'Remembering up' game!

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^^ once rap battled me in the rap battle thread a while back .. LOL
^^^ Once walked through the Halls of Asgard. Man what happened with that?

Oh, and who likes my new siggie?
^Ate a baby.
Also has been named "coolest guy ever" or something like that. By me.
Used to have a signature with Dead Like Me in it which I watched the whole first series of.

edit: that was to greatgat.

Watched the first season of Dead Like Me, and inexplicably didn't watch the second. The hell!?

edit: Damn! I interrupted the flow too!
naw, it was just me again.
The thing you do, is you put carrots for however many posts above you the guy is, so one carrot for the guy immediately before, two for the guy above him, etcetera. It clarifies things! that way, if I interrupt the flow again, you jsut change the number of carrots and people won't get hurt.
Greatgat said:

Watched the first season of Dead Like Me, and inexplicably didn't watch the second. The hell!?

edit: Damn! I interrupted the flow too!
I own the first season, but never bought the second (the first was a gift). Might sometime though.

Kami almost died from a spider :O
I remember when he told someone to make there sig smaller. If you know what I mean :naughty:

I remember laughing at your name the first time I read it. So there you go.
I remember laughing at your avatar the first time I saw it because 'Dead Like Me' was the shit.

Edit: Dammit theSteven you've ruined everything!!
I remember how you have no memories but secretly remember everything.
I remember how you ruined my post by posting just before me. Grrrr.

Just kidding... but not really. :)
i remember the first time i saw your avatar beethoven's eyes were aimed at my crotch

edit-^^ god damn it
I remember that you pretend that you don't remember how i do remember everything but i don't secretley remember anything. I remember that. EDIT: ^^^
if you had an angry panda in your avatar i would understand you more
Kamikazie said:
cant remember when you weren't a spammer :|

Remembers when you used to be cool....

j/k of course. You were never cool.:P
Greatgat said:
Remembers when you used to be cool....

j/k of course. You were never cool.:P
i didnt say that... :)

Muffin Man said:
remembers how u completely pwnt kamikazie
how could you have forgotten? you would have to be in the Special Olympics to forget something that happened only one post before yours
Kamikazie said:
if you had an angry panda in your avatar i would understand you more
me to.:cool: :cheese: :frog: :cat: :O :thumbs: :borg: :bounce: :farmer: :| :rolling: :E :frown: :bonce: :cheers:
remembers how he didnt say that, and how his avatar keeps changing from moving to non moving

edit ARGHHHH ^^
I remember how he likes muffins!!! and lives in michigan...hehe sucker
Just posted a thread in newbie central with the word 'myep' in it.

Sulkdodds said:
^^ hacked my account. IT WAS HIM.

I return from beyond the grave!

edit: There's no way he could have randomly guessed it though. It wasn't 'sulkd' or anything. D:

You can't prove it! *evil laugh*
^ trys to help noobs but most noobs are too stupid. :E
^Has my quote in sig so is saved from a painful death.:p
panda_rage said:
i like puppys. so are you aloud to spam in this forum?


I remember panda got banned for spamming in the remember thread! :D

This thread has a topic...so it's not necessarily spam as long as you contribute.
These games always suck because some noob walks along (in this case panda_rapage) who posts 40 times in the same thread. Guess what, you're a noob, no one remembers a thing about you. Cut the crap.
No..it's more meant to be a fun thread not a thread to up your post count in a non spam way.
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