Release Info from HLR/HLS = not reliable

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The Thing said:
Duh ;), that's what happens when you discredit someone's site. Same thing happens here....:)

1. I didn't discredit anyone, I was asking who that Newton guy was + I posted those numbers on ours + there trafic.

2. You wouldn't get banned here for posting your opinion of another site, unless it was pure filth.
I'm not aware of anyone on being banned because they like HLradio or have tried to discredit info in the info thread. In fact, the mods have several times warned, closed threads, and even banned people that badmouthed HLradio too hard.
Apos said:
In fact, the mods have several times warned, closed threads, and even banned people that badmouthed HLradio too hard.

That is because we have excellent moderaters.
Six Three said:
That is because we have excellent moderaters.

werd. they seem very fair to me, i haven't really witnessed any unjustices here ever, and if what you say about your account banning for stating facts, then that's some major BS over at HLradio.
I agree with statements about radio pulling stunts,

But in this particular instance, it should be noted that the email from valve said "not from us," Not "this is false"

The information that was distributed by HLradio (given the benefit of the doubt) could be from Vivendi, or using poor sources (ie outside of valve, someone low on the vivendi chain of command, etc etc) rather than deceitful lying.

It's important to keep an open mind ( who knows, they could be right), but HLR's treatment of dissenting posts does not help its credibility in the least. Rather than countering with posts that address complaints or accusations, they censor, delete, ban etc. to keep outside views out.

My god, HLR is run by the combine!
Also, on the radio they said they got all their info from CNN and some online sites.
Personally, I hate all this site bashing stuff....

HLR/HS members : your site is LYING/CRAP...
HL2.NET members : no HLR/HS is LYING/CRAP....

Like a couple of kids fighting over a power ranger.... At the moment, the info that I get from BOTH these sites/sources is compromised (both blaming one another).
or the KGB!

In a quick retrospect, i just looked at their inflamatory NEWS POST on this vital piece of controversy.

He point blank asks Gabe Newell if Valve fu,,er messed up

----- Original Message -----
From: Gabe Newell
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:31 PM
To: Dave Newton; Doug Lombardi; Andy Hodges
Subject: Is forums lying?


First time I've heard anything about the email. Let me check into it and get back to you.


From: Dave Newton
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:19 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Re: Is forums lying?

There's a thread going around on the forums that Half-Life Radio & Half-Life Source lied about their recent news. The news is about the possible fall since Vivendi might need time to get it on the store shelves. The email was passed around by Jonathan Griffin at Is this all true? Did you really send him that?
so he is essentially asking Gabe if he called HLR liars, or if forged/lied about a valve email.

This question is along the lines of "have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
There is no good way to answer this ultimatum. Either Valve lied or messed up, or he has to say that one of 2 large HL2 communities is lying.

Now if you look at the original email that Mr. Griffin sent to Valve, he's not calling HLr liars, he's asking if the information is reliable and if it could be inaccurate. That is not condemning HLR, if anything is, its the response "not from us"

But that still leaves the possibility that the information came from a source that might seem reliable (Vivendi), but is inaccurate. A SIMPLE GOD DAMN MISTAKE rather than a millicious attack on one site by another.

edit: few corrections in names/grammar, and i'm sorry for the incindiary post, but why can't there be a middle ground on this?
I gotta quick question. Who actually puts Half-life 2 on the store shelves?? Vivendi or Valve????
Vivendi takes the master disc from valve and reproduces it, adds manuals, packages it and distributes it - afaik.
nother quick Q, is it Vivendi or Sierra, which is a part of Vivendi (I think)
I'd like to add a few things myself

1) Discuss the sites...discuss numbers.... but please don't make us lock this.

2)Well, I have read a few e-mails in th HLS forums that were "from gabe" (in particular, one asking about valves relationship with us, and gabe said they have no contact with us...figured it was false... it was)....they seemed suspect, e-mailed gabe, he confirmed my suspcions... I would like to, however, point out that these were jsut from community members there... not from the staff, so don't jump any guns here....

3) jsut fun with a calculator. Assume HL2.Net=100% (as of a week ago)
Half-Life Source Has:
~54% members
~12% threads
~6% posts
that Hl2.Net has.

BUT AGAIN: be careful with this thread.....
hiln said:
Also, on the radio they said they got all their info from CNN and some online sites.

I checked on the CNN site and searched for half-life 2 and I got nothing recent and nothing that would confirm this recent myth.
Do you see what the boredom that has been caused by the delay and lack of information is doing to us? Since we have nothing else to do, HL2 fansite's are beginning to attempt to discredit each other on every possible tiny bit of information. Everyone's tempers are short right now, since we are all highly anticipating some new information from Valve soon (since it is (arguably) summer now.) HLR shouldn't have toyed with everybody at this point in time, and shouldn't have blown their story way out of proportion, and we shouldn't have believed them. The release of the game may prove as a cease fire, so let's hope that it's released soon :cheers: (or that we get some real info soon) Then maybe all of the fighting will stop :upstare:

EDIT: We can't even trust e-mails from Valve anymore... Fabricating e-mails to make other sites look bad is going WAY too far :eek: I would hate to be Gabe right now, stuck in the middle of this fued, trying to confirm and discredit various e-mails...
I wonder why Gabe doesn't just use public/private key encryption. Then we could all easily confirm that the mails are from him.
Jesus Christ you're all like f*cking kids. Grow the hell up you little nancies.
So mature of you to put it like that ;) But I agree, everybody needs to stop bashing. We can just ignore HLR, we don't need to take shots at each other.
Everyone who cant stop bitching and moaning about HLR or any other HL site. Just give it up you whiny pussies, it's old and boring.
Apos said:
I wonder why Gabe doesn't just use public/private key encryption. Then we could all easily confirm that the mails are from him.

I think this is a good idea - but I also am sure he has enuff on his plate at the moment just getting the game ready to set up any encryption software just to converse with us. Still it's a good idea....
Well, at the rate this is going, we're going to have a flame-war with pretty soon.
Joy .....
Neo_Kuja said:
Well, at the rate this is going, we're going to have a flame-war with pretty soon.
Joy .....
Wait, you mean we aren't already :rolling: ?
The thing is, both sites are totally different. They should both be judged by it's own merits, not by it's letdowns. An example : : An excellent information site with excellent forums + good moderators. Weapons + Enemies lists await, and the friendly community congregate here to discuss intelligently about the upcoming game HL2. An excellent site. : ...... Ummmm, errrrrr, yeah, anyone want to comment ?
The thing that really amuses me, is that HLR are convinced that we have some kind of vendetta against them, and go all out to try and discredit them.

HLR guys: The "Info from Valve" thread consists entirely of email responses that were submitted to us by our members.

If you think we sit around trying to think up ways of getting you, then you're really giving yourselves far too much credit.
You really have to wonder who spends their time posting on those sites. Other than Hodges, who very likely likes the money. :p
Seriously: I had never even heard of their site until E3. It's not like I had built up some vendetta against them. I didn't even know who they were.
Varsity said:
You really have to wonder who spends their time posting on those sites. Other than Hodges, who very likely likes the money. :p

They have their own members. Some members frequent HLR and

The only thing that irks me about HLR is the level of hypocrisy. They accuse us of "site bashing", and yet do the same thing themselves. They accuse us of having over-zealous moderators, and yet they ban at the drop of a hat.

It's fairly obvious that we represent two different parts of the same community. Vive la difference.

(also, asserting that we don't represent the HL2 community is dead right. As long as they also accept that they don't either. )
PiMuRho said:
(also, asserting that we don't represent the HL2 community is dead right. As long as they also accept that they don't either. )
Sadly enough, taking the bratty CS community into account they present far fewer members, but of the average demeanour.
Can we drop the HL Radio bashing? I don't want to see our forums locked down again because they decide to do a massive spamming campaign on us.
I'll probably be burned by bringing this up, but maybe it's true? Here's my reasoning:

- I don't think the guys over at HLS and HLR have a brain capacity of zero, they can discern over whether a fact is true or false depending on it's source and context.

- Gabe has lied to us before. He's told us that the September 30th date was still on, and then turned around and told magazine publishers that it was not.

- With the new media blitz, new content, the website, new screenshots, it looks like Valve is gearing up for a late summer/early fall release anyways.

So, why is this not so believable?
Kinda like two rival gangs, one spams in the other one's forums, and then the other group does the same. This could go on forever ......

BUT I do have my doubts on how long HLRadio is going to survive after the release of HL2. These forums (No favouritism here) will survive because of the influx of newbies who need help with the game, but I doubt that HLR will do the same thing, as they *vaguely* specalize in info about the game (even if they steal it off other sites .......), but don't seem to have the "forum friendly" feel that the forums have, but have a more "gritty" feel to them, with mods banning on a whim ....etc. This site (as I can see it) will probably become a main hub for HL2 fans due to the info/friendly community .... etc, while HLR dissappears into the darkness that is the internet due to it no longer being useful .........
NEO_kuja, what did blahblahblahblah just say?
Can we drop the HL Radio bashing? I don't want to see our forums locked down again because they decide to do a massive spamming campaign on us.

This. I wasn't HLR bashing, I was just stating what I thought what would happen after HL2 is released, In my opinion, that ain't HLR bashing .......
I think you guys need to seek some help. Sitting on a forum and beeing 11 years old, moaning about another _great_ community site is just.. Childish. Aren't you over atleast, 15 years? Can't you act like 'mature' people? Do you have to fight and beeing angry for people to listen to you? :S

I mean, who hated HLR at E3-2004? When I was in their channel at least 50 people from was in there listening to their show.. And now when they say that they have some HL2-relase-date-info, you all blame them for lying? You have some sort of Dubble-moral :S Don't be so hyped and take it cool.. It's summer, stay out, get some hot girls, party ETC. Don't ruing your summer in the bloody forums and beeing.. immature.

Well, if the "rumor" is wrong -whatsoever-, I still don't think HLR would write about it with purpose. They are _huge_, it would be like CNN lying about "George W Bush died in a planecrash".. I think something got messed up, a little misstake that EVERYONE can do.

Well, children, get out and play :)
And now we have someone going overboard on the other side.

I mean, who hated HLR at E3-2004? When I was in their channel at least 50 people from was in there listening to their show..

And then getting really irritated when they didn't deliver what they had hyped up.

And now when they say that they have some HL2-relase-date-info, you all blame them for lying?

See this is ridiculous. Nobody said that they were lying, but rather that their information is both a) not new and b) not from reliably helpful sources. That's not calling them liars. And yet that's what people at HLS claim, and now they call people at liars in mock retaliation, even though that wasn't what responsible people here were saying at all in the first place.

They are _huge_, it would be like CNN lying about "George W Bush died in a planecrash".. I think something got messed up, a little misstake that EVERYONE can do.

Sorry, but the only CNN of the HL world is Planethalflife. Though Valve has said that they are more like FoxNews. :) The HLR guys aren't some magical creatures from another planet: they are just HL fans like the rest of us trying to make sense of what's happening based on contradictory, cryptic, and incomplete information floating around. They don't have any special powers that make them any more or less infaliable than the rest of us, and they've been wrong and/or confused about stuff just as often as everyone else.

So geez, enough with the delusions of granduer. All the sites in the community are important and have their own niches and mini-communities.
If you register over there and said something like

"i think your wrong"

you would be banned.

however theres been plenty of people in here saying that about this site and none of them have even been warned never mind banned by a moderator.

I think that basicly proves beyond doubt just who is telling lies and has to wipe out any source of a different opinion to keep them looking correct.

Either way 1 of the two major HL2 fansites is lying becuase of the Email from here and the other guys email......

No doubt the truth will come out, so to the person(s) lying... Just admit you were faking the email now or get totaly slagged when the truth does come out.
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