restart steam people, half life 2 pre load

Well, this would suck if I wasn't so immature about things.

69... hehe
crap pants!!!!!!

69% and, like Homer, the continue button is unresponsive. Tried restarting steam repeatedly... no luck.
Yeah the Pause button on the Preload screen is ****ed. neone get it to work at all, n please dnt post crap like reformat or delete ur preload files
Homer said:
I seem to be stuck at 69%. what the hell kind of sick joke is this?
69%? Very odd. When I restarted I was at 80%. Did you not complete all the previous downloads?
Mine seems to be updating fine, 82.3 percent done.

I guess i'm one of the lucky ones.
CombineHarvester said:
69%? Very odd. When I restarted I was at 80%. Did you not complete all the previous downloads?

it said it was at 100% and that a locked copy of half life 2 was now on my hard drive, neiner neiner neiner.

I made up the last part.

edit: just a thought though, to the others who have this problem, did you download each phase seperately, or all in one go when you heard about the purchase options? Also, have you already bought it?
I have to assume that you start at 69 if you didnt by cs:s.

*edit* yea, the pause button just ****ed it up worse. damnit.
There's not too much need to rush, as the game is not playable yet. Hopefully things will follow the CS:S style...
SEPT29th:CS:S maps
OCT 7th:game available
OCT14th:HL2 maps available
OCT 21st: game available? We can only hope.
cadaveca said:
There's not too much need to rush, as the game is not playable yet. Hopefully things will follow the CS:S style...
SEPT29th:CS:S maps
OCT 7th:game available
OCT14th:HL2 maps available
OCT 21st: game available? We can only hope.

Maybe. Of the 5 half life 2 files we have (base source shared models, base source shared, half-life 2 base content, base source shared sounds, base source shared materials) it's 3.29 gigs and gave said roughly 3.5 gigs, so maybe a little update before final release. Then again, 3.3 gigs is roughly 3.5, that's only 200 megs off. So maybe this is it.
Methias said:
offtopic but that reminds me of the seinfeld where george is trying to fix snacks for himself to eat while having sex. anyone else remember this? lol

Ha! yeah I love that episode

She says "george what are you doing!?"

Then george says sheepishly(with a mouthful of food)

"Pleasuring you?"

These french frys are REALLY GOOD.

God that show was good.
When seinfeld was being shown here in the UK, it was on at like 1 in the morning!, well worth staying up for though.
sHm0zY said:
*pulles out samari sowrd*

I don't want to burst your bubble, but you spelled one of those words correctly. Go back and fix it! I'll let you guess which.
Dr.breen said:
When seinfeld was being shown here in the UK, it was on at like 1 in the morning!, well worth staying up for though.

Thank God for paramount comedy :)

Also, any news on the problematic 69ers?
This latest preload was the map files. So there's nothing else left preload. We now have a complete copy of Half-Life 2 on our computers. Now if only we could play the damn thing!
Mountain Man said:
This latest preload was the map files. So there's nothing else left preload. We now have a complete copy of Half-Life 2 on our computers. Now if only we could play the damn thing!
Sorry I havent read this thread, so sorry if this has been said. If we have everything on our comp now, that reaosnably means that HL2 has passed RC and shoudl go gold tommorow, just like that dudes blog said.
I'm still chillin at 69 percent how aggravating. I'm still not sure why I'm preloading because I've got my copy preordered for in store pickup at EBGames. Oh well....
NateDogX said:
I'm still chillin at 69 percent how aggravating. I'm still not sure why I'm preloading because I've got my copy preordered for in store pickup at EBGames. Oh well....

I felt the same way when I was pre-loading the earlier-released sections. But now that I've refunded my EBX pre-order and ordered Silver package on Steam it's all good :cheers:
Anyone watch 'Curb your enthusiasm'?

Thats my favourite show on tv, they are showing Series 3 on E4 here in the UK.
It's sometimes excruciating to watch as larry gets into some terribly awkwed/ embarassing situations, I almost have to watch through my fingers.
Get rid of counter-strike source if you didn't buy it and you can pre-load the updated version and the new phase.
Varsity said:
Get rid of counter-strike source if you didn't buy it and you can pre-load the updated version and the new phase.

Have any of the other 69ers tried this? I assume you'd just have to delete (or to be safe move) the counter strike source GCF file and restart Steam. It'd look for the installed components and force a re-download and continue preloading. Right?

Edit: going along with that reasoning, would it also work if you deleted a much smaller file; such as the half-life engine.gcf? At just under 8.5 MB, it'd take less time to get to get up to date.

I'm asking before I do as I don't love the idea of messing with the contents of those files too much, even if it should theoretically be self correcting.
I started over a few hours ago and its already done. Not bad.
my steam files are 4.20 GB in total, (hl2+cs:s) which is exactly equal to 6 cd's. it's actually very annoying to know that hl2 IS in my harddisk, but i just can't play it.
Like a sandwich you cant even LOOK at... I'm gunna kill that ****ing grocer.
My preload has been stuck at 69% for about two days...
Mines all done :p :thumbs:
I feel gutted that HL2 is on MY computer but I cant get at it.
OK, so I went ahead and did what you suggested... it went down to 58% but the download rate isn't too bad. Thanks for the help :)
Absinthe said:
My preload has been stuck at 69% for about two days...

Common problem, you can cancel and start over or there are a few fixes that work for some people. like getting rid of cs:s.
Wraithen said:
Have any of the other 69ers tried this? I assume you'd just have to delete (or to be safe move) the counter strike source GCF file and restart Steam. It'd look for the installed components and force a re-download and continue preloading. Right?

Edit: going along with that reasoning, would it also work if you deleted a much smaller file; such as the half-life engine.gcf? At just under 8.5 MB, it'd take less time to get to get up to date.

I'm asking before I do as I don't love the idea of messing with the contents of those files too much, even if it should theoretically be self correcting.
It works, I think, because the size of the cache file for those who bought CSS (or played the beta, don't know) and those that didn't is slightly different. Deleting the mis-sized one makes the numbers add up again in the pre-load sequence.

half-life engine.gcf has nothing to do with the pre-load.