Resistance! Hl2 comic- CHAPTER 1

Edcrab said:
Helicopter? Love to see that... I would've liked to have seen more of them in the game too :D

true, after the first one all we got were dropships and gunships... its a pity really, seeing as gunships were easier to kill and less of a danger to you. a helicopter can take you down in a matter of seconds, while the only trouble i had with a gunship was getting the rocket to actually make contact... plus that weapon you get attached to your boat is so damn cool.

im not going to give much away here... but instead i'm going to tempt your imagination by saying chapter two contains zombies... oh, the horror! mind you, theres still a lot to go before chapter 2 (as well as an interesting suprise...)
You also misspelled "citizen..."

But it is really, really cool. :D
Ha! If you spell something wrong, it's all the more reason to use typed text! Works for me! When I remember to do it, that is...

I hadn't even noticed he'd spelt something wrong- and to think I call myself retentive :eek:
your getting better at this comic stuff m8, but quit the blur or i'l crowbar yah :)
Man, that CP officer really did have slow reactions. I especially liked Panel 4.

Everybody's right about the blur though. ;)

EDIT: Is it just me or does the CP in the first panel look like a midget with really small arms?
Minimise the blur, it'd look better if you just softened the colouration in some parts, effectively making it... well, grey. Yeah, just make it grey.

page 5!!!
Expressions = win!

I like the shadowing (you can actually tell it's a shadow, which is always a big plus in the art world), and I already like what little story there is! Black Mesa North... woo.

page 5! i was drawing it while listening to the (dissapointing) greenday album.
cool comic, if you need reference, boot up model viewer, and add models/weapons into the poses you want. but your probably doing that already...

and the new greenday album is good!
thanks, i AM doing the next page- it's just i kindof spent all day playing CS:s... it was an accident! my... broke!!!
Suicide42 said:
thanks, i AM doing the next page- it's just i kindof spent all day playing CS:s... it was an accident! my... broke!!!
Uh-huh. Stop slackin', son.
Suicide42 said:
thanks, i AM doing the next page- it's just i kindof spent all day playing CS:s... it was an accident! my... broke!!!
Yes, its true, he owned me with the knife too many times :x
Really nice comic indeed!!!!1 :D
Need more pages! Continue pls! :)

Suicide42 said:
thanks, i AM doing the next page- it's just i kindof spent all day playing CS:s... it was an accident! my... broke!!!

Oh aye, I know how addictiving that can be sometimes :upstare:
Great latest page Suicide, you're improving :)

MORE background detail though, not just splatter or hatches but objects and stuff, it pays off, trust me ;)

i wanna play CS:S, so i kinda rushed the speech bubbles. they can be changed later, so meh.

i just realised how stupid the fourth frame is... he's mr. "state the obvious!"

*edit* imagine in frame four he says "DEAD END!!" instead. i can't get over how stupid what he says is...
Or you could just let the picture speak for themselves...

I like it. :D
probably he'd be more likely just to say "oh ****" or something anyway. man i wish i could draw like that :D.
It will be interesting to see what he does to prevail, if he will prevail that is :D

Man, you've got me quite inspired to make some sort of comic about HL2 of my own.. Not sure what it'd be about though..
Get chor pencil out again, the people damand more comics...

These are quality. Thought about putting them all up on a single web page?
wow an invincible rebel, that would be useful... to the resistance not the combine

ow btw really good comic :)
solid snail said:
wow an invincible rebel

let me just say that that beam wasn't intended to be used on humans, but was initially designed for demolitions to flush out resistance members.

OK, i just made all that up, but it sounds cool and explains why he wasn't completely obliterated. Rather lucky he didn't get a metal pipe propelled through his head though.
DUDE! It's the one! teh matrxixix!

i have a grate idea.make him jump in teh synth an then exploade him! and then make teh synth come back, only now he multiplies himself and can take over other resisitansces.

On a serious note, great comic, I envy your motivation. And you're doing a damn good job. :P
another one in progress... i'll have it finished by the time i've done all my christmas shopping.
they are nice

I maybe will think to make one but I am not so good drawing and I think my scanner dont work
I am loving this thing so far.

(blur blur blur blur)

use for fonts and speech bubbles. they are good.
Great! I think I even like the blur. It brings kind of special touch to it :)
Thanks guys :D things have been a bit busy lately, what with my mum holding a party i have to help with and me going over loads of freinds houses etc- but rest asured i will do more comic, probally today. Theres only 2 pages left before the end of chapter one.. ;(