Rome: Total War.... -stun-


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Wow. Rome TW looks really cool... looks like there is going to be ALOT going on at once so I hope the control interface makes up for it.

And for Spidey... it looks alot better thant he first game, but I dont know, movies to games normally suck... I hope this is diffrent.
yeah i cant wait for rome: total war either
other than halflife2 this is the other game im most anticipating

I think its so cool to finally be able to manage and see huge battles. However i havent played any of the other "total war" series. Has anyone else? Is it a good series?
I am acually waiting for Black and White 2 more than RTW... mainly because its like RTW cept you can build cities and you have a creature to tame/maim :) And can have it trounce the enemy!!! :)
And you know it's just a matter of time untill a LOTR mod comes out :D

Just think about that for a while and try not to dribble \o/
LOTR Battle for middle earth is basically that Warbie... seen the trailers for that?
spiderman 2 is its a big city and you can roam anywhere you want, should be fun...

as for rome TW, well i wish i was interested by such games because it does look interesting, but i can never get into that type of game.
Xtasy00 said:
spiderman 2 is its a big city and you can roam anywhere you want, should be fun...

as for rome TW, well i wish i was interested by such games because it does look interesting, but i can never get into that type of game.

thats why I want it :D the new approach entices me gta with super powers \o/
Deadline said:
LOTR Battle for middle earth is basically that Warbie... seen the trailers for that?

Sure - but I doubt it'll be a patch on Total War :)

This is an engine that can really do the battle justice imo.
Xtasy00 said:
spiderman 2 is its a big city and you can roam anywhere you want, should be fun...

as for rome TW, well i wish i was interested by such games because it does look interesting, but i can never get into that type of game.

I find myself in a similar predicament as of late, that type of game just fails to keep my interest... even warcraft 3... -sigh- which is supposed to be simplistic and just fun... so much for that I suck at it and it fails to exite me like a first person shooter does. RTW looks like it could actually keep my exitement level up leaveing me wanting to actually play it again
Well the battles in LOTR BFME is really good and has incredible large scale... maybe not AS much as RTW but still huge, check out a trailer... lemme find a link.
RTW gets my props over BFME... :cheese: historican aspects combined with a good track record gives it the upper hand though
RTW definitley is a revolution in gaming in my opinion. I am anticipating this game more then I am HL2 lol.

1. Rome Total War.
2.Half life 2
3. LOTR battle for middle earth.
OMFG that looks so cool, it looks like the damage might be pretty realistic too.
I don't get what the big deal is about Rome: TW? Battle for Middle-earth has nicer graphics IMO and I love LOTR so I'm looking forward to that.
Deadline if you played MTW or shogun total war you would know its not confusing at all. Its all worked out nicley thats what makes the Total War games great.
No never did, seemed too much for my mind... Glad it wont be complicated though :)
SubKamran said:
I don't get what the big deal is about Rome: TW? Battle for Middle-earth has nicer graphics IMO and I love LOTR so I'm looking forward to that.

Battle for Middle Earth looks good - but is on a far smaller scale than Rome. If you want to fight in battles ala LOTR (*infact these battles will probably be larger) you'll want Rome: Total War :)

It's not just the scale either. If the previous total war games are anything to go by, there's no other RTS that even comes close in terms of strategy. While in many games (AoE, WC3) it's obvious whose gonna lose in the first 5-30 mins. In Total War you can really turn things around with some clever play - it's as close to commanding a real army as we're gonna get.

(I also disagree completely about the gfx - but I'm biased cause my bro did most of the skins \o/ *shameless plug no. 1000*)
After watching that video I just shat my pants!
Well... by the end of this year I am gona have no money left!

There are just too many good games damnit!!!! :p
Deadline said:
Can you say mass confusion?
Nope! They're all in large groups, and holding down a button highlights your troops in bright green. Then there's the overhead map, pause button and the unit 'flags'. :p
Deadline said:
Wow. Rome TW looks really cool... looks like there is going to be ALOT going on at once so I hope the control interface makes up for it.

And for Spidey... it looks alot better thant he first game, but I dont know, movies to games normally suck... I hope this is diffrent.

controls for total war games have always been great :) Men are moved around in units, normly around 60-120 men in each unit. The AI takes over when they start fighting.
Battle for Middle Earth will be decent, but it's not on the scale of Rome. tactically, Rome is a better game as well (based on Shogun and Medieval, both great).

there's no way CA can mess it up now.
whoa, I got shivers down my spine watching that, it could of been the window that was open...but i'm going with the video :p
I'd really really want to get into Rome:Total War but the problem is, i suck at RTS games. I could never finish anything but StarCraft. Not even Empire Earth
i heard that the History channel is going to use RTW for recreation of events.
Wow.. I hadn't looked at anything for R:TW...but just that trailer got me excited. I hope they make it easy to mod so there's a big community out there. Not to mention a simple scenario editor if I want to make my own maps real quick.

Spiderman also looks really cool. I might actually have to buy it if it gets good ratings.

The LOTR game doesn't excite me nearly as much because it doesn't look as in-depth as R:TW (just from the trailer) or as epic.
is it just me or does this game look ordinary
nothing special in my opinion
when the units engage in battle, they look very unrealistic
the only thing that impressed me was the sheer number of units on the battlefield
i take it you two have never played either Shogun or Medieval?

take it from me, Rome will be the best RTS in existence.
Watched the official E3 2004 trailer for Rome : Total War, and it looks amaaaaazing :D

I can't wait, the next few years will see some absolutely amazing titles, I think i'm just gonna lock myself in my room for the next decade.
hyenolie said:
poor graphics.

Take that back :p

Wait till you see it for yourself ....... that vid can't do the engine justice.

The number of units, and size of conflicts, will be like nothing ever seen before.

This game is going to sell by the truck load.
im looking forward to RTW a lot more then I am HL2. CA is a great company as well. Very true to there release dates and have great public relations.