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wayne white said:
halo 2 has 3 kinds of warthog...hl2 has a crappy buggy without hood.

halo 2 has 3 pallete swapped warthogs, big deal. I don't see what's so great about Halo I was like to my friend. Hey Halo 2 doesnt look that great "ARE YOU INSANE" was the first thing he said lol. I hate these people that haven't even seen Hl2 yet and are acting like halo 2 is a gift from above. HL2 has a wide variety of guns, Halo 2 has 3. HL2 has a very large multiplayer fanbase (counterstrike source), Halo 2 we'll wait and see. I might get it for christmas or something but I'm in no rush to buy it like I am for fable and MK:deception (and ofcourse HL2 whenever it comes out). I may say some pretty negative things about HL2 at times but that's only because I'm just mad at all the delays and want to play it so badly.

Also I don't get why xbox fanboys are so crazy about Halo. I love my xbox and don't see what was the buzz about halo. It was a very repetitive shooter with average graphics, and no ragdoll. The AI was nothing spectacular, yeah it had a few vehicles to drive around in at some parts. I don't know if any of you guys read official xbox magazine but they mention halo like every issue and talk about how it was the greatest game of all time. They also talk about how halo 2 will be even better. If these people think Halo 2 looks awesome, wait till they see HL2.
Halo 2 really doesn't do anything for me. I see it as another run-n-gun shooter that is being hyped to the moon and back.

And all FPS's should forever and always be released for PC.
skater4evr5 said:
look at these two pics i pulled out of the video.

the right side of the pic is PROOF that there are MAYBE a couple of destructable areas. ITS nothing compared to red faction at all.

If you watch the whole video there are about 13 nades going off and nothing is destroyed. Just particles. I like the first pic. NICE wall action :naughty:
Look at Half-Life 2's multiplayer:
Just look around at the pics, lots of clipping.
Zeus said:
halo 2 has 3 pallete swapped warthogs, big deal. I don't see what's so great about Halo I was like to my friend. Hey Halo 2 doesnt look that great "ARE YOU INSANE" was the first thing he said lol. I hate these people that haven't even seen Hl2 yet and are acting like halo 2 is a gift from above. HL2 has a wide variety of guns, Halo 2 has 3. HL2 has a very large multiplayer fanbase (counterstrike source), Halo 2 we'll wait and see.

Also I don't get why xbox fanboys are so crazy about Halo. I love my xbox and don't see what was the buzz about halo. It was a very repetitive shooter with average graphics, and no ragdoll. The AI was nothing spectacular, yeah it had a few vehicles to drive around in at some parts.

Wow....just wow. You do realize you are the EXACT thing you say you hate, just for HL2 other than Halo 2?

Let's start with the weapons. You say Halo 2 has 3 weapons? What? Do you mean you can only hold 3 at a time? I sure hope that's what you meant.

Also, you say HL2 has a huge multiplayer fanbase cause of CS:S. Well, CS:S isn't HL2, so that's irrevelant, and I have a feeling of the 3 million or so Halo fans, at least half of them will take part in the multiplayer when Halo 2 releases.

And lastly, about Halo 1's AI, I'd like to see what you consider "good" AI then, seeing as it's better than Half-Life's by far.

Ok that's all I'm posting on this anymore, it's getting annoying how close-minded and misinformed people are.
Zeus said:
I don't get why xbox fanboys are so crazy about Halo. I love my xbox and don't see what was the buzz about halo. It was a very repetitive shooter with average graphics, and no ragdoll. The AI was nothing spectacular, yeah it had a few vehicles to drive around in at some parts.

Quoted for Emphasis.

I am honestly sick of these STUPID fanboys going into other gaming forums, and posting about how "brilliant" Halo 2 is going to be !. I have been told I am a "n00b", and "idiotic" by a Halo fanboy on these forums, and I'm getting sick of it. EVERY gaming forum I frequent has at least 1 Halo fanboy per month coming in and telling them how "cool" Halo is and how it "pawns" the game the forum is about.

You know what ? I don't want to know if you like Halo, or are one of the many Halo 2 fanboys. All I want is an *intelligent* argument about how good Halo/Halo 2 is, but no, that isn't going to happen anytime soon, seeing that most people that play Halo and praise it are FPS n00bs. with no former experience in the FPS genre. I have been told to "keep quiet if you have nothing to add to the conversation" in another thread about Halo, when I was raising several good counter-points.

Soundwave said:
And lastly, about Halo 1's AI, I'd like to see what you consider "good" AI then, seeing as it's better than Half-Life's by far.

Far Cry has "Good" (More like EXCELLENT) A.I for the mercenary's. They try and flank you, flush you out with grenades, use covering fire so other mercs can come in from behind you, call in chopper/plane reinforcements, HUNT you down from your last known location, team togeather so they can take you on, swim to the last known location you were in if it is the only way to get to you .

They use cover efficiently, including popping up and shooting at you forcing you to keep your head down, using radios/verbal commands to alert other mercs on the island, so they can have a ISLAND-WIDE SEARCH for you, they call in vehicle (Patrol Boat/Humvee/Buggy) reinforcements, including those carrying troops, they also alert snipers to your position, so they can pop you as soon as you head comes up, call in "Elite" (Beret) troops if the going gets too hot for them, they RETREAT if they are going to lose, they use the commander as a scout, and he relays orders to his men so they effectively fight you, they hide in the underbrush, in prone, and snipe at you with their m4's.

They can also use machine gun turrets to pin you down, as well as mortar turrets. They also use patrol boats effectively, using the machine to ,again, pin you down, then they use the rocket launcher to clean you out.

Meanwhile HALO's Elites, well, they're really in a class of their own, they use COVER, to hide in randomly. My goodness, what REVOLOUTIONARY A.I !!!!!!!!!! :hmph:
Halo, Great game
Half-Life, Great game

Halo 2, most likely Great Game
Half-Life 2, most likely Great Game

Who wins? The gamers, who have enough money to buy both of them

But since we're taking sides for some reason (I wonder why :p) I'll just say this

Halo 2 will be the best co-op game on Xbox, easily. Also the Multiplayer looks to be alot more fun then the first game (Man i'm so sick of Halo mulitplayer, it sucks, even when playing with 10 friends on lan and 4 Xbox's it's fun but not as fun as CS:S, and i'm more of a DoD kinda guy) I have a feeling the singleplayer will be more of the same (No complaints) but with WAY better level design, and maybe it'll have better AI for every convenant instead of just having somre pretty cool AI for the Elites like in the first one, and then average AI for everything else.

Half-Life 2 doesn't look as epic as Halo 2, but i have a feeling that it'll make up for that with gameplay and story. And even if the multiplayer is just CS:S (Which i doubt now, i dunno i just have a feeling now) it'd still be alot more fun to play CS:S with my friends then Halo 2 mulitplayer with my friends, but hey, i could be wrong.

Anyway, i don't care which game will be better, they are both going to rock, i both have them pre-ordered and when each of them is released, I'm not going to leave the house until i beat them both.
Now I know I'm not halo's biggest fan, but its not like I'm totally against it. As people have pushed around %'s for D3 calling it a dissapointment I think its fair for me to give halo 80%. Its good but its not great in anyway; Graphics are good, Effects are good, AI is good at times, Story is good if you like it.

However it really didn't add anything to the plate and I had more fun playing D3 than Halo.
Sparta said:
But since we're taking sides for some reason (I wonder why :p)

Yeah, why are we taking sides?? Why do we laugh at this game and praise the other? We seem to only do this with games, and consoles. We don't do it with movies or something..
what an unbelievably stupid thread title.

I think Halo 2 will have a good story and gameplay like the first one.
ffs, both Halo 2 and HL2 will rock.

As someone clever always says "whoever wins, we win" because we're gamers, and we get 2 great games.
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