Resident Evil 4 Reviews


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
IGN : 9.8/10 [ Ladies and gentlemen, the best survival horror game ever made. ]

Gamespy : 5/5 [ Forget what you know about survival-horror. The series that refined the genre is back to turn it on it's ear. ]

Pretty good is'nt :cheers:
I think it worth it to get a gamecube to play this game :P
DigiQ8 said:
I think it worth it to get a gamecube to play this game :P

No thanks, I don't like consoles and especially not gamecubes. :p
I think it worth it to get a gamecube to play this game

Dont worry, its comign to PS2 as well, it was announced, they broke the deal with nintendo. Might be coming to xbox as well
Yea but we'll have to wait a long long time
Damn... I dont have any console and im not interested on purchasing one. I just hope they'll also make one for teh PC version.
Can't wait for Resident evil 4 already preorderd my copy from Adda Wong is back in the story, wonder how she survived falling down that big ass hole in Resident evil 2 lol.
\o/ Can't wait.

Res 4 is my most wanted game by far - it looks AMAZING!
Not bad, not bad at all. I both have GC and PS2, if I would get it though (looks pretty neat after seen some footages) I don't know which console of the two. :/
I think it will be on PC
I think the first RE games are on PC

another thing is that I cry of joy when I heard is on the ps2
cuz hey is Resident Evil 4, I am not a big fan of the RE games but when I started in gaming Resident evil games where in the list of first ones
Wow...I expected it to be good, but not THAT good. Another one for the list. :D
Loke said:
Not bad, not bad at all. I both have GC and PS2, if I would get it though (looks pretty neat after seen some footages) I don't know which console of the two. :/

It was designed from the ground up to be a GC game. The PS2 version is almost certainly going to be cut down in terms of visuals too (the hardware simply can't handle it)

Res 4 will look and play better on the GC (especially when it comes to manual aiming with the analogue sticks) - it's also coming out much sooner :)

(The PS2 version should still be cool, though :))
Neutrino said:
No thanks, I don't like consoles and especially not gamecubes. :p
You, Sir, do not deserve to call yourself a gamer... Thank you :)
Looks brilliant; a bare-bones example of what survival horror is. Though I hope all the puzzle aspects aren't completely lost in the gunplay. :)
Still dont think it will be as scary as Silent Hill. However, I don't doubt that it'll have the best gameplay of any Survival-Horror game.
If only I weren't broke, It'll be about a month 'til I can get it ;(
Warbie said:
It was designed from the ground up to be a GC game. The PS2 version is almost certainly going to be cut down in terms of visuals too (the hardware simply can't handle it)

Res 4 will look and play better on the GC (especially when it comes to manual aiming with the analogue sticks) - it's also coming out much sooner :)

(The PS2 version should still be cool, though :))

i wouldn't say that the graphics are going to be down graded to that big of an extent, i mean look at silent hill 3.
I saw no difference in the gfx for Silent Hill 3 before and after shipping.
Very excited for this one. When is it supposed to come out again?
Sai said:
i wouldn't say that the graphics are going to be down graded to that big of an extent, i mean look at silent hill 3.

We'll see. They are going to be reduced - by how much we don't know yet.
DarkStar said:
Very excited for this one. When is it supposed to come out again?

Hairylee said:
Can't wait for Resident evil 4 already preorderd my copy from Adda Wong is back in the story, wonder how she survived falling down that big ass hole in Resident evil 2 lol.
Wesker saved her.
Neutrino said:
No thanks, I don't like consoles and especially not gamecubes. :p

i am in the same boat as u.
i am very interested in the RE series but either they aren't available on PC or take so long to port over that by the time they are available, my interest is almost zero in them :(

i am not huge on consoles.. i do own a PS2 but i don't own very many games for it.. infact i can count on my one hand how many games i have.

i just wish the PC gamers wouldn't be shafted as much as they are compared to the console gamers :|
I've never liked any of these survival horror games. Controls too wonky, gameplay dull and unexciting. Any chance i'll like this?
Sparta said:
I've never liked any of these survival horror games. Controls too wonky, gameplay dull and unexciting. Any chance i'll like this?

I think so.

Resident Evil 4 sounds like it's taking the survial horror genre somewhere new. It's certainly more action packed this time around, less clunky with a promise of more freedom and scope for experimentation. From reading the reviews it sounds like it accomplishes this while keeping the experience just as tense and spooky as it ever was (maybe even more so). The art direction and attention to detail also looks fantastic.

It's receiving very decent scores - which makes Res 4 worth checking out at the very least. (didn't both reviews say that had this been released last year it'd have been a very strong contender for, if not the, GOTY?)

Personally, I 've loved the series from the begining - so absolutely can't wait :)
Hmm, from that fileplanet video on it the over the shoulder viewpoint looks truly horrendous. But than again I've never been a fan of third person shooters.
It annoys me how PAL versions of the game are released months after their NTSC counter-parts. For instance I've lost all interest in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. It's not as bad with Resident Evil 4 as it was with Metal Gear Solid : Snake Eater, but it's still pretty bad :/ (mid-march time).

The only thing that sometimes makes it not too bad is if you get bonus stuff, which we better get with MGS 3.
I have a gamecube...maybe some day I'll go rent this game and Mario Tennis.

We'll see.
So am I the only one getting the chainsaw handcontroller?
I'm on it like white on rice baby. Or brown on rice depending on what you prefer.
It looks fantastic, great gore and shooting seems so satisfying, every bullet counts, doesn't seem like a spray and pray game.
PvtRyan said:
It looks fantastic, great gore and shooting seems so satisfying, every bullet counts, doesn't seem like a spray and pray game.

I guess RE4 leans a lot on the action, at least thats what the two available to read reviews say. So they actually tell you to kill everything that moves and then some. But it's still creapy, but in a different way....dimmented they're possesed or something...I remember a picture of some kind of wizard or something....ok I'm rambling...this game looks f'ing awesome.

Fire up. This could be the best RE since the RE remake on the GC.
I guess RE4 leans a lot on the action, at least thats what the two available to read reviews say. So they actually tell you to kill everything that moves and then some.

That's not really what I mean, sure it looks like you'll kill a LOT, but it's not 'bam bam bam bam' reload clip, but carefully aiming each shot, the 'zombie' reacting nicely to each shot. Lets just say guns feel powerful and every bullet seems like something special :)