Rome : Total War

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Is this game too good? :O

I can't stop playing it, and in fact have only just now really found the time to post about it. Its just so fun...Shame even (yes, even :p) my computer slows down with all the options maxed out in a battle with 10000 men...

There is so much in this game. Its the little things that really make it, like building descriptions and pictures. The speeches that generals give before battles. Each one suited to the battle you are about to have.
It's too good x10. I can't get enough of the epic battles, faction variety, the awesome, awesome variety of battle locations on the fantastic campaign map. It's just... !

Added: You want to organize a MP battle at some point? Actually, I think we should get a few between people going.
Err i keep crying when i play RoN, it's graphics are uncomparable vs Rome: Total War...god i need money to get it...
I just got the demo, but I'm buying the whole game tomorrow. This should keep me busy till HL2.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Is this game too good? :O

I can't stop playing it, and in fact have only just now really found the time to post about it. Its just so fun...Shame even (yes, even :p) my computer slows down with all the options maxed out in a battle with 10000 men...

There is so much in this game. Its the little things that really make it, like building descriptions and pictures. The speeches that generals give before battles. Each one suited to the battle you are about to have.
yeah man
i find myself losing track of time and playing for hours straight
one of the best of this year in my opinion
I have been looking forward to RTW a lot more then I have HL2.. and damn I love it.
I need to buy this game so badly, maybe if im nice to my mom she will drive me to go pick it up after my basketball game. Ive just spend 2 hours on the demo alone.....its so EFFING FUN!
This game is really pissing me off. I am playing as the house of Brutii and no matter how many ships I make the enemy always have more. My fleet of 1000 will take down 3 fleets of theirs that are 500 but then my guys run into a few more fleets of theirs all around 1000 and that is the end. And now the bastards are base camping my ships, as soon as they come out they attack them...
Damn, the mall isnt open long tonight cause its sunday so i cant pick it up today :(

Ill have to get it tommorow, but i have alot of HW to do tomorrow :(

Oh well, and im returning SW:Battlefront to basically pay for it all.
Ne one want to send me 50 bucks?
It sucks how the campaign mode tries to be Civ III but fails. If Rome's battle engine combined with Civ's map mode, this would be one of the best games EVER.
Axyon said:
It's too good x10. I can't get enough of the epic battles, faction variety, the awesome, awesome variety of battle locations on the fantastic campaign map. It's just... !

Added: You want to organize a MP battle at some point? Actually, I think we should get a few between people going.

Heh, when i actually get good at battles :p At the moment I'm a little reserved in my stategies because I like to toy with the computer and make the battles 'look' good.

The_Monkey said:
I just got the demo, but I'm buying the whole game tomorrow. This should keep me busy till HL2.
I wasn't impressed with the demo really...I suppose because it consisted of two battles which you can't lose.

I just finished playing on it for tonight...its nearly 2:00 AM! :O

I'm playing as the Julii, and at the moment I have northern italy up to the Alps, as well as a small part of germania (About 3 cities) I also have one city actually inside Gaul (I have taken other towns off them, but they are beneath the alps.)

I could sit for hours (in fact I have been doing) watching the battles, especially with the music blasting out.
Heh, I was watching some troops for quite a while, they were just standing idle and they have all sorts of sound effects and movements. The greatest sound effect has to be the farting noise...It wasn't over blown, in fact at first I thought I had imagined it but then I heard it again in another group of soldiers.

I have the unit size(amount of men, not actual physical size of each soldier :D) set to max, and its great watching the legions of Rome marching across a barren waste towards the enemy. In one battle I had a very Gladiator type experience. I had several groups of Hastati, 2 groups of archers, my general, a couple of onagers and a ballista. All were using fire. Ahead of my men, was a large forest inside of which were the barbarians of Gaul (Hairy beyond comprehension:LOL:). I sent my Hastati forward, and unleashed the fury that were my archers and artillary. The Gauls came charging out of the forrest - A large number of peasants - to meet my advance. My generals unit circled round to the rear, waiting for the right moment to attack. Because of the slope, my archers and artially pieces began to rain fire down upon the Gauls, and many of them were slain under the heavy blows of the onagers...Finaly, my Hastati were met by the barbarians and so began a bloody battle to which there could be only one outcome...Roman victory :). It was at this moment I ordered my generals unit to charge. They smashed into the back of the tightly packed Gauls, sending more then a few flying through the air. This alone caused many of them to rout...right through my soldiers towards the archers, which cut them down in no time. It was then a matter killing off any men which had not yet run away and using my general's cavalry to chase off those that had.

That wasn't the most notable and greatest battle I've had, but it was the easiest to explain :D
i cant wait to get this game.....tommorow.

Anyway what are the main differences from the 3 factions? I think the Scipii's blue armor looks cool but Julii looks nice aswell.
I can't wait to get it - Circuit City has it on sale for $40, so as soon as I can leave this house that's the first place I'm going.

Unfortunately, my mouse is broken, though. A new one is in the mail (mx510 :E), but I hope it makes it here soon.
B.Calhoun said:
i cant wait to get this game.....tommorow.

Anyway what are the main differences from the 3 factions? I think the Scipii's blue armor looks cool but Julii looks nice aswell.
as far as i know, all three roman families are basically the same
same choice of units and buildings etc
i chose the scipii because of their cool symbol
nice thing is, once you destroy a faction, they become playable if you want to start a new campaign :)
B_MAN said:
as far as i know, all three roman families are basically the same
same choice of units and buildings etc
i chose the scipii because of their cool symbol
nice thing is, once you destroy a faction, they become playable if you want to start a new campaign :)

Yeah...Quite an interesting idea they had, as it draws the game out so much longer and keeps you entertained.
awww im so sad i dont have the game right now.....atleast its colombus day tommorow and i have no school weeeeeeeeeee!

Also, i just watched decisive battles which uses Rome total war to show off historical battles, it looks damn sweet.

...stupid star wars battlefront, im tradeing it in for RTW fo' sho'!
B_MAN said:
as far as i know, all three roman families are basically the same
same choice of units and buildings etc
i chose the scipii because of their cool symbol
nice thing is, once you destroy a faction, they become playable if you want to start a new campaign :)

Choice of initial Roman faction mainly dictates which targets the senate sets you: Julii get to go north to Gaul/Germania/Spain; Scipii get to stonk Carthage; the Brutii got the NE/Greece. Not 100% sure but they might get small differences too: eg., Scipii better ships, certain gladiator units for the Brutii.

There's heaps o' mods coming out for the game: play all factions; realism mods; slowdown the movement speeds on the battlemaps (back to MTW speeds - recommended); increase unit hitpoints (not recommended); etc. Check them out at the Total War Center's forums:
Well its official...I spent the whole night playing Rome : Total War.

It is now 6:09 Am, and I'm about to go to bed. Fortuantely, the other half of the group at college is on a trip at the moment...along with the teachers. That means I have no college :D I may just not go to sleep though, and get an early night, since I don't even have to go in on Tuesday. (Think of all that play time! :p)

I've not spent so much time palying a game in years...Oooh, it takes me back to when I was just another unsociable little snot nosed kid ;(
well im really interested in the multiplayer part of the game, how does it work?

I know 8 people can play together but what does that mean? 8 separate armies that must fight each other/ set up alliences and fight together? or have like 2 armies with people controlling different parts of the army?

Anyone in a RTW clan?
WOW, what a game, cant say enough about it
the senate are incredibly annoying, sooo i was forced to destroy them :p
and now the other two families have turned against me :|
but somehow ive managed to hold onto the most 'powerful and wealthy' faction status
im at around 30 provinces now, only 20 more to go :)
B.Calhoun said:
well im really interested in the multiplayer part of the game, how does it work?

I know 8 people can play together but what does that mean? 8 separate armies that must fight each other/ set up alliences and fight together? or have like 2 armies with people controlling different parts of the army?

Anyone in a RTW clan?

Actually ít is up to 6 players (6000 troops tend to lag still...) and its 6 different army but you can ally with other players so it can be like 2 armies.
KidRock said:
I think RTW has GOTY written all over it.
Ahem, perhaps you're forgetting another particular game coming out this year. ;)

But Strategy Game of the Year for sure!
yeah its awesome! for a real challenge, try the Greek City States, they are in a touhg position with their spread out territories.
Think I may get it.. I was not a big fan of the demo so I will just download it, if it turns out really good I will go play it so I can play mulitplayer.
Decided to go for a change of style, so I'm playing the Germainic campaign now. Deep, deep inside the forests I lurk...
i haven't been this addicted to a game since champ manager.

currently playing as the Brutii, i have an empire spanning southern italy, western greece, and egypt and various outlying islands and provinces (gosh i'm even speaking like a roman now :eek: ) i'll grab a screen when i get home.

it's a fairly easy game. i mean, i've got the campaign and battle maps on hard and i find it difficult to lose.

although, if anyone fancies a challenge, play as Carthage. they are bastard hard. you end up being enemies with everyone. spain, numidia, egypt, scipii, julii, brutii, starts getting really annoying because your ports get blockaded so your income is severely limited, and then you've got the scipii constantly trying to take carthage from under your nose. frustrating but very rewarding. trick is to move early against numidia and egypt so you can gain a few provinces and get the trade income quickly.
Veni, Vidi, Volito

I came, I saw, I ran back and forth fluttering

Famous words them are...famous words indeed.

(I don't really speak latin)

Ritz said:
Think I may get it.. I was not a big fan of the demo so I will just download it, if it turns out really good I will go play it so I can play mulitplayer.

If you don't like that type of game, I wouldnt bother...however, I wasn't impressed with the demo at all, and I began to wonder if the game was going to be any good. Its marvelous though...
woohoo i just got it now, ima install then play for a lil bit before my HW :) :) :)
B.Calhoun said:
woohoo i just got it now, ima install then play for a lil bit before my HW :) :) :)

let me be the first to say...that you won't even get to start your'll be too busy cackling and steamrollering over europe to worry about things like homework ;)
playing as julii, building armies of praetorian legionaries, got some afrika whole west europe + britain and advancing into somewhere east of germany
OMFG!! damnit, i cant install the game because theres this yellow shit stain on the bottom of the first disc!!! F***!

My mom is going to exchange it but she wont be back till later, i guess i will be getting around to my homework...damn essays...
I got a problem, please help. Whenever I'm trying to attack a town with walls, I face a message saying I need to have catapults etc. to attack it, but that is not possible to buy on my level, so my question is: How do you advance through levels?
The_Monkey said:
I got a problem, please help. Whenever I'm trying to attack a town with walls, I face a message saying I need to have catapults etc. to attack it, but that is not possible to buy on my level, so my question is: How do you advance through levels?
When one of your towns/cities has a large enough population, you can build a goverment building to upgrade it to the next stage of settlement. At each stage, more buildings are unlocked. You'll need to build a catapult range in one of your large cities to get onagers. I assume you're playing as a non-barbarian faction, though.

However, you don't need just onagers to break into a settlement. When you initially put a settlement under siege you get the choice to build siege equipment; battering rams, ladders, siege towers and sap points. Any of them that are coloured can be built for that settlement's siege, but it might take a few turns to construct them.
Axyon said:
When one of your towns/cities has a large enough population, you can build a goverment building to upgrade it to the next stage of settlement. At each stage, more buildings are unlocked. You'll need to build a catapult range in one of your large cities to get onagers. I assume you're playing as a non-barbarian faction, though.

However, you don't need just onagers to break into a settlement. When you initially put a settlement under siege you get the choice to build siege equipment; battering rams, ladders, siege towers and sap points. Any of them that are coloured can be built for that settlement's siege, but it might take a few turns to construct them.

Ok, thank you.
I got another question. How to unload from boats? When it says that's it's going to unload, nothing happens.