Resident Evil 4


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
I've been looking to buy a GameCube for a while now, mainly to get back playing the Resident Evil games. Now when I've carefully watched the Resident Evil 4 Trailers I am very excited about this game, I really hope it is what I expected when i get my GC and RE 4.

So a question for those who has played this game, is it worth buying a GameCube to only play this game ?
yes - its the only game i played and beat on gamecube, only i didnt buy it hehe...

seriously though youll enjoy it immensely if you like those zombie flicks
Its a fantastic game, but you'll probably be pretty disappointed if your a resi fan. The storys pretty crap.
Im not a huge Resi fan, only beat Resident Evil 2. And i dont see much of a story in those games.
Well, if you don't see much story in the original resi's...then your in for a laugh in Resi 4 :P

But if your not a big fan, then you'll probably love it.
RE4 is superb - easily one of the best games i've played, and still GOTY imo (would have been last year too :))
What I like about Resident Evil 4 is that it reminds alittle of Silent Hill 2, The world is dull and sad, very strange people etc etc. From what ive seen in the trailers, it looks scary as hell. :D
Don't listen to the RE fans, the plot's fine, just a little on the crazy side. If you have a PS2, its coming out for it soon.
Resident Evil 4's charm isn't the plot, which is generic to say the least, it's the gameplay. For a start you're always in the thick of the action in Resident Evil 4, there's not many places in the game where you find yourself back tracking through empty streets looking for a key or some such. The control system is excellent, no more of those awkward camera angles which mean you can't aim at an enemy that's four feet infront of your face. The fact that you can upgrade weapons and buy things from the vendors also helps to keep it interesting.
DeusExMachinia said:
the plot's fine


But yeah, as people have said its the gameplay thats awesome, you'll have a blast. Though, it isn't scary.
Samon said:

But yeah, as people have said its the gameplay thats awesome, you'll have a blast. Though, it isn't scary.

Perhaps you missed my next comment thats its on the crazy side :|.

You act like the RE games had good plots to begin with.
RE4 to me was disgustingly lame. I'm in love with the games before that one though. Seriously though maybe it's just because I'm a huge fan of the series and I didn't like the change but.. I had zero fun when playing it. RE3 is still my favorite.
RE4 is probably the best GC game out. I hope most of the following REs will use it's system.

RE4 is one of the best games I have played in the past few years. Ashley's pretty hot for a cyber babe, too.

DeusExMachinia- It looks like crap on the ps2.
DeusExMachinia said:
Perhaps you missed my next comment thats its on the crazy side :|.

You act like the RE games had good plots to begin with.

*Skims back over posts*

Nope...can't see where it says I said that....But as it is, they were at least better than Resi 4's which was, to say the least, awful.

Oh no I saw your comment, but you clearly said it was fine. Crazy? In what way?

Yeah, it doesn't look too good on PS2, though you do get that extra Ada adventure.
It looks fine on PS2, just missing the higher resolution and such. Not a bad trade off to play it on the PS2. I said it was fine as in...well...its fine. Its an average, horror/supernatural plot with a ton of cliches. I never said it was amazing. Hell, the gun survivor RE games had more interesting and original plots than the RE games did. But, thats not what RE was really about in the first place.

I will say though that RE4 has certainly screwed up the overall story arc RE has created. You can't top supernatural cults and a plague of bugs with zombies again. You need something bigger.
RE4 pretty much screwed everything the originals did, especially Code Veronica. It was an awful new direction to take, and it got such a bad reception that Capcom had to admit - it was a side story, and as a side story its ok.

I really liked the originals, the stories weren't "wow", but they were good enough. Resident evil needed an overhaul, the tank like controls and tedious puzzles were seriously dragging. Resident evil got an overhaul, but not the overhaul it needed.

Granted, RE4 is a superb game, it really just isn't a resident evil game, especially since it isn't scary. I just think they gave Resident evil the wrong splash of paint. I'm sure they will make up for this in RE5.
Samon said:
Granted, RE4 is a superb game, it really just isn't a resident evil game, especially since it isn't scary. I just think they gave Resident evil the wrong splash of paint. I'm sure they will make up for this in RE5.

I thought the whole idea of RE4 was to make something different anyway?

Besides, there wasn't fear, just incredible tension. Like that pit fight with the Chainsaw Ladies, when you realise ammo's running out......

The controller has never really been the same again.....
DeusExMachinia said:
Yeah, RE5 looks to redeem the series.

Well I sure hope so. It looks to have zombies, which is a good thing. I didn't like Ganados.
The first RE was just downright bad ass....I hated every one after that though. I cried during Resident Evil 2 because I tried to gouge my own eyes out.
I never was a fan of RE games before (I hated the control style with a passion) but I started playing RE4 just a bit ago (I'm only like an hour in and just got to the first merchant) but so far I'm liking it a lot.
As good as the orginal was, the series has started to go seriously down hill. A change was needed, and we couldn't have hoped for more than RE4 (well, it could have been scarier - but not in terms of quality)

Let's hope RE5 keeps the gameplay of no.4 (but with more badass combos and context sensitive action sequences) and the atmosphere/scares of the original.

(I still predict RE5 to be the best game ever \o/ ... or at least one of them :))
the zombie genre of plots is so limited, so of course you expect the franchise to lose its focus and get repetitive in a sense - still the gameplay is too much fun and yeah its basically seems like mgs with all the extra overdramatic characters and sequences.
I meant the RE fans :P

Thye loathed it, moaned, slammed fists, and then settled down with a nice cup of tea when Capcom uttered side story

Warbie said:
(I still predict RE5 to be the best game ever \o/ ... or at least one of them :))

Oh yesh :D
Ahhh ok. That makes more sense.

RE fans who thought RE4 was shit are blowhards then.
I don't think they thought it was shit, I liked the original Resi's but I thought RE4 was a superb game...I think it was more - not what they wanted in terms of overhaul.

RE4 is quite obviously, not shit.
Not really, their complaints are fair enough, and I can see where they are coming from. But I'm not entirely in agreement with them.
The only thing I'll agree with them on is the crazy acid induced plot. It doesn't fit into the regular RE arc that Capcom had created. But to complain about the view? It was genius and made the game amazing. The old controls were hell to play with and now when Capcom finally learns what to do right, the RE fanboys are like "WTF, WHEREZ THE OLD CONTROLZ LOLZ." Ugh, the crap I have to wade through in the IGN forums...
Actually, the view was one of the few things they found to be for the better :)
I thought the change of story was for the better.

"oh gee, more virus spawned zombie, I was like totally unexpecting that":rolleyes:

For some reason I think RE5 will have little or nothing to do with any of theo ther games (with the possible exception of some characters)
Actually how scary is this game compared to Resident Evil, Silent Hill etc ?
It's not really scary at all. A little creepy at times.

This doesn't stop it being of of the greatest games ever made though :)
The only games that have ever reallly creeped me out were the first Silent Hill, Undying (dunno if I would say creepy, but deffinitely weird) and funny enough Half-Life (the beginning part anyways)