Rome: Total War anyone?

B.Calhoun said:
Anyone ever watch the show on the History channel (im not sure if the UK gets it) called Desicive Battles? They use Rome Total war to reenact the anciet battles. Its pretty cool because they talk about tactics and stuff.

We got a show called Time Commanders where a team had to command over a famous battle. They also talked about the tactics and all that at the end.
I want it, abit busy playing DoW atm and when im done with that HL2 will appear and then well i dont think ill have ne time for total war.
i wnet out with my mate today, i bought evil genius and he bought Rome:TW, but he's going round his dads house (whose PC is pretty shit) so im borrowing it for a couple of days. Ill decide if i want to buy it :)

i probally will get it as i loved Medieval, i still play it on rainy days- but the trouble is i dont have much dedication. As soon as my empire gets so big that turns take ages, i get bored (or someone attacks me) and i think "i cant me bothered" and play somehting else. maybe rome is diffre nt- we'll have to see.
johnnypoopoopant said:
should i get this game over far cry?? which one will last longer?
far cry is a great game but wont last long on your computer
Rome is highly addictive and very long with the many different playable nations and such
rome>fc :thumbs:
If I could only afford this game :) Next month I'll be playing it. Looks massive.
Very awesome.

Love this game - only thing is that the A.I. ain't that great and the FPS goes really low at higher resolutions.
I want it, but I have spent too much money on games already this year, and I don't want to make it too crazy cause I also still want HL2 and Bloodlines
This game is crack and I am its bitch :D

Just a random shot I took hours ago with print screen. My Scipii empire will rise!:
So we're swapping screenshots now eh? I have ton a, just wait till I get on my home comp. Ahahaha!
I love the game, the campaign mode of the game has a very old school civilisation feel to it, and I love reading about my generals attributes and their retinue, stuff like that is what gives this game immense depth and detail. And the battles speak for themselves.

Is anyone facing the egyptians at the moment? Im the green romans (cant remember the faction name atm) and I've surrounded the other factions to stop them expanding (which has set up a nice little empire for me). I reached the eastern side of the map and am working my way down and west across egyptian terriroty, Damn these bastards are tough, is anyone else finding this? The egyptians just seem to be able to hold out for ages, particularily the axe-weilding unit they have.
Prohass said:
I love the game, the campaign mode of the game has a very old school civilisation feel to it, and I love reading about my generals attributes and their retinue, stuff like that is what gives this game immense depth and detail. And the battles speak for themselves.

Is anyone facing the egyptians at the moment? Im the green romans (cant remember the faction name atm) and I've surrounded the other factions to stop them expanding (which has set up a nice little empire for me). I reached the eastern side of the map and am working my way down and west across egyptian terriroty, Damn these bastards are tough, is anyone else finding this? The egyptians just seem to be able to hold out for ages, particularily the axe-weilding unit they have.

The green guys are the Brutii. Thats who I played on my first game. And yes, they are very hard. They were the most advanced faction in the game.
:( you guys are making me wanna play it even more...imm about to get my comp checked out so as soon as thats done imma start playin :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
It's such a good game, I hope I finish it by the time I get HL2, otherwise I'll have to put HL2 on hold for a bit
Not being a strategy gamer, I've surprised myself on a number of occasions by starting to play this game at about 10-11 PM, then realizing that it's daylight and 7 AM, with no idea where the time went. This game is pure, unadulterated crack in binary form.
got it this morning (finally). only just stopped playing. i'm glad i have tomorrow off, i don't think i could drag myself away from this game :D
Anyone know how to move a ton of units at once? Seems like I can only move 1 unit group at a time.
Foxtrot said:
Anyone know how to move a ton of units at once? Seems like I can only move 1 unit group at a time.

I'm guessing hold down either CTRL or SHIFT then select another unit.
StardogChampion said:
I'm guessing hold down either CTRL or SHIFT then select another unit.
Sorry I meant on the world map. Also, why do I suck? lol, anyone common things I might be doing wrong?
Axyon said:
This game is crack and I am its bitch :D

Just a random shot I took hours ago with print screen. My Scipii empire will rise!:
Is it out? :s
Hmm...It appears I didn't realise the release date of this game and now I don't have the money :O
Foxtrot said:
Anyone know how to move a ton of units at once? Seems like I can only move 1 unit group at a time.

You cant on the world map. It makes it a bit more strategic IMO. I think it might have been implemented so you can't take a HUGE army and conquer the map one faction at a time. It encourages the divide and conquer technique. Plus, your computer just wouldn't be able to handle it. I'm sure they'll be a mod out for this shortly however.
Nothing beats chasing down a puny enemy General with three cavalry blocks in wedge formation. Nothing.
I suck so much. I have 4 towns and they are very well defended but now whenever I try to take over another one they just counter attack with a bunch of troops. I finnaly got a massive army and took it over but then all my guys just died for no reason, no battle they just died.
I got my copy today, and am installing it now.... some online play soon :)
Foxtrot said:
I suck so much. I have 4 towns and they are very well defended but now whenever I try to take over another one they just counter attack with a bunch of troops. I finnaly got a massive army and took it over but then all my guys just died for no reason, no battle they just died.

Straighten up! There doing that because there is either low public order or you have a high tax rate on those towns (which causes low public order). Get a good governor (look at the amount of reefs by his portrait) and put him in one. Bring up the settlement details and look in the public order column. See whats flashing and whats not. The first row is things that have a positive effect on public order, the bottom row is negative. Adjust your construction in those towns to meet the peoples needs. Also, keep troops in those settlements, that keeps them from rebelling. Lower your tax rate. You'll get it.
significant unrest is caused by squalor from too many people, so training heaps of troops will reduce the population of the city and make it happier. However, you still need to build the happiness buildings, or else you will never be able to progress to your more advanced units
Prohass said:
I love the game, the campaign mode of the game has a very old school civilisation feel to it, and I love reading about my generals attributes and their retinue, stuff like that is what gives this game immense depth and detail. And the battles speak for themselves.

Is anyone facing the egyptians at the moment? Im the green romans (cant remember the faction name atm) and I've surrounded the other factions to stop them expanding (which has set up a nice little empire for me). I reached the eastern side of the map and am working my way down and west across egyptian terriroty, Damn these bastards are tough, is anyone else finding this? The egyptians just seem to be able to hold out for ages, particularily the axe-weilding unit they have.
I'm also playing as the House of Brutii and the first thing i did was attack the macedonians and greeks, as required by some senate missions. Soon the macedonians fell, then the greek cities, and now I am working on the gauls now that I control almost all the northern mediterranian.

As for the Egyptians....well one of my towns had an outbreak of the plague so I trained a bunch of spies from that town. Now lets just say all of the egyptian cities are having some health problems. :laugh: Already one or two of their towns are rebelling.
This is so much fun now that I understand everything. I love how you can attach family members to military units to help command, and then when they come out victorious they are all badass and decked out with stars. I still kind of suck, but I have about 2 troops ready to attack. I think I am spreading myself too thin though.
alan8325 said:
As for the Egyptians....well one of my towns had an outbreak of the plague so I trained a bunch of spies from that town. Now lets just say all of the egyptian cities are having some health problems. :laugh: Already one or two of their towns are rebelling.

Ahah, nice.
StardogChampion said:
Finally I have it!!!! *sniffs the manual over and over*, mmmm baby.

EDIT: I'm stuck on the first seige type thing. I tell my Onagers to attack the gate but they won't fire, they only fire at enemies/buildings. What the fuzzballs am I supposed to do?

Pressed quote instead of edit :/
I just gave in to the temptation and ordered RTW. Excited (RTW!!!) but sad (bye bye € 40) at the same time :) :(
Man, it's moments like just then, when, after a long and arduous series of fights on a wall's battlements, my men give a deafening cheer after they win, that I know that this is the finest game I have ever played, or am likely to for a long time.

man. I'm so frustrated. I sailed a ship to seige a small town with an extreamly small force (3 town guards, 1 archer, 1 velite, 1 general...i wasn't expecting much). So I besiege it, go into a battle.... and break the gates down.... then my town guards are slaughters and rout. So I figure i'm pretty much screwed...I end up inside the walls with my troops, about 130 all told (archers, velites, remainder of general's calvary) I'm fighting about 170 enemy infantry. My archers end up killing ~60, so the fight is more even.... I manage to surround the reamining enemy troops, and, my missile infantry out of missile ammo, charge from all sides. They're being decimated.....and then the time run out.... there were seriously 17 enemies left... and I lost because of the timer :(
you know what you guys need to your replays and upload the file somewhere so we can scrutinize your strategies and offer suggestions :D