Religion no longer exists!

LOL, liked it MechaG :D

Big bang theory? Google - 'string theory', it's meant to be the next big thing, and explains how the big bang could have been created, and what could have been before the big bang.

We are animals. We are smarter than all other animals, but we are animals. Saying we aren't is like saying; a blue whale isn't an animal because its the biggest animal. See, makes no sense.

And here's a one for you; the universe as we know it is infinate. Throw in string theory and you've got an inumerable abount of infinate universes. Now, out of all that infinity - what are the chances of all these chemicals coming together to make us... so slim surely we must have been created.... wait... hold on... infinity you say? Surely... every combination of chemicals is possible in inifnity... so we were just a bit lucky. Had we been unlucky we wouldn't be able to debate this issue - we'd be splidgey squodgy things squidging about someplace.

I respect religion, and I respect religious people - I simply don't believe what they say. I've tried reading the Bible, and just got nothing from it, it's so archaic.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
When you believe, you're religious. When you believe there is NOT, you're an atheist. When you have no beliefs, you're an agnostic.

Sounds like you're an agnostic.

Actually, you have it slightly wrong. When you believe, you're a theist. When you don't believe, you're an atheist (believing not ISN'T the same thing as not believing: believing NOT is just a subset of not believing). There IS no other option. If you're unsure, then obviously you dont' believe, because believing is an active thing. Either you have jumped off the cliff, or you haven't, simple as that.

Agnostics are people who claim not to KNOW if there is a God, or even claim that knowing is impossible. But that still leaves open the question of whether they believe in a god or not. It doen't measure the same thing, or fit on the same scale as theist/atheist.

atheism= "a" (without) theism (god beliefs)
the andrew said:
but atheism is definitely logically impossible and entails a very unsavory worldview (though you'll find many people who cling to it).

There is no "athiest" worldview any more than there is a "non-Asian" worldview. Atheists aren't people that share a particular worldview, they are just people who happen NOT to share a particular worldview: i.e. theism.

With atheism, you're living in a dark, cold, soulless accident of a universe where your life has no more meaning to it than grass does.

Nice. Real nice. Only, meaning can't be imposed from outside. People have to find meanign for themselves. And atheists do, just as easily and as commonly as believers.

Humankind is just the random chance of the right chemicals coming together to form life, evolve and mutate randomly over billions of years into what we are now, and will eventually die of heatdeath when the sun explodes. No one and nothing holds any value.

On the contrary: we exist because of some absolutely AMAZING processes and histories. Yeah, life doesn't last forever, but that's exactly WHY it's so meaningful, so wonderful, such a gift to be alive.

Free will in atheism? Kiss it goodbye.

If all you mean by free will is that we can choose, then atheists believe that just fine, thanks.

If all your brain is is chemical reactions responding to events predetermined at the big bang, you can never make a decision or choice of your own free will. It may appear that way, but free will in a deterministic universe is impossible.

Free will in that sense is nonsensical in ANY universe. Your choice can be both predetermined AND be your choice: both at once.

There's the Argument From Contingency, and Kalaam Cosmological Argument that lead me to logically conclude that a higher being (God, or whatever you want to name it) must exist.

Neither argument makes much sense. But they're good to keep the rubes in line I guess.
Lets say I have a base ball. I throw the baseball at a wall. It's possible to work out exactly where that ball will end up.

Now throw a single atom at that wall. You'll never be able to work out even the general direction it would travel to.

Poor example I know. I could have written something better.

In my view. Nothing is pre-determined. There is no dice roll between different outcomes. What happens happens.
What's this about atheists believing their only meaning is to die?
I create my own mental meaning of life, say perhaps the meaning of MY life is to fulfill a certain dream or such, dreams is what makes my life worth living.
I guess for some belief does that same thing.
If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself.

This covers Life nicley.
Apos said:
Actually, you have it slightly wrong. When you believe, you're a theist. When you don't believe, you're an atheist (believing not ISN'T the same thing as not believing: believing NOT is just a subset of not believing). There IS no other option. If you're unsure, then obviously you dont' believe, because believing is an active thing. Either you have jumped off the cliff, or you haven't, simple as that.

Agnostics are people who claim not to KNOW if there is a God, or even claim that knowing is impossible. But that still leaves open the question of whether they believe in a god or not. It doen't measure the same thing, or fit on the same scale as theist/atheist.

atheism= "a" (without) theism (god beliefs)

Just pick me to pieces, people. Come on, ya'll get the idea! ;(
Darkknighttt said:
agnostics. how can you prove there's a god?! you cant, and never will.
Well...not untill the day you die.
I need something to belive in. Thats all. Society is messed up anyways.
Tr0n said:
Well...not untill the day you die.
Well, technically you can't prove it then, either. Cuz you'll be dead. And you can't tell anybody anything when you're dead, much less deliver to them definitive proof of a supreme being. :p
You can prove it to yourself. ;) Thats all that matters.