Remember no russian. (MW2 Spoiler warning)

It takes just that little too much effort to justify the scenario for this not to be a case of Infinity Ward being a little too smug about their storytelling abilities. It's the fact that once you opt into the scenario, you can't break your cover (and get killed instantly and in vain) that makes it all seem too unforgiving linear and uninteresting to me. Like I said in one of the other 59 threads on this damned game, it's the Deus Ex Lebedev encounter without the unprompted option of shooting Anna in the back of the head. Since every choice you make ends up with the same outcome
(In DEx, leaving Unatco and getting captured. In MW2, the bad guy gets away and you die)
What would have been far more interesting would have to put the 'oh the humanity! I will not be party to this atrocity!' option IN the game, not as a menu before it loads up. But then I expect too much.
Also the CIA agent might've gone along with it with the knowledge that there are even greater things at stakes than the lives of civilians at an airport. Perhaps there's major citywide destruction to be prevented which might very well depend on him maintaining his cover.

I'm not sure exactly what the story leading up to it is but;

As a CIA agent infiltrating this organisation, you're trying to avert a war. This massacre makes that war far more likely. You've just participated in it, or at least, not stopped it as you could have easily done.

It just makes no sense that you would not shoot those guys when you had the chance. Because by not doing, you're actually proving them right anyway.

I should just play the game and see, but that whole section seems dumb. However, I'm not going to encourage stripped out games, even if they do have mouse support.
News from Infinity Ward: they're only supporting ball mice this go around. Sorry, fancy pants "optical" mice users, your lasers are no good in this game.
I don't get what you guys are so "omg this looks so kool lol" about. This looks terrible.

The NPC reactions are beyond poor (from the beginning security guards / civilians to the during event shots), the shooting just looks HORRIBLE (anyone else see that poor hit detection on the guy running away?), he apparently has 10 foot long super strength arms that can cut through and instantly kill two people far away from him, the animations are nothing to write home about, and there's simply a lack of execution throughout the entire scene.

So much more could have been done with this, but instead they make terrible looking blood clouds, instant kills anywhere on the body (wounded would have added 100x more power to the scene), generic scream background sounds, and just outright poor execution.

Good storytelling my ass. This entire scene reeks of mediocrity without even mentioning how little it makes sense.
So what happens in the game if you don't fire a single shot at this part?
Well then I guess you're just a big flubbery bitch. Killing people, as we all know, is MANLY.

(or you're very conservative about ammunition, which is perfectly reasonable)
So what happens in the game if you don't fire a single shot at this part?
Depends on how much the AI can be trusted to clean out the armed security (i.e. If they can't, the answer is 'you get killed and go to the last checkpoint'). However, I'm pretty sure there's no consequence for coming over all Gandhi, because as far as I understood from the end of the video, your cover was blown all along anyway.
This game makes no sense. Don't buy this crap.

^^ scene's supposed to make us uncomfortable and despise the enemy and i think the stage works well on that level.

And that's bullshit. You are playing the game, you are shooting civillians. If you didn't have an active part in the killing it'd be fine by me.
Also the CIA agent might've gone along with it with the knowledge that there are even greater things at stakes than the lives of civilians at an airport. Perhaps there's major citywide destruction to be prevented which might very well depend on him maintaining his cover.

I fail to find words proper to describe just how insane this logic is.

This is on the level of "9/11 was a false flag attack" insane.

I don't think it's bad taste at all. It's pretty pervasive and signals a maturation of videogames to being beyond just "kill bad guys." It actually stirs up emotions and a morality question that don't really get brought up in games at all.

Emotions? Morality? The only question it brings up for me is "Why did the developers decide to make such a retarded plot device?"

Oh, morality and emotions have been brought up in games before, just not in shooters.
I dont see how it would be insane, given adequate levels of trade offs

sacrificing dozens to a few hundreds of civilians, to saving perhaps thousands, or tens of thousands. (100% speculation, I dont know what happens in the single player)
If they really wanted to make the terrorists seem evil then they should of made you play as one of the civilians.

Actually that would of been fun, literally finding ways to evade and hide; toilet, bin, underneath another corpse :bounce:
I dont see how it would be insane, given adequate levels of trade offs

sacrificing dozens to a few hundreds of civilians, to saving perhaps thousands, or tens of thousands. (100% speculation, I dont know what happens in the single player)

It's still insane. You don't shoot through a hostage to kill the terrorist holding him as a shield, so why should you kill dozens of civilians on a hunch that there might be something bigger?

Especially as, like someone mentioned, you're an American and an American undercover agent shooting Russian civilians is not something the Kremlin will appreciate, especially if he can catch a stray bullet and get left behind in the airport.

It's an insane scenario either way, even more so considering that the agent is a ****ing private.
Another silly question, how the **** can Makarov not be identified by the other people in the airport or security cams? He's the ****ing LEADER of the Ultranationalists party, and walks around inside an international airport without a facial mask slaughtering people.. How the **** can they not identify it's him? lol.
I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's a mission in a game. You can skip it if you want. Hell, you can even walk through most of it(the slaughtering of innocents). As black and white as it seems (good guys vs. bad guys), it gets hella crazy somewhere in the middle and towards the end, but I won't spoil it.
I don't get what you guys are so "omg this looks so kool lol" about. This looks terrible.

The NPC reactions are beyond poor (from the beginning security guards / civilians to the during event shots), the shooting just looks HORRIBLE (anyone else see that poor hit detection on the guy running away?), he apparently has 10 foot long super strength arms that can cut through and instantly kill two people far away from him, the animations are nothing to write home about, and there's simply a lack of execution throughout the entire scene.

So much more could have been done with this, but instead they make terrible looking blood clouds, instant kills anywhere on the body (wounded would have added 100x more power to the scene), generic scream background sounds, and just outright poor execution.

Good storytelling my ass. This entire scene reeks of mediocrity without even mentioning how little it makes sense.

aside from the obvious plot holes, technically this scene is amazing, people hide in shops and if you shoot out the windows they run out, some of the other civillians help the wounded, there are wounded crawling all over the place, there are security guards making fumbling attempts to stop you.

i could go on but perhaps you should actually play it before ripping it to shreads with your youtube logic.
Anyone else think this scene would be much improved by Heavy Weapons guy being dubbed over it?
"Remember, no Russian"

Cry some more, etc.
Elevator blows up: "More rubble, less trouble"
And at the end Makarov is a Spy: "Surprise!"
and the dominating noise plays when he shoots you.
Announcer says "You failed" at the end, and the lose-round music plays.
"Oh this is bad!"
Similar stuff's been done before, remember Saving Private Ryan TF2 style?
I can just imagine the Youtube comments....
Anyone else think this scene would be much improved by Heavy Weapons guy being dubbed over it?
"Remember, no Russian"

Cry some more, etc.
Elevator blows up: "More rubble, less trouble"
And at the end Makarov is a Spy: "Surprise!"
and the dominating noise plays when he shoots you.
Announcer says "You failed" at the end, and the lose-round music plays.
"Oh this is bad!"
Similar stuff's been done before, remember Saving Private Ryan TF2 style?
I can just imagine the Youtube comments....

Someone will doubtlessly make such a video!:laugh:
My copy was recieved yesterday but Im not getting home until the 18th so I have to wait before I play the game but...

I cant help but wonder; what is the actual connection between the scene and the rest of the game?

I mean, is there part of the game where its brought up? Even in passing? Any links at all?

If not then I think its ubsurd and illogical thinking by IW. Makes me think they just added it to get extreme exposure through the media by making a controversial scene, and basically getting away with free advertising to maximise profits.
My copy was recieved yesterday but Im not getting home until the 18th so I have to wait before I play the game but...

I cant help but wonder; what is the actual connection between the scene and the rest of the game?

I mean, is there part of the game where its brought up? Even in passing? Any links at all?

If not then I think its ubsurd and illogical thinking by IW. Makes me think they just added it to get extreme exposure through the media by making a controversial scene, and basically getting away with free advertising to maximise profits.

As already stated several times, the rest of the plot hinges on the actions of this level. So yes it's a needed level and not absurd or illogical.
it kind of is though. While I can believe the
C.I.A. would directly fund resistance groups who do atrocious things without their knowledge, having an agent participate in the slaughter of hundreds of civilians for the sake of not blowing his cover is taking my suspension of disbelief and throwing it off a bridge
it kind of is though. While I can believe the
C.I.A. would directly fund resistance groups who do atrocious things without their knowledge, having an agent participate in the slaughter of hundreds of civilians for the sake of not blowing his cover is taking my suspension of disbelief and throwing it off a bridge

Only read if you have finished the game:-
Wasn't all of this part of Shepards plan though, as in he was the one giving the orders. Who knows what Shepard told the CIA agent would happen if he didn't gain these men's trust. It's the whole slaughter a few to save millions scenario as far as the agent was concerned
Only read if you have finished the game:-
Wasn't all of this part of Shepards plan though, as in he was the one giving the orders. Who knows what Shepard told the CIA agent would happen if he didn't gain these men's trust. It's the whole slaughter a few to save millions scenario as far as the agent was concerned

That agent must've been a psychopath to agree to follow through with this plan.
That agent must've been a psychopath to agree to follow through with this plan.

Not if he thought he was saving substantially more lives than he was going to be taking. Besides, the amount of innocents he actually kills depends on the player.
Not if he thought he was saving substantially more lives than he was going to be taking. Besides, the amount of innocents he actually kills depends on the player.

Doesn't matter. Storywise, he's been slaughtering defenseless civilians and that's precisely the reason it doesn't make sense. You're killing unarmed civilians. If you fail to see the problem with the story here, I am at a loss as to how to explain this gap.

Any reasonable person will agree that killing dozens of civilians for nothing that can't be gained via other means is batshit ****ing insane.

Any sane person will have problems purposefully opening fire on a crowd of defenseless civilians.
I'm not bothered, COD4MW was a really fun game to play...I never got a tight grip on the story at any point, I didn't fully understand what was going on. Zakiev or someone was trying to launch nukes, I had to shoot him in the end with an epic pistol sliding finale. It's immaterial anyway, I had a ****ing great time playing that single player. I know a few people here didn't like it, but the success of the game speaks for itself.

I'm sure they'll have done another great job at making it really fun to play. This scene is pretty tasteless, but according the previous posts, essential. I hope I enjoy this one as much as the previous one...I'm just not going to sit there picking tiny holes in a game which is ultimately fun to play.

Also...Digi told me, the multiplayer is OARSUM
Anyone else think this scene would be much improved by Heavy Weapons guy being dubbed over it?
"Remember, no Russian"

Cry some more, etc.
Elevator blows up: "More rubble, less trouble"
And at the end Makarov is a Spy: "Surprise!"
and the dominating noise plays when he shoots you.
Announcer says "You failed" at the end, and the lose-round music plays.
"Oh this is bad!"
Similar stuff's been done before, remember Saving Private Ryan TF2 style?
I can just imagine the Youtube comments....

this must happen.
I tried to run away from the bullet being fired at me at the end... Since it can happen in one of two ways. You can get close to the van and he'll pull you up and shoot you or he'll just look down and shoot you while you're standing. Running didn't work. :(
Not quite as funny as TF2, but I've been thinking of putting the mission to "Let the bodies hit the floor" for maximum tastelessness.

Anyway (mild spoilers)
You're playing as a Ranger recruited by General Shepherd rather than your average CIA agent, a patriot (i.e. idiot according to all the death screen quotes) who is essentially given to follow orders. The mission prior had him survive a pretty big ambush in unknownistan, that sort of thing gives licence to the character not being in the most correct frame of mind.
Please, please don't use Let the Bodies Hit the Floor or whatever that tripe is. It is the staple for war game/shooter videos out there.
But it's so tasteless in this context!

*Scouring brain for more soundtrack dissonance*

It's oh so quiet...

First I was afraid
I was petrified...

Nope, brain not really working today.
aside from the obvious plot holes, technically this scene is amazing, people hide in shops and if you shoot out the windows they run out, some of the other civillians help the wounded, there are wounded crawling all over the place, there are security guards making fumbling attempts to stop you.

i could go on but perhaps you should actually play it before ripping it to shreads with your youtube logic.

Personal attacks are cool.

And you're glorifying the scene. Security guards aren't "fumbling to stop you", they're dispersed randomly throughout the crowd shooting pistols at you. Oh wow, they can make enemies, big whoop. Scripting like this has been done before, and much better at that. Watch the video again and look for everything you just named - I guarantee you, most if it isn't there in any sort of unscripted form. There are a few scripted people that you'll probably see every single time you play the scene, but that's all.
Anyway (mild spoilers)
You're playing as a Ranger recruited by General Shepherd rather than your average CIA agent, a patriot (i.e. idiot according to all the death screen quotes) who is essentially given to follow orders. The mission prior had him survive a pretty big ambush in unknownistan, that sort of thing gives licence to the character not being in the most correct frame of mind.


Wow, it makes even less sense now.

As for dissonance music, BENNY HILL THEME.

Watch the clip with this: