prior to HL2. So no clause it seems, and theoretically it could be released the very second after HL2 releases.
WabeWalker I agree totally with everything you said, even the release date part seems logical.

Vampires may be the greatest game ever made it IS as good as HL2 I just know it (er because we've all seen the game being played most likely, see the Yahoo clips), so it's at least joint best game ever made. But it may just be better due to more variation in gameplay.

Most developers' have the talent to code games like these technically, but where's the art? The cinematics? The realism? These game are a rarity - although "Fareinheit" is another game which could be special.
i care about bloodlines pity about no multiplayer
WabeWalker said:
November 26'th is of course a Tuesday, and most of these games are of course released on a Tuesday.

I'm assuming that if there was a clause stating that Bloodlines must be released 1 full month after HL2's release then that clause has been waved.

Christmas is the time when a lot of these titles get sold, and I'm certain that the people at Valve know this - they want Bloodlines to succeed just as much as anyone does, and I'm certain that they wouldn't want to harm it by holding it back so close to Christmas, if you understand my meaning.

Then again, this is all just speculation.

Man, am I ever a little depressed that more people aren't excited about this game. I thought that there would've been a huge Bloodlines Community by now.

Has anybody played Fable - look at the hype that was generated for that piece of crap. And here we have Bloodlines, which is a thousand times more interesting, and far deeper, and yet nobody seems to care.

Where the hell are all the dedicated role players? What are they doing, playing Fable? God they can all go to hell.

Sorry to break this to you but November 26th is a Friday.

Well everywhere is saying the 6th of November (despite the HL2 clause)!? Was this just the date Gamespy was saying and now everywhere is reiterating an incorrect date??? Gamespot, IGN, gamespy and other's are saying the 6th. Then again you have to get the word from the developers/publisher (however they're saying it in their previews so...)
HMV in the UK have the release date for Bloodlines as the 19/11/2004
I think it's safe to assume it will be soon after HL2 is released and in November.
from what i understand bloodlines is in the polish/bug fixing mode right now so it shouldnt be to long before it goes gold. It's also a title that will getr eleased 1-2 weeks tops after it goes gold. Unless they plan on a much larger market than they are saying than nov 26th is very plausible.
CptStern said:
November 26!!!

wont get it till after I play HL2 to death

sorry Stern.
i don't believe the pple over at Troika are crazy enough to release their game anywhere near HL2's release date... simply because it will get killed in sales just out of sheer popularity.

i think a more realistic date is somewhere closer to X-mas.. like say the last week of X-mas shopping.. it wouldn't surprise me if they held off into the new year either.
I respectfully disagree with the statement above - in fact, the past has taught developers that holding off a title until January is the single worst way to market a game.

I have knowledge of an old adventure game called Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within. The developers desperately tried to get that game out for Christmas, but just couldn't do it.

So they released the game on Jan 01.

That release date cost the developers dearly, because even though the game was a massive critical success, the vast majority of gamers, which are actually casual, rather than hardcore, had already purchased all of their games at Christmas time.

Christmas sales drive this industry - like it or not.

We hardcore gamers hate it because it means that for eight to ten months of the year we have nothing to play... and then all of a sudden come November there's this deluge of games.

Unfortunately, the marketing people understand this all too well.

A perfect example. The ninth Ultima game, Ascension, was headed for a late February release, when the marketing people ordered the development team to ship the title before Christmas, or else they would cancel the project.

The development team had no choice but to ship a program that they knew to be incomplete. They'd been working on the game for four years and were completely blown away by the fact that they were actually shipping a game that was incomplete.

The point is, from a financial standpoint, it actually made sense to ship the game before Christmas. A lot of people bought Ascension - myself included.

As far as Bloodlines is concerned, releasing it near to the Half-Life 2 release date wouldn't be nearly as devastating as releasing it after Christmas. I swear to god, Christmas is everything in the game's biz.
WabeWalker is correct.

Just look at all the titles being released in November this year, look at how many are comming out early November to maximize their chances of sales vs bigger titles such as HL2 imo. Vampire:B is an excellent game, people know it and November would be the best time to release it imo.
And don't forget that a lot of people will buy Bloodlines simply because they see it on the shelf. "Ah, a vampire game - Jack will love this; he's always coming home late, and he never has a tan, and all he ever wears is black..."

Most of these people - and for many of us this is difficult to grasp - will not even know what Half-Life 2 is.

Have you ever walked into an EB outlet on a Sunday afternoon! My god those places are packed wall to wall with The Great Unwashed. These people when they pick up the game boxes are actually seeing the game for the very first time.

Indeed, should Half-Life 2 end up selling out (because all of the hard-core gamers went in and bought all of the copies) then games like Bloodlines will prosper - new games, of course, are placed on a special shelf where people tend to pick them up and have a look.

What's the shelf-life for these games, by the way? Is it still six months?

Myself, I always give my Christmas gaming wish list to family members. The list is sorted according to which games I want the most. Without fail they end up buying number seven or eight on the list: "Armed And Danger wasn't in any of the stores, I checked everywhere."

"It was 'Armed and DANGEROUS', not 'Armed And Danger'!"

"No, it wasn't."

"Yes it was."

"Well, that's not what you wrote down on your list."

"Yes it was. Where's the list, I'll prove it."

"I don't have the list. I threw it away."

Oh yeah, that reminds me of the year that I asked my Father to buy Descent for me.

He went into the gaming store and asked the sales guy if they had a copy of Decent. The guy just laughed and said, "I think you mean Descent... yeah, we've got it... it's a pretty decent game, by the way."

Most of these people - and for many of us this is difficult to grasp - will not even know what Half-Life 2 is.
Come again?

lol at looking for the wrong game.

It's always best to buy game's yourself, just ask for the money or get the parents' credit card and buy online. ;)

I hated decent, er I mean...

Seriously. I don't think I've just bought a game based on the box in about 12 years, if ever. I'll always look at the previews and reviews etc. Although like with HL2 and Vamp I know I want them despite the whatever reviews say, although in this case the reviews make me want it even more.
Blad3 said:

Come again?

lol at looking for the wrong game.

It's always best to buy game's yourself, just ask for the money or get the parents' credit card and buy online. ;)

I hated decent, er I mean...

Seriously. I don't think I've just bought a game based on the box in about 12 years, if ever. I'll always look at the previews and reviews etc. Although like with HL2 and Vamp I know I want them despite the whatever reviews say, although in this case the reviews make me want it even more.

The mere act of reading a review - be it on the internet, or in a magazine - automatically places you in the 'hard-core gamer' category.

Seriously, the vast majority of games bought at around Christmas time aren't bought by hardcore gamers. Difficult to believe, but true.

The truth is, I could walk out onto the busiest downtown street in any city and easily locate a thousand people who've never heard of Half-Life.

The Sims on the other hand...
It's nice to know I'm a hardcore gamer :p

WabeWalker said:
Seriously, the vast majority of games bought at around Christmas time aren't bought by hardcore gamers. Difficult to believe, but true.

I suppose as most people aren't Hardcore gamer's that make's sense, although I would not have know for sure..

I actually played Sims 2 - first time I'd played a sims game, was addicted to it for a few days but now I never want to play it again. Not my thing really.

Half life 2 will possibly push the name into the mainstream, like knowing the name of a popular movie people will know HL2 eventually, imo. In actual fact you could walk up to most people and they wouldn't of heard of the sims in London, but then I've never tried. :p It's certainly far too popular for it's own good. Good games like HL2 will increase sales and therefore profits and increase interest in fps's even more, leading to better games...or sims-like fpss :S. Or, worst yet, even more doom3 clones :*(

Anyway:- any word on the Vamp release date? If it's going to be the end of Nov they better announce it soon, never heard of a dev/publishier announcing a release date a week/days before a game's out (so the nearer the 26th of Nov is without Troika letting out the release date for Vamp, the less chance there is of it comming out by the 26th imo.)
Btw with most casual PC gamer's I could easily imagine this scenario:

*Mom/friend etc buy's Jack Vampire:B because he's a bit of a vamp, Jack get's the game*
Jack: "Hmm interesting vampire: the Mas-quer-ade...'Bloodlines', strange... *

Installs on PC, *2 hours later on 4x CD-ROM drive.*

Jack: "Finally, ah can't wait to see what this is all about " *hours later after reading intruction manual from beggining to the end*.

Jack: "Right, 'play' - oops bedtime no game is worth missing sleep over."

*Next day around the same time*

Jack: Oh, right yeah the game, I'll play after I've done some work, because playing a computer game before work would be childish."

*After work* Jack: "OK, the game. Vampire...mas-qu...erm - Bloodlines."

*clicks Bloodlines icon...* Jack:"er..." *...double clicks icon....*

Jack: OK..."Loading"..."Loading"....erm wtf is "MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS "XXXXXXX p3 2Ghz" !?"

Jack: "WTF?!?!?! I Only got this thing (PC) 2 and a half years ago, why won't it work. Man I'm never going to ask mum for one of these PC game's again, infact I'll tell her not to buy me any more games that don't work I.E All vampire PC games! I can't even play it with my friend's! Man people who play PC game's must be loner's."

*Turns on PS2 and plays a game with his friends.*
Found this it's on

After a request we made recently, Shane DeFreest answered some questions about release date and modding.

Here is the result:

Shane DeFreest:
The truth is that a HL2 release only really becomes evident when HL2 is indeed on store shelves.

Shane DeFreest:
The game is slated for November. I dont have an exact date at this time.
But Activision wont set a date before HL2 hits the stores - is that what you mean?

Shane DeFreest:
As of this time, yes.


Shane DeFreest:
As for moding given that the game is no longer multi-player we wont be releasing a toolset with it.
so its definetely canceled? (mods)?

Shane DeFreest:
Like I said we dont plan to release a toolset given the lack of multiplayer.

So November 26th is still believable but unconfirmed until HL2's release because it seems Valve has lost credibility even to third party publishers ^_^.
That's odd, no multiplayer = no toolset. Singeplayer mods exist as well don't they? Hell a singleplayer only RPG like Morrowind has a huge amount of mods.
Damnit, We'll have to wait till the 16th for a release date from troika/Acti? Bah.
Blad3 said:
First of all it's from a random site, secondly it would be all over the net by now imo, and thirdly they aren't supposed to release it untill one month after Half Life 2 are they? Would be excellent if they did release it on Nov 26 though.

actually valve said in one of their interviews they would allow the release of games using source at anytime after hl2 is relased
so basically they can go release is 17th november
Is anybody here going to play Vampire before HL2?

I am.

I have suspect that I'm going to enjoy Vampire more than HL2, simply because it's an RPG. Based on what I've read so far, however, it seems that HL2 will be a much more profound sensual experience - visually, aurally, storywise; they're saying that HL2 has got it all.

My belief is that Vampire, when I see it in action for the first time is going to blow me away. If I were to see HL2 in action first, however, I believe that I would be... er, less blown away by Vampire.

I suppose it's like having a meal, and then having dessert (or would that be desert?)
99% of the time I'm "WTF?" with the dates displayed on web sites.

Classic example is for Bloodlines.

EB have it as Nov 16
Activision Aus have it as 'Available Now'
Activision N/America & UK don't even have the game listed in their 'Browse Titles' menu :S

Makes me laugh when even the distributor can't get the date right.

No use pondering about it though, it's out when it's out. Not as if we can do anything to hurry it up.
it will be released on Nov 19

this is confirmed by an Activision press release
nah Wabe, I couldn't bare not to play and complete half life 2 asap, VampireB might be even better, so you'll get 2 meanings of life one after the over, the complete set. Although I just like the characters in HL2 so much...
tvharti said:
it will be released on Nov 19

this is confirmed by an Activision press release

Source? Don't see any news about this, and activision hasn't posted any press releases on their site either. Besides, it hasn't even gone gold yet, and activision has until now refused to set a date until hl2 is on shelves.
A mate of mine called Activision in Sydney today.

He asked if there was a release date for Bloodlines, he was told Nov 18.

EB here in Perth have a release date of Nov 19, which I expect for a Sydney release date of Nov 18. For some reason us West Aussie get things a day later on most occassions.