Res ? why only one LCD setting



How come only one res? does it have a better image if you select LCD vs. regular. BTW way I have a LCD but natvie is 16x12
to be honest mate i dont think it matters, just about 80% of current LCD monitors there native resolution is 1280x1024.

When hl2 was being made they didnt really account for people with 16x12 LCD monitors, not sure if it was possible if widely used at the time.

It shouldent make any differnece to monitor blur or nuffin.
-h2o- said:
to be honest mate i dont think it matters, just about 80% of current LCD monitors there native resolution is 1280x1024.
This is why the 1280x1024 res is tagged LCD. Its just to let LCD users know their optimal res. If your LCD is 1600x1200, use that if your GPU can hack it.
so far so good, some stuttering when using flashlight when running or turning, have an x800xt clocked 519/559 xtasy card. Canal beats it up some.
Does anyone know if there have been any optimizations done for LCDs on this setting? It would be cool if this were the case.
jacen said:
16x12 = 4x3
so no difference to standard crts ...
Most native LCD resolutions = 1280x1024

1280x1024 =! 4:3

1280x960 = 4:3