Ripped Money

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Jul 11, 2003
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If I ripped a dollar bill in half and I tape it back up, can I still use it?
no, its illegal to desecrate our currency :) just toss it.
Well, in Britain it varies. I've worked in Off Licenses and we usually accept ripped/taped notes.
I always accept ripped bills at work. Shit happens, things get ripped, what a waste of money to just throw it away.
In the UK so long as you had both halves with matching numbers on each half then it is legal tender
gh0st said:
no, its illegal to desecrate our currency :) just toss it.
Noo, I don't think so... I hear banks will accept taped or a bit more than half of a bill(probably the serial number half) and exchange for a whole one...? Something like that. But you should be able to use it. Just probably not for vending machines.
I think you only need like 3/4 of it to be able to us it...or was it just more than half?
que ever is right, if you have more than half a dollar then you can take it to a bank and they'll give you a new one. they made a movie about that with a 20 dollar bill.
I still have both halves of it. My friend thought it would be funny to rip up my dollar. I didn't think it was funny. Thanks for your inputs.
pAiNtHeAsS said:
I still have both halves of it. My friend thought it would be funny to rip up my dollar. I didn't think it was funny. Thanks for your inputs.

Har har, that's why we have pound coins - try and rip one of those 'friend', or should I say SATAN?!?!?!?

But seriously though, is it wrong to refer to my friends as satan?
Murray_H said:
Har har, that's why we have pound coins - try and rip one of those 'friend', or should I say SATAN?!?!?!?

But seriously though, is it wrong to refer to my friends as satan?
Do you like your friends? If so, then yes its fine, because everybody should love Satan.
I work at a bank so I know this stuff. Banks usually accept ripped bills as long as one full serial number and part of the second serial number are visible ( so whoever said 3/4 is kinda right). It is illegal to destroy US currency...if you accidentally rip it or find a ripped bill its not complete destroyed and you can mail it to the US treasury and get it exchanged for a new one (after of course they make sure its a real bill) so basically they take out the destroyed bill and replace it leaving that dollar or whatever bill it was in circulation.
Legally, you need 51% or more of a bill for it to be legal currency.
You should consult your bank.

That's why in this country they have pound coins, because they last much longer than pound notes. Durability = teh win.
There's a special office for those kind of cases in the US. I saw once a guy that braught a a box with burned dollars. They managed with the pieces to know how much was in there and they gave him the money.
You could get a lot with a dollar. If you have some loose change, you could get something at the dollar store!
Dunno if USA works the same, but here in england its better to use a torn to pieces note than to throw it away (not to mention, its illegal to deface anything with the queen on it) because they get sent to cash centre's (i work in one, i know :p) and then that note would go as a "unfit" note and sent to the BoE (Bank of England) to be destroyed and taken out of the system individually.
Que-Ever said:
Noo, I don't think so... I hear banks will accept taped or a bit more than half of a bill(probably the serial number half) and exchange for a whole one...? Something like that. But you should be able to use it. Just probably not for vending machines.

if u take these ripped bills (taped up) to the bank, they help take these old notes out of circulation
Scotland still has £1 notes. They are very rare though. I've only managed to get 2 or 3.

Just a fact.
Feath said:
Scotland still has £1 notes. They are very rare though. I've only managed to get 2 or 3.

Just a fact.

I bought a £1 drink in a pub in England with a £1 Scottish note. I got £4 change. Bargain!!!! :D :D
a dollar is only good if you have 60% or more of it, then you can trade it in ;)

and your friend just commited a felony. Call the FBI ASAP.
I have heard that if you rip a dollar bill in half it is still worth a dollar, so you could go around ripping all your money in half and you could have double!
I have heard that if you rip a dollar bill in half it is still worth a dollar, so you could go around ripping all your money in half and you could have double!

Please do not bump very, VERY old threads.

Thank you, come again. Enjoy the forums.
I hear that if your anus is ripped in half, it's because I stuck my weiner in because you REVIVED AN OLD THREAD D:

Man, this IS old. I think it's weird finding posts from back when i posted in pink, but here's one from BEFORE I posted in pink.
i work for a bank, dont know its the same over there, but if u take it into a bank they will exchange it for a new note, aslong as u have both parts, or u have a certain persentage of the cerial number on the note

*edit* oops sorry didnt read the 2nd page of the thread... ignore this!

And for the record it is not illegal to deface anything with the queens face on it.
I have heard that if you rip a dollar bill in half it is still worth a dollar, so you could go around ripping all your money in half and you could have double!

No, it won't work.

Don't even try it, because it won't work. It just won't work.

It won't work.
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