Resistance 2


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
I'd give it a "meh" at best

Don't buy it, but give it a rent if you wanna kill some time.
Haven't really played the single player. Being able to split screen, co-op the main story was a huge draw for me for the first one. My biggest gripe about 2 is the inability to do this. I am enjoying the co-op for the second one though. It's really the first game that all my friends have and like to play together so that's good.
Haven't really played the single player. Being able to split screen, co-op the main story was a huge draw for me for the first one. My biggest gripe about 2 is the inability to do this. I am enjoying the co-op for the second one though. It's really the first game that all my friends have and like to play together so that's good.

Umm, you could split-screen the main story on Resistance 1
I honestly dont see the appeal in resistance 2.

Maybe its the halo fanboyism of the sony PS 3 or something
Umm, you could split-screen the main story on Resistance 1

Yes, that's why I said... "Being able to split screen, co-op the main story was a huge draw for me for the first one."

Meaning, one of the reasons I enjoyed Resistance 1 was because of the ability to split screen co-op.

That's also why I said one of my biggest gripes with part 2 was the fact that you can't.
I'm simply a trophy pimp...which is why I bought it :D

That, along with Mirrors Edge and Bioshock
It's like Halo, but without the awesome balance/challenge.
It's certainly a hell of a lot better than Halo ... but it's not as good as the first Resistance.

They took a superb game that was very well balanced and thoughtfully designed, clearly inspired by Half-Life and games of similar caliber ... and turned it into a compromise designed to draw in the Halo crowd. It's still pretty damn good ... but a disappointment.

The online co-op though is absolutely brilliant, as is the 60 player skirmish competitive mode. Do wish it had campaign co-op though.
Resistance makes Halo look like of a load of shit (which it is.) #2 isn't on par with the original, but it holds it own. And multiplayer with 64 ppl is fun as shit.
Yeah, after doing the MP I quite like this game, but the single-player is still very meh
It's certainly a hell of a lot better than Halo ... but it's not as good as the first Resistance


Either way, both Resistance games are painfully average. Worth a rent if you really have nothing else to play.