Rome Total War Demo 23rd aug.


Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Im basicly a whore for this game.

"Oh my children the time is coming... Rome: Total War is quickly approaching store shelves. Let the cheers and throwing of panties begin! Sure, there's still a month in between us and total strategic satisfaction, but fear not, Activision and Creative Assembly have not forsaken us. They have, in fact, granted us a boon. Next Monday, a demo will be released for Rome: Total War."

Demo is:

Tutorial that sees you taking command of the Julii faction (one of the romans) ending in a battle.

then a real big battle with you as the carthaginians against the Romans at Trebia.

They will post their impressions of the demo on friday and the actual demo on the 23rd.

im way too excited please forgive me.
edited the title for you. and it should be awsome :) (the history channel show about it is cool)
So, is this like an expansion pack for Medieval: Total War, but with romans?
Oh my f***ing Goodness YESS!!!!!1

YEEHA! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


I love you all. (Strike One for wanted games, Three more to go).
Varg|Hund said:
So, is this like an expansion pack for Medieval: Total War, but with romans?

lol yeah right...have u seen this game in action? it has only the coolest engine/game.
what faction does everyone want to play the most when the full game comes out? I like the look of those Seluicids, and Carthage looks interesting too
Is this in fact CONFIRMED? There have been many false reports about demos and stuff and gameplay features in the past, that have been squashed by the developers on the official forums. I hope this is true, but if its not, don't be dissapointed. I personally have been anticipating Rome since it was first announced. I own all the games in the series, Shogun, Medieval, Viking Invasion and soon Rome.

EDIT: Hmm. might be official. If so, that will be soooo SWEEEET
I've never played any of them, i'm not really into RTS but this looks kickass. Is it hard? Because i suck at these games.
Varg|Hund said:
So, is this like an expansion pack for Medieval: Total War, but with romans?

and a full 3D engine that looks f**king amazing. And fix mechanics so dimplomicy has options.
Dude are you serious! The 23rd of this month as in 4 days! This is so awesome, Shogun and Medieval are my two favorite RTS games. I cant wait for Rome:Total war :) Thanks for the news
Oh. So a bit more than "just an expansion pack then" :)
/me is t3h ignorant :p
*The long lost prodigal son (read: me :p) finally returns to the RTS genre*

This is the first RTS I have wanted to play in a llllllooooonnnnngggg time.
Wahoo cant wait, must..destroy..romans..change history..forever..
I loved time commanders, what ever happened to it?
Anyone know what time it will be available to download in the u.k? (GMT)
Well they are realising it at 12:01am PST so that 3:01 ESt for me, someone said that in europe it would be realising at 8:00am for the U.K
I'm not much of an RTS gamer myself. But I must say I am impressed with what I've seen so far (history channel) and will probably be buying this game.
This is what I'm talkin' about!

Can't wait for the 23rd. :D
Well, all i know is im going to be staying up all night sunday waiting for the demo :)
/me twiddles thumbs...

I'm patient enough..:D
This is one of the reasons I can't get upset about HL2 not being out yet.

There's always a new game (or demo) coming sooner or later which will replace our interest for the time being. And this looks like one of the best ones for the year.
kungfucheez said:
Well, all i know is im going to be staying up all night sunday waiting for the demo :)

For once I'm glad I'm in GMT+1, it should be released just when I wake up :E
Oh my god, this demo is awesome.

I just played it like 5 minutes ago, yes I know it's sunday.

I guess that's just the good thing about being a member on
iv been playing it since saturday morning..i got it with my pre-order at gamestop
What is the History Channel show about it called? I usually keep close tabs on what's playing on the History Channel, but it must have slipped by me :(
Dammit, they must of removed the link :|...well its Monday the 23rd now so...:D
Downloading at a solid 30.6kb/sec for me :/ 17mins to go. I'll post some screens if it doesn't own mah PC. ;D

I am downloading a load of torrents as well so would probably be faster. ;D