Revolution vs Evolution

I love how one of his eyes are slightly offcenter
Sparta said:
Even GOD himself has said so


The 2003 model wasn't as detailed as this new one is...I hope valve has updated every model like that..
Yes, I agree.. The G-Man in the 2004 E3-presentation is the single piece of most impressing game technology I have seen so far. No doubt. This is the stuff games need, not leather-shaders and bumpmapping with only 2 real polys on the face.

Although, HL2 pretty much burns all the polys on the faces of the characters, which can be both good and bad.

Graphics aren't the most important thing though, storytelling and gameplay play a much bigger role. I have no doubt HL2's gameplay will be absolutely fantastic, however I have yet to see a piece of evidence pointing out that the story/storytelling of HL2 will be any better than the other games on the market.
The good thing about the HL storytelling is that Valve manages to make you feel the way you should feel in that situation through leveldesign and NPC interactions. It only tells what you can see. A shallow player saw HL as a game where an accident happened, bad guy aliens come in and thats it. Someone who looks deeper into things will see a lot more story to it.

Giving the player dialogue options or even a voice, forces you to have that "opinion" on things, you can't form your own anymore, therefore, you don't share the opinion with the character you are playing, so you ARE not him anymore, but just someone controlling him.
crazyharij - i'd say that from the kleiner's lab vid alone, the voice acting and emotional expressions on their face (subtle and not) is evidence that its story will be told better than any game out there...whether or not the story itself is the most engaging is still to be seen....

Oh, and concerning the original HL - did anyone else feel that becuase the game was so far ahead of the standards at the time, it simultaneously showed its limitations - ie the repeated lines of the npc's (as well as their skins), the tight linearity e.t.c I'm expecting HL2 to be the same....hopefully the game won't offer such a clear-cut and (late) option of the 'good' and 'bad' alignment, like it did in HL's final scene...i'm not expecting Deus Ex, but something more divergent offered in the storyline's linerarity would be appreciated....


Hunchback said:
crazyharij - i'd say that from the kleiner's lab vid alone, the voice acting and emotional expressions on their face (subtle and not) is evidence that its story will be told better than any game out there...whether or not the story itself is the most engaging is still to be seen....
Kleiner's lab really stunned me, the first time I felt a computer charachter felt real to me and I got emotionally involved with was Tommy Angelo on Mafia, but HL2 looks much better than those models, aren't done in cutscenes and won't be as power-hungry compared with how advanced they are in comparison.
Doom 3 on the other hand.....THAT is truly next generation

How is D3 next generation? It's just doom 1 with updated graphics
ok no offense but I think this post is 101% of pure bullshit
I think what valve did great with hl was with a lot of stuff Shigeru Miyamoto would talk about. They paid attention to tiny little details that made us feel alive. Hopefully with hl2 they will use physics, the new characters, dialogue and everything else to make us feel even more alive. It’s definitely those tiny details that nobody really notices coz ur just going with the flow, but it immerses u into the game even more, brings out certain feelings. So it’s an evolution of their last revolution, unless they got something new and innovative up their sleeve.
We have you to see the story, like crazy said. But, valve has impressed me with the fact that they still know how to make a proper atmosphere. The kleiner's lab vid didn't really bring that feeling that they were actually scared from the scanners - but the apartment scene in this year's E3 TOTALLY blew me away!