Resident Evil 5 confirmed

didn't the last one get like a 40% in PCG?
Hazar said:
didn't the last one get like a 40% in PCG?

Nope - it's one the the highest rated games ever made :)
(and one of the best)

Words can't describe my excitement for Res 5 \o/
hmmm, must have been thinking of something else :p

ahhh, yes, I played one of these for the, uhh, n64 I think it was....

very disturbing game :p

EDIT: w00t 3,000 posts!
Resident Evil on a nextgen console! Aaaaahhhhhh. :rolling: *drools*
To bad the guy who designed the stories for the RE series died a few weeks ago, lets hope the guy who takes over his position does a good job.
Wahey, im a huge fan of resi evil, Played them when they first appeared on the Playstation 1, then when the Gamecube come out i decided to get, Resident Evil 0, 1 (remake),2,3 and veronica, 4 isnt out here yet but is this month thankgod. Still dont think it will be the same without the zombies :(
Gargantou said:
To bad the guy who designed the stories for the RE series died a few weeks ago, lets hope the guy who takes over his position does a good job.
Stories are over-rated :smoking:
What he die from?
I'm not sure :\ The news report didn't say.

Stories aren't overrated, I can't continue playing a game series with a good story if the story turns bad, because I love stories, it's the main drive when I play a say adventure game/RPG, "I want to find out more!".:p
fans of cult zombie movie Director George Romero will be pleased to lean he will be contributing towards the next RE title