resident evil the hive!! need mappers, skinners ect...


Dec 30, 2004
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me and some friendshave just started this going to be the mapper (and make a website)
i need:
2 coders
2 textures
2 model makers
1 mapper
a couple peeps to make zombies sounds and music

and anyother help would be greatly apreciated...

this might be for hl1..we dont know yet

(probly, becouse i have never mapped for hl2 and my friends havnt or dont have hl2)
Im glad there are few Resident Evil mods coming :D

EDIT: I think you need more stuff to show us before anyone will get interested in this. Make the story if there are going to be anyone or something else :afro:
good luck.

a bit of advice though: don't aim for two coders, try to get one. coders do NOT work well together and having two just lowers the efficiency of both, since both do things differently and they get confused with the other person's code.

another bit of advice: vote ennui for president.
Coders can work well together, as long as they're good at what they do, have tidy coding practices, and respect one another.

But, no, you don't need two for something so simple. And you might want to look into IP law.

And I vote Ennui for president.

-Angry Lawyer
no its not going to be like the rest..... this one will take place inside the hive not parts from re2

like i said befor its probly going to be built on the hl1 engine