Roundtable Chat Log


May 29, 2003
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Attached is the chat log from the Roundtable discussion with VALVe development members. It's very cluttered however, but we should have a cleaned-up version later on. Can we have all discussion in this thread or the other one entitled "Roundtable discussion tonight" please, any other topics made will be removed.

Edit: Chat log updated, removed joins/exits etc.

Get it here.
awww, i like my log better :p


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Get deleting Abomy!! I spied about 3 threads below this one on the way in :D
Not exactly much difference between them :p
Who care's the only good information were given by valve.

_ALL_ questions execpt one was already known.
Yeah lol, he asked if the AI would have User Interface. lmao
I'd be really greatful if somebody put that into a readable FAQ-type form. :)
perfect sig, that was great. :p

I fell lucky that I was able to ask my questions, the wepaon models one.
Another one:

[00:05:38] [@valve|david] Can you clarify that question on AI UI?
[00:06:06] [+AI|kreedskulls] who me??
LMAO that was hilarious! Everyone in #valvechat freaked out :p
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I'd be really greatful if somebody put that into a readable FAQ-type form. :)

Go into the "Valve info thread" it has the same info somewhat, without the "How to make BF1942 a mod for HL2 or GTA 3 a mod for HL2"
I understood most of the stuff that was being talked about... and it was very interesting. Though, it did bring up some more questions for me:
* If there is a limit of cameras in one place (email) and cameras can be placed on a weapon... what happens if too many people with that weapon gather in the same place?
* If a form of a VGUI can be mapped onto a 3D surface in the game, can you still interact with it? If so, would it be via the mouse or does the crosshair act as a cursor?
* Can a VGUI menu access web resources? For example: Would you be able to have the VGUI (regular and/or 3D VGUI mentioned above) display text/pictures dynamically loaded from a specially made web page (like a version of the mod's web site, a simple forum, or dynamic billboards) for display in the game?

If I remember the rest of the questions I thought of I will write them down as well... just in case Gabe or one of the other Valve guys visits the forums again.
Hey, they said something about another chat session. When is it?
I think they actually pasted the wrong thing?
I think that was something of a slip: but it actually sounded like they were getting ready to release the SDK! :)

I wish people had thought out and researched their questions before asking them. I also don't understand why that mod basically swore at the valve guys for leaving.
Originally posted by Apos
I think that was something of a slip: but it actually sounded like they were getting ready to release the SDK! :)

I wish people had thought out and researched their questions before asking them. I also don't understand why that mod basically swore at the valve guys for leaving.

LOL, I know. That would be awesome though if the SDK came out! I'm a mapper personally. :cheers:
Darn I missed it :(

What was the most sensational thing they said there? Besides the AA for ATi and nVidia?

(I'm gona read the whole log eventually, but right now I'm too tired)
Ok, so to summarise - Source is all about modding...

Enhanced VGUI, demo making/editing, generally more exposure of low level engine stuff to allow mod makers to fool with networking/rendering/etc. Lots of the kind of refinement you get when you give a programmer an extra six months to work on something.

Technically doesn't seem to be as impressive though - unless they're keeping a lot back I'm surprised about what *isn't* in there...
Well they prolly didnt tell you everything there is to know. Im sure there is lots about Source that they didnt say in an IRC question time.

Interesting read, need it a nice simple version thoguh:p
I think I'll just wait for the simple version to come out.
Originally posted by Apos
I think that was something of a slip: but it actually sounded like they were getting ready to release the SDK! :)

I wish people had thought out and researched their questions before asking them. I also don't understand why that mod basically swore at the valve guys for leaving.

i doubt it, looked like he had that in his clipboard and accidentally pasted it, but it was about todays chat, not about any sdk. todays chat was at 6 EST right? which is uh 3PST? i think, anyways, it could have been a slip up but i dont think that 3pst chat thing had anything to do with the sdk being released soon.
i was just sitting there watching, thinking "somebody...just ask about the delay!"
I agree with Xtasy on the slip, its nothing big.

Anyone going to format this into a more readable form? All the devs were answering questions at the same tme which made it a little difficult to process it all (but allwoed them to ansers more questions in the same amount of time, which is good).
eh, I learned soemthign very important. that there will be 2 models, a 1st perosn and a 3rd perosn.

Also one of them pretty much told guinny how to make his GTA clone...

/me runs
Yeesh...that was the most confusing webchat log I've ever seen.

Interesting that they said the AA issue has been fixed for all cards.
eh, I learned soemthign very important. that there will be 2 models, a 1st perosn and a 3rd perosn.


I'm not sure you learned what you think you learned, cus I'm not exactly sure what you mean. If I understand what you are refferring to in the chat, then this is nothing new or unsurprising" just the difference between a viewmodel and a player model.
oh GOSH I feel worry for the devs, next time, make it moderated PLEASE....even mod teams get moderated chats...
Originally posted by A2597
oh GOSH I feel worry for the devs, next time, make it moderated PLEASE....even mod teams get moderated chats...

It wasn't moderated? That must have been one hell of a spam party.
Great f--king news about being able to write your own VS/PS assembly/HLSL :). I guess all that time spent on my own incomplete kitchen-sink engine won't go to waste. There should be some visually distinctive mods to come out!
It was moderated but what they did was let people ask the next question while the one before it was being answered and another team member would answer that question.

It lets them answer more questions in a given time but the answer doesn't necessarily come right after the question.
Though, it is still pretty easy to understand.

In the unedited chat logs you should be able to see people getting voiced before they speak... that is a moderated chat.
hehe i wan't there but damn that looked chaotic towards the end. It started out just fine then things started to slip. All of a sudded it was "well we are done good bye". ohh and i didn't see this post and posted an easier to read version in the general editing section because it seemed more relevent to modding than anything else.
There definately should have been a single person asking a pre-approved list of questions. Thankfully, the Valve guys had their own agenda to talk about some entirely new stuff we hadn't heard before, rather than answering questions that have already been answered in interviews and the like.
"We also doppler-shifted bullet sounds, which is just cool!" I feel so happy.