Religion tought in swedish schools banished ( FINALLY)


Nov 1, 2004
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its in swedish so i took the liberty of horribly translating the important bits, if any other swede in here can do a better translation please go ahead.

Well ive been waiting for this day for many years! Is sweden the only country with rational and logical leaders? I mean they can be dumbasses sometimes, but atleast they make sense...

The article:
In recent years, problems regarding religious public schools has worried politicians. The government now wants to stop all kinds of religious related indoctrination in school teachings.
-The students must be protected from all forms of fundamentalism- Says the school minister Jan Bj?rklund.
The alliance (the current Swedish Government) leaders has come to agree to stop religious teaching in school. This, for example, means that the bibles creation myth or other religious ideas that questions biology such as evolution, cant be tought in biology class.
-Now its set in stone: It just wont be allowed anymore.-
This doesnt, however, cancel the traditional religion class in the education (in this class you learn about ALL religions, their differences, origin, and that they simply are not the one true way, that they are just mythologies). They will double the superivsion of schools to follow this, which will cost an additional 150 milion kronors.
If a school missbehave in following these laws, they have to pay a bill. The amount of money isnt yet decided. If the school is way of from following these laws then the school will be shutdown with an investigation.
-We should have done something earlier, but the alliance didnt agree on it earlier, that is the sad truth- Jan Bj?rklund

The parents of the children in Sk?lbyskolan ( a school) has demanded that the city church has to loose ALL of its grips on the school or else they will simply pull their children out of that school.
Also, all type of fundings to religious schools will be illigal.
Can't agree more. Learning about religion is valuable, but being taught religion as fact is simply indoctrination. It's no different than sending your kid to a school where they are taught a political ideology as fact. Or where they are taught that the Beatles are in fact, the greatest band ever (arrghh the horror).
Wasn't Sweden one of the counties with a high percentage of atheists to begin with?

Sounds like it may have been a result of the "You can't tell me what to believe" mentality. Therefore, religion could have more success in Sweden as a result of this. Not that I hope that sort of thing happens, mind you.
^ Yeah, and church and state wasn't seperated until severn years ago (religious freedom has existed for a long time, though)

I'll try to do a translation, hang on a couple of minutes..


Here it is:
Religious elements is banned in the school
[School minster] Jan Bj?rklund: ”Some statements have given a very worrying image.”

The problem in religious non-public schools has attracted much attention from the politicians the last couple of years.

Now the government wants to stop religious elements in the teachings.

The students must be protected from every form of fundamentalism, the school minister Jan Bj?rklund tells DN.

The party leaders of the Alliance [the current coalition in government] have agreed to stop the religious elements in the teachings. That means, for example, that teaching the Bible’s creation story next to evolution in biology class will not be allowed.

- Now it becomes crystal clear: it won’t be allowed. Some statements from non-public schools have given a very worrying image, says Jan Bj?rklung.

However, religious school will be allowed to continue with morning prayers, but the moment the teaching begins, the teaching plan [from the government] must apply. This, however, doesn’t mean an end to the traditional teaching of religion, that will continue as before.
Apart from this the Alliance will take other measures. They will double the control of both public and non-public schools, which will cost 150 million SEK.

If a school misconducts it will result in a fine. The amount is not yet settled. If the conditions are real bad, the school is to be shut down for a couple of weeks until an investigation has been made.
We should’ve done something about the law earlier, but the alliance couldn’t agree before the election. That’s the harsh truth, says Bj?rklund.

Threatens to leave the school
The religious free schools have had a lot of attention in the media.

Today the VLT writed about the Sk?lbyskolan in V?ster?s. There the parents demand that the owner of Citykyrkan (“the city church”) lets go of the control of the school. If their demands aren’t met the parents threatens to remove their children from the school.

119 parent and employees at the Christian free school have written a letter where the demands are presented to the school board.

“Today the school has a stable student base, but we don’t think it will remain this way of Citykyrkan continues to run the church”, the parents write to VLT.

- The board received the letter on Wednesday. We will take the will of the parents into account when we decide what to do, Samual Steng?rd, member of Citykyrkan’s board, said to VLT.

End to funds
But biggest attention in the media has the Plymouthbrother’s school in Sm?land got. The Swedish Board of Education would not give permit the school to teach, but the county court was of a different opinion.

The ”Al Salam” school in ?rebro is another much discussed school. They’ve been given economic grants from a ”fundamentalism islamic movement”, DN writes.

But now the government wants to stop the hidden economic funds. In the future all money are to be accounted for, according to the alliance. Jan Bj?rklund says it will make things easier for The Board of Education when performing controls in the schools.

But according to the Board of Education the free schools aren’t worse than the rest. When the Board of Education performed an inspection it turned out that half, 20 out of 44 didn’t have any flaw at all.
In those cases when there were flaws it was most often about the leadership of the school, the quality work on the school and about certain students in need of support.

- Schools with a religious tone is generally the same as other non-public schools, they have the same kind of flaws, and the extent of the flaws are the same as in other non-public schools, says Cleas-G?ran Aggebo, who works on the Board of Education.

Phew, that took a while.
Sweden is officially the smartest country on the planet
Sweden should take over some other lands, so there can technically then be more of it :D
^ It's a step in the right direction, but creationism and ID needs to be removed from all schools, including non-public ones.
Yea, sadly private and parochial schools aren't run by the government, the First Amendment doesn't apply to them. Its incredibly ****in stupid cause obviously ID will leave people ill-equiped when they go to college. I used to be friends with a guy that went to private, and he really didnt know a damn thing you could see they only taught what they wanted to and he didnt even understand the basics of science til he went to community college. :o
So Norse Paganism isn't good enough for you swedes after the eleventh century, huh?
what are the immigration laws in Sweden? need to know this before i board the train. :)
Its about time. Hopefully other countries begin to follow suit.
But it's important that religion be taught, not necessarily as truth - but taught none the less. Though I'm pretty sure it's safe to say in this context it was a good move - I just can't properly translate to understand exactly what's being done.
Teaching creationism has never been common in Sweden in the last 30 years as far as I know, but it's still good they got this law now. About ten years ago the administration of the schools was transfered from state control to the counties (I'll call them that in lack of a better word). This resulted in a huge upswing of free schools, something that had been almost non-existant while the state controlled the schools. A side effect of this was the emerge of a few religious free schools, so I'm glad that we got this law now that prevents them from brainwashing the children.
great but it wasnt there much to begin with. i wonder how this affects the word of life schools. anyway, cheers all vikings, time to make sweden heathen again :D
Secular republican atheists in britain are envious of you right now :(
Hopefully, at some point in the distant future this will be done here too. (As in "very distant future": the schools here start with a morning prayer and there are icons in every classroom)
I believe Relgion is as important as History is. Can't think of anything else to say, so I'll leave it there and wait for someone to reply.
It's an important facet of human psychology/history but been taught as fact is simply anachronistic.
Learning about religion and allowing students to make their own choices is fine.
Teaching one religion as fact is a crime.