[Release] Missing Information v1.4 --- Borealis and E3 Pres.

  • Thread starter Thread starter tundra_cool
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There is that story where the Gman tells you it's been ten years.

Alyx's age may also be a key to the elapsed time, but we don't know for certain when Eli's family picture was taken. We know from Kliener's noticeboard that Alyx was only small when she first knew him

And we know that Breen knew Alyx when she was "just a little slip of a thing". :)

But it isn't like they are going to stick two decades on the Episode 1 story overview if it's wrong.

They put 20 years on the Episode 1 overview? I wasn't aware. Okay, then.

As for the actual building there are two texture sets for the walls: one worn away and one less so. In the palace_01 screens you can see it's more worn-looking, but I might switch that around. We'll see.
Looking really good i am really looking forword to this.
Does the mod have the beta alyx cause whenever i spawn her i get the regular alyx but her hair is totally red.
I can no longer find any of the old Breen office audio. :p

ohnoes, leak talk lol!

I remember that line....it was like "This must me...Miss.Vance? Alyx! The Last time I saw you were just a little slip of a thing. You have your mothers eye's my dear, but your father's stuborn nature!"

Also Eli had a very real line..."What I've seen is also beyond words Breen. Genocide...indescribable evil. Our cities turned into Prison's. Those who resisted were turned into Stalkers & sent God knows where" Also "You picked a strange time for False hope Juddith!!!"
If anyone wants to make posters or whatever for various places we'll totally throw them in. Here's my latest effort (band name pending)


Anyway, 2 decades sounds much more realistic. Otherwise, wouldn't Alyx be like 10-15? Eww D:
If that pose is cut before the release of the game, I will cry.

Just imagine, you turn a corner and "rar! this is the award winning pose that got me to the top of the metrocop ladder!".

What does everyone suppose Valve was going to do with the Elite Metrocops? I think perhaps that they were going to limit the normal cops to having pistol / batons and these guys would have the SMG. Or perhaps they'd have had the OICW and would have filled out the early parts of Anticitizen One with something just a bit more challenging. Why they ultimately left them out isn't 100% clear... perhaps they felt they were just a bit redundant, just an ever so slightly less completely easy to kill variant of the metrocop. We'll likely never see them in official cannon now of course... I wonder if we'll see metrocops at all from Episode 2 onwards?
I'd prefer if the metrocops were completely replaced with this model rather than have them as 'elites'
they just look so much better and more intimidating
I'd prefer if the metrocops were completely replaced with this model rather than have them as 'elites'
they just look so much better and more intimidating
I disagree. There's something not quite refined enough about the design to utterly oust the vanilla metrocop (the design, not the model, which is a damned good job with what it has to go with). A little variation never hurt anybody, and it would go against the intent of the mod, insofar as I can tell what it is they intend to do. Valve never intended to have the Elite Metrocop as the normal metrocop, so why would MI do that when they're trying to reconstruct something that is faithful to one of the discarded storyline drafts?
I think the design looks pretty stupid. The model itself is great, but that mask looks so...silly, and not very good.
:cool: Now, now.... samon, you wouldn't say that if valve left it ingame....