<RJMC> weird people of the day: this man loooved his bicycle


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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A man caught trying to have sex with his bicycle has been sentenced to three years on probation.

"They used a master key to unlock the door and they then observed the accused wearing only a white t-shirt, naked from the waist down.

"The accused was holding the bike and moving his hips back and forth as if to simulate sex."

Both cleaners, who were "extremely shocked", told the hostel manager who called police.

I remenber in a interview whit robin willians he said "I am bike-sexual I like rides long and hard" but this is ridiculous
The hell did they sentence him for? This is bullshit. That bike wanted it.
The bike's wheels said no but its handle bars said yes.

Best news story I've ever seen. Ever.
I actually heard about this last spring? He should not have gotten in trouble for this.
Both cleaners, who were "extremely shocked"...

that's what you get for ILLEGALLY using the master key to sneak into somebody's room. tards.
Yeah, even though people who do shit like this are ****ed up, it in no way warrants an arrest. He wasn't doing anything illegal at all.

i was expecting you guys to relate your cycle-sexualist experiences to this guys..

come on! no one else has done this??????
no, I use chairs

to be honest cycle-sexualists are out of fashion, it's all about furniture now. Been there, done that...
I can't seem to visualize how that all went down. I'm okay with that.

What I don't understand... he was in his bedroom, in a place he rents... wtf. How can he be arrested for "simulating sex". Just because he's not lucky enough to be able to get "real" sex, doesn't mean people can just barge in and arrest him. I just can't get my mind to wrap around the logic.

Pfft, he was probably just lubing the chain.. right?

<wink, wink...nudge, nudge..>
