Rumor Control: Half-Life 2 apparently went gold


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Gamespot Rumor Control has uncovered a nice bit of info that suggests Half-Life 2 went gold today.
Ever since the release candidate for Half-Life 2 was submitted to VU Games in mid-September, a piñata has hung in the lobby of Valve's headquarters. The plan: to bust the sucker open when the game achieved gold status. Earlier today, GameSpot learned from an informed sourced that "the piñata has been broken" and the game has gone gold. Further evidence of the game's completion was a press release issued this afternoon touting the first review of "the entire game." Though nothing official has been announced yet, it appears the fat lady is at last clearing her throat.
If true, this means an offical announcement is right around the corner, most likely Monday[br]
Thanks to Adrien C for bringing this to my attention.
Time to start checking every single obscure forum or bb for some announcement by Gabe :p
i think that i should quick work... and sit on one good website hitting f5 all weekend

Let's just hope that they get it on shelves less than a month from the actual gold announcement.. Any longer would be pathetic :frown:
still a rumour but at least this time it seems genuine!
WOO HOO!!!! Half-Life 2 is coming!!! I can't wait! And I know this rumor is probobly right.. its from GameSpot.. they don't just post any kind of rumor. They would ONLY post it if they belived it would be true and they have sources to back it up.

EDIT: Also if you go the rumor control page it says that VU and Valve both declined comment... which that could mean that it is true too!
yeah I was going to say don't get your hopes up lol, probably is just another one of those websites claiming false stuff, until it is official you shouldn't get too excited, becuase I remember what happenend last September 30th.. well 2 of em gao...
I swear if it's a lie I'm going to build my own crowbar and fricken' kill some people!
if this is another lie, i will go on a shooting rampage, in the liar's dam house

that guy wont be playing half-life2, but i jail.
Yea, say on Holloween, so we don't have to be bothered, as half the population of the world will be playing it, that'd be awesome.
*hears the greedy ka-ching! from Vivendi HQ*

Christmas time release, anyone? :p
Oxygenetic said:
Yea, say on Holloween, so we don't have to be bothered, as half the population of the world will be playing it, that'd be awesome.
it will be more than half
Gamespot does seem to be a reliable source, they brought us the Valve vs Vivendi legal battle after all...
Hyperventilating, so many good things coming together, hopefully they's already produced all the CDs and the game will go gold and will be on the shelfs within 2 weeks (I'm always so hopefull).
If this is true, they probably want to organise all the gaming sites to announce it at the same time like some crazy internet party :p
The piñata isn't a headcrab but a camera or buzzsaw droid from hl2.
Can anyone tell me how long the original Half Life took to go from Gold status to release?
wow .... if this is true .... wow .... but didn't Gabe say we would be the first to know? if they broke the pinata why didn't they tell us.....??
LeXo5 said:
wow .... if this is true .... wow .... but didn't Gabe say we would be the first to know? if they broke the pinata why didn't they tell us.....??

Because they are going to tell everyone at the same time, so the news will be on every site.
hi_ted said:
Can anyone tell me how long the original Half Life took to go from Gold status to release?
I can answer my own question.
Half Life went Gold on November 10, 1998 and was released to stores on November 20.
That's 10 days!!!
hi_ted said:
I can answer my own question.
Half Life went Gold on November 10, 1998 and was released to stores on November 20.
That's 10 days!!!

Damn you, I search Half-Life news archives just to answer this question and then you figure it out yourself! :flame:

Hey, that's a good thing to know though, it could be released quick :D
I wonder if they are planning on the same date...if so I swear I'm going to get that crowbar I made recently out.
Belief, so cruelly wrenched by events of late, is reluctant to raise her weary head
In time my brethren, we shall play our Half-Life 2.