Rome : Total War

**** all this, I need this game to come out in Portugal NOW!!!
Dedalus said:
at least you can get online :hmph:

i've tried everything and i still can't get the damn thing to work online :frown:

have you downloaded the patch yet? This makes multiplayer a lot more stable, in fact its almost entirely for multiplayer
InsaneCow said:
have you downloaded the patch yet? This makes multiplayer a lot more stable, in fact its almost entirely for multiplayer

yeah i did. still no luck :(

lots of people are having the same problem apparently.
I'm perfectly happy with conquer mode, taken 9 cities and been mostly shunned by the senate, but when I take Rome we will see who shuns who.
wow ive just spend about 6 hours striaght playing the campaign.

I love when you get to defend your keep and you just slaughter them with infantry clogging up the holes in the wall, with the archers/spear throwing guys wiping them out, hehe.

Ive been playing a good amount of time but its annoying trying to move your army using the boats, and i still haveno spearmen :(
HunterSeeker said:
Actually I think (historically) the roman genreals rarely enter the actual combat, and the bodyguards acted mostly like meatshield to protect the general from arrows and sush.

Entirely true. Game wise, the point of the general is not to attack, just to get him close to the battle to give the other men a boost to morale. The body guards are, as you said, just to protect from arrows and such. The whole unit is on horseback not for charging but for running.

The AI doesn't know this apparently, don't make the same mistake.
I think I just had the quickest battle ever. It was about 600 vs 600 and I had all calvary excpet 1 group of infantry. I have 8 groups of calvary I think and I think 2 to kill their general 4 to get behind the enemies and 2 to keep them occupied on the front. Worked so well they all surrendered under a minute into the battle, but of course I can't let any of them live so I chased every single one of them down :)
Had something weird happen yesterday. Attacked a group of gauls, not too strong, would've been an easy win. I march toward them, not even charging, velites at the front to pelt them as soon as they get in range... and suddenly they start running away from me. Not even routing, a fully ordered retreat :|
I had a long wtf-moment before I ordered my unit of merc cavalry to chase them, by then it was too late to catch them.

I don't recall the AI doing stuff like this in MW, pretty cool... and weird.

The enemy unit was still on the campaign map, but my army was out of moves. The next turn they had retreated beyond my vision range.
I don't recall the AI doing stuff like this in MW, pretty cool... and weird.
Happened loads to me. I'd get to the fight, load the map, deploy, and have the entire enemy army march off the map before anything happened.
i agree that the mp inferface is crap.... and I fail to connect to host every time :(
Varsity said:
Happened loads to me. I'd get to the fight, load the map, deploy, and have the entire enemy army march off the map before anything happened.
This happens a lot to me too. It seems to only happen when they are severely outnumbered and on the defense. Now if I see them start to move back I usually send some light cavalry charging after them right away. Usually I can catch the slower moving infantry if they don't start too close to the edge of the deployment zone.

The Senate is beginning to get really annoying. Now all the missions they give me have no reward, but rather penalties for not doing them. :angry: As soon as the Gauls and Germans are conquered (Gauls have only one town left), I'm going after the Roman factions.

Right now I have assassins around their cities killing their leaders and sabotaging buildings. Unfortunately their highest level leaders have so much security that even my best assassins have only like a 7% chance of killing them, and they definitely aren't rookies. I've destroyed most of the production buildings in Rome though, so the Senate troops surrounding Rome can't be reinforced. They are pre-Marianus units too, even though the Marianus reforms happened like 10 turns ago.
I just ignore the senate, I have taken most of Europe, all of north africa and spain, and just started with asia (if anything is even there to conquer)
i'm just about to move against the senate too. but i'm building up my navy first so i can blockade all their ports and stop them transporting troops accross the oceans. once i've stopped their cash flow and stopped their chances of reinforcments, it'll be a cakewalk.

also, found this thread over at

might help as it mentions what ports you need to open etc. haven't tried it yet but i will do later on.
Ahrg! I can't get my towns to grow so that I can build catapults.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah, but its just the shock value really. A cavalry charge weakens the resolve of the men and even knocks a few of them to the ground. I prefer the regular Roman Cavalry, or even mercenary units from abroad.
Even so, the bodyguard have less defence than the Roman Cavalry. Sure, they have two hit points, but that's fairly useless when you've got 500 swords coming your way. I don't bother even using them for a charge any more, unless they're my only cavalry unit.
alan8325 said:
This happens a lot to me too. It seems to only happen when they are severely outnumbered and on the defense. Now if I see them start to move back I usually send some light cavalry charging after them right away. Usually I can catch the slower moving infantry if they don't start too close to the edge of the deployment zone.

The Senate is beginning to get really annoying. Now all the missions they give me have no reward, but rather penalties for not doing them. :angry: As soon as the Gauls and Germans are conquered (Gauls have only one town left), I'm going after the Roman factions.

Right now I have assassins around their cities killing their leaders and sabotaging buildings. Unfortunately their highest level leaders have so much security that even my best assassins have only like a 7% chance of killing them, and they definitely aren't rookies. I've destroyed most of the production buildings in Rome though, so the Senate troops surrounding Rome can't be reinforced. They are pre-Marianus units too, even though the Marianus reforms happened like 10 turns ago.
You're a little early IMO. Do you have enough popularity with the people?
I got a fun story to tell you. I had have unbroken success in all my battles that far, so when I saw a small army coming my way, somewhere near Albania I though that I needed a challange, so I took just some hundred men and 20 hourses(among them the general) and attacked. The thing is, the army was bigger than I thought, so we fought for a long time, till all our men had been killed, save my general and one other hourse and four of his men. So I rode my two hourses towards them, and soon only my general and his general remained. and I finally killed him and won the battle,Hmm...maybe not so fun...oh well.
Silly Spain decided to bribe a settlement. They paid, then I moved into Spain for this gem of a battle: Iberian Infantry vs. elite Roman Cavalry.

I ordered all the cav to attack the main battle lines and they rolled over them without breaking stride. It was a sight to behold. :E
Varsity said:
Silly Spain decided to bribe a settlement. They paid, then I moved into Spain for this gem of a battle: Iberian Infantry vs. elite Roman Cavalry.

I ordered all the cav to attack the main battle lines and they rolled over them without breaking stride. It was a sight to behold. :E

i have entire armies made up of just cavalry, simply because they're so devastating.

i noticed in that screen that you've group a large number of units together. i try to refrain from doing that because your units become clogged up and they lose their effectiveness.

the idea behind a cavalry charge is to overwhelm the enemy and disrupt their formation.

if i've got, say a full complement of cavalry...that's 19 units plus my general, i'll split them up into groups of 3. that'll be six groups of 3 units, and one spare which i normally group with my general.

this is how i normally deploy my cavalry:

[CENTER]_  _      _  _      _  _

two groups way out on the left side, another two groups way out on the right, and two through the middle along with my general and the other spare unit. although it isn't as flat as that, i normally have the flanking cavalry angled inwards.

then all you have to do is wait for the enemy to march fairly close to your front line, then charge home. the enemy will get boxed in from three sides, which means they only have one route of escape, and you can easily chase them down too.

another method i use is to have two lines of cavalry. i'll set the first line to run straight through the enemies lines, and the second line will engage the enemy head on in skirmishing. the group i sent behind i'll then turn around and get them to charge into the rear of the enemy. instant victory.

sometimes i think the game is imbalanced because it's so easy to win with cavalry. even large groups of spearmen can't stop a strong cavalry charge.
I had them more organised before. The entire army was either dead or routing in that screen. In fact, half of the group had ran around the rocky outcrop you see to the right and I'd been pelting them with cav aux before I forgot that they ran out of ammo and they got caught. :p

sometimes i think the game is imbalanced because it's so easy to win with cavalry. even large groups of spearmen can't stop a strong cavalry charge.
Try taking a settlement with them. ;) Elephants also frighten horses, but if you can't get them and you meet an all-cav army in open battle you're more or less dead.
arrrghhhh i cant believe what happened to me in my last battle. I was defending my settlement and i killed alot of the attackers so they started riding away, they were really far away so i thought that i could just end the battle.....then i exit battle and i automatically lose! DAMN! I beat them badly too.

I think im going to start a new campaign with Julii though, Scipii is getting hard to move troops around useing boats because i keep getting attacked at sea.
Yeah, take Julii, I had a hard time with the Gaols, but I just defeted their largest settlement as well as 900 men with the help of very important dogs...
B.Calhoun said:
arrrghhhh i cant believe what happened to me in my last battle. I was defending my settlement and i killed alot of the attackers so they started riding away, they were really far away so i thought that i could just end the battle.....then i exit battle and i automatically lose! DAMN! I beat them badly too.
You have to click a confirmation screen telling you you'll lose...

I just lost my faction leader, though. It was a very big battle in Spain, and he was under AI control...'nuff said.
ok im going to start up a new campaign now, see you all in 48 hours :D

Julii seems easier, untill i get a good feel for the campaign map.
Varsity said:
You're a little early IMO. Do you have enough popularity with the people?

Yeah my popularity with the people is 2 or 3 from the top. Also, I got a message at the beginning of one of the turns that said now is the time to move against the senate. My senate popularity is pretty low, only 3 or so from bottom.

sometimes i think the game is imbalanced because it's so easy to win with cavalry. even large groups of spearmen can't stop a strong cavalry charge.
Isn't the Scythii an almost all-cavalry faction? It's too bad they are unplayable because I think it would be interesting to have to come up with solutions to battles using almost only cavalry. Isn't there a mod that makes all factions playable?

In any case, I want to play as all factions that are supposed to be playable before I mod the others in.
How do you get popularity with the people, then? I've never gone about five.
alan8325 said:
Yeah my popularity with the people is 2 or 3 from the top. Also, I got a message at the beginning of one of the turns that said now is the time to move against the senate. My senate popularity is pretty low, only 3 or so from bottom.

Isn't the Scythii an almost all-cavalry faction? It's too bad they are unplayable because I think it would be interesting to have to come up with solutions to battles using almost only cavalry. Isn't there a mod that makes all factions playable?

In any case, I want to play as all factions that are supposed to be playable before I mod the others in.

To play as other factions -
Go to the RTW folder/Data/World/Maps/Campaign/Imperial_campaign/Descr_strat. It is a notepad file. Make sure you make a backup of that file before you start playing around with it. At the top you can see a list with the playable, unlockable and non-playable factions, Simply cut and paste any factions you wish to play into the playable list. Make sure there are no spaces. Dont try the senate, stuff goes wierd then. Sometimes people have problems, so its best to leave one faaction in non-playable and one in unlockable. Also in that file there are lists of all the cities and armies in there, you can add or subtract units, starting money, buildings and so on.
Dalamari said:
I'm perfectly happy with conquer mode, taken 9 cities and been mostly shunned by the senate, but when I take Rome we will see who shuns who.

Best part is, when you take Rome this time you don't get the Pope returning to kick your arse out after 5 turns or so...

One of the few bad points about Medieval that was...

Note: armies composed entirely of cavalry are fun... until it comes time to kick some experienced infantry out of a forested area -- and then they're just so much spear-fodder. They won't do much against a wall of archers with a phalanx meatshield in front either.

Currently trying to conquer Greece and the Macedonians and Greeks are both fielding armies composed of 10-20 phalanxes. I don't have enough archers, or any artillery, yet and it's not much fun having to lure them forward one by one and then crash a unit of Equites or Principes into their side. Using up peasants at a huge rate of knots...
i havent been addicted to a game like this in a long while.... it feels good :P
anyways, after being backstabbed by the senate AND the other two families, ive managed to regain control; destroying the pests and reforming alliances with brutii and julii
my game is going very well, im somewhere between 35 and 40 states, all of which are happy and well defended/built :)

haha oh yeah and check this pic out.... see anyhthing unsual?? :P
Varsity said:
How do you get popularity with the people, then? I've never gone about five.
It looks like my popularity just went up as I conquered enemy settlements. Many of my generals have statistics such as "Popular Hero" or something like that that say they get some % boost to popularity with the people. I don't know how they get those or whether they boost my overall popularity with the people though.

It might have something to do with how much fighting you actually have your general do in battles. Maybe he doesn't get those bonuses if you just leave him in the background?
When you destroy another faction (or help destroying it or perhaps if it is destroyed) it might become playable (depending on if the faction is unlockable or not).
HunterSeeker said:
When you destroy another faction (or help destroying it or perhaps if it is destroyed) it might become playable (depending on if the faction is unlockable or not).
there arent that many unlockable factions. particularly macedonia, id love to play as them. but you can unlock the greeks, gauls, spanish, brits, carthage, egypt, selulucid, etc.
go into custom battle and play whoever you want...although you cant go through the campaign...

And I also must say i havent been as addicted to a game in a long time.
i finally completed it! :D

now i have to try and get MP to work.
Damnit, they got my payment last week, still haven't received it from the store :(
The AI in this game needs to die a very painful death. I was assaulting a city, and doing quite well. There was a huge Gaul army coming in to reinforce my enemy, but it was far away. The counter had started, and it would be only 3 minutes until the town was mine.

But one of my favorite generals was controlled by the AI as reinforcements. He proceeded to turn around, and with only about 30 horses with him, charged a 1000 man army. He died. I reloaded. 30 minutes wasted.