RIFT (aka World of Everhammer Online)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
After reading a lot of positive comments I decided to jump in the deep end and buy this game. I have got a couple of hours in last night and I have been impressed with what I have seen so far. Technically it is without a doubt the most successful MMO launch in a long time. The game runs smooth as butter, lag is almost absent and the UI & the engine are both polished to a shine. The game looks good; artistically it is a cross between WAR and LotRO. The spell effects aren't very spectacular though and it only has DX9 graphics.

Gameplay-wise it is a run of the mill button click MMO. Like WoW six years ago the developers took a lot of proven ideas from other games and blended them in -what seems- a successful way. It has the public questing and PVP from WAR, the class system from Guild Wars and loads of other stuff from WoW. Don't expect any spectacular innovations from RIFT. This is very much a 'me too' game, but it is done very well.

Total Biscuit did an interview with a dude that played the beta extensively and his reaction to TB's statement at 49:58 hits the nail on the head imo.


So, is anyone else playing RIFT?
Is there a trial yet or is this another one of those mmos where you have to wait months before a trial comes out?
Been playing since headstart, it's great. Wouldn't bother if MMOs aren't your thing, but if you're just looking for a fresh take on the same formula you can't really go wrong here.
It's just another cookie cutter sword and sorcery MMO. I uninstalled it within an hour of receiving my beta invite. Bland, boring and forgettable.
Everybody wants to be World of Warcraft. That game's the epitome of lackluster.
Some people like World of Warcraft.

I know, who'd have thunk it, right?
Really keen to try this after all the positive feedback it's been getting.
Oh wait, I need to bet on how long it takes until people stop caring about Rift.

(I was right on the money for DC Online!)

I give this one like a week and a half.
Oh wait, I need to bet on how long it takes until people stop caring about Rift.

(I was right on the money for DC Online!)

I give this one like a week and a half.

It might take a bit longer. There is actual working end-game content.
jesus titty crumbs the animation team at arena net is something else (****ing amazing). thanks for that video
I also love TwwIX.

I've heard really great things about Rift, but after spending money on World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, and Aion, I think I'll wait for a trial.
Well, I am enjoying myself so far. I have leveled two toons up to level 10 now, a Champion / Riftblade / Beastmaster Warrior and an Inquisitor / Cabalist / Purifier Cleric. This is the first MMO game where I actually like playing a melee class, even though it doesn't fundamentally differ from f.e. WoW. I might try the other two classes or simply go ahead with my Warrior because he kicks major ass.

The thing I like best about this game is that there is always something to do. When you get bored of a kill x mobs quest, you open your map to see where the nearest world event is and head there. There are invasions, rifts (both small and big), wandering bosses, and all other kinds of things. Oh and PvP of course, which I still have to try since it opens up at level 10.

I'd really like to know more about the pvp. Is it open world pvp, or all contained within arenas and battlegrounds? Instanced?

If there's significant open world pvp, I may be interested.
All of the above (edit: oops, no arenas - thankfully). For the first 20-30 levels or so pvp is almost entirely contained to battlegrounds ("warfronts"), which are pretty standard fare. Somewhere around the middle of the leveling curve, the world opens up and both factions start questing/rifting in the same zones, so you'll run into plenty of world pvp. Might sound like a while but leveling is pretty quick, and because there are so many ways to do it (standard quests, instances every 5 levels or so, rifts, events, and yes pvp grants XP) you never really get tired of "the grind."

This is really the games greatest attribute: variety. On top of all that, if you're getting a little tired of your class you can go buy another role and create something entirely different or just rearrange what you're using to greater effect. The best part of this is that my level 30 cleric can now perform just about any role that's needed in dungeons (minus melee dps, which I'll learn once I buy my final role), and I don't really have to switch out my gear for them or anything. Just slap on a sword/board for tanking and I'm good to go.
An explanation about the open world PvP

Objective Based Open World PvP occurs in RIFT as follows. Major towns in a province provide services such as crafting stations, quest givers, general goods merchants, rare planar goods merchants, trainers, etc ... One side can contest a town in an opposing province which in turn denies the use of any of that towns services as long as the town remains contested. As this is a significant impact on play for those currently playing in the province, it becomes the focal point for larger scale battles as the defender must respond to bring those services back on line.
That screenshot looks really nice, I like how the beard looks. Everything looks really smooth and easy on the eyes.
Just bought it (plus the free month). We'll see, though I have my doubts.

[grumble]****ing shaker....[/grumble]
Just bought it (plus the free month). We'll see, though I have my doubts.

[grumble]****ing shaker....[/grumble]

It's funny how you actually sold the game to yourself while we were talking about it on Steam. :p
Yeah...I've been itching for something different, and for some reason Grinding sounds fun. /shrug
Maybe it's because I don't have much gaming time lately, and something that's simple and mindless sounds good.
Part of the appeal of MMOs, to me, is being able to play something where I can just switch off for a bit and have music or podcasts playing in the background. Something that doesn't require my undivided attention (although it can certainly demand that at times).
That's what I like about WoW, I can play while watching TV, listening to music/podcasts etc.
Some screenshots, cleavage character - doesn't afraid of anything, etc




Certainly the best MMO since WoW - and takes the best of the genre and adds some spice. I'm really enjoying the flexibility of being able to have so many specialties/roles and switch between them on the fly. During the course of one dungeon - as a cleric, for instance, I can switch to a tank/dps/healer or hybrid of any/all three, and unlike WoW - there's viability to many more character "specs", and the amount of classes or "souls" is insane... there's some great innovative builds and unique soul setups I've seen players put together. Rogue tanks, for example, are exceptionally niche and entertaining.

...unfortunately I don't have those "legplates" that are essentially panties anymore haha - and look far more modest now. (the female characters, with the exception of some of the early armors, are actually more modest than WoW, and don't all feature DDs and DOA style jiggleage). It's great to have more of a focus on the open world while still having enjoyable instanced "warfronts" (bgs) and dungeons. Rifts and open world territory-control PVP is a blast. Loving the game so far. If anything the most shocking thing about Rift is that it's managed to poach some of my WoW time... something no other MMO has come close to doing since WoW's beta.
I really wish I had the money to buy this and try the first month. I haven't heard a whole lot of bad things about it so far aside from defensive WoW loyalists.
This is looking surprisingly interesting. And I've been jonesing for an MMO for so goddamn long.
How anyone sees anything here other than a cheap WoW knock-off is beyond me.
Because people didn't say the same thing about WoW?
Fantasy MMO it must've copied WoW amirite?
Does it have any kind of persistent pvp group endgame? Like Shadowbane, Age of Conan or EVE?
Ah I was unclear, I meant groups as in guilds, pvp objectives for them rather than a faction world CTF.
Not that I'm aware of, not on the same level as any of the games you mentioned, at least. It's definitely more of a PvE game.
I've heard really great things about Rift, but after spending money on World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, and Aion, I think I'll wait for a trial.

I caved and bought it this morning, but only got so far as installing, patching, and creating a character before realms went down and I had to go to work. Hoping to play some this weekend and going to try to get my girlfriend into it, too.