Rumors Rumors Rumors

RUMOR #3: Half-Life 2 will be released September 1. --- My favorite. :)
Some_God said:
RUMOR #3: Half-Life 2 will be released September 1. --- My favorite. :)
Mine too.

And as GameSpot claims...

Bogus or not bogus?: Probably not bogus--if the preload really does happen Monday.
But I doubt it will come out on Sept 1st... I think it will come out Sept the 30th. :O
Wow man i just thought about it. If HL2 does really preload monday, HL2 could be out in like 2-3wks, so it's possible. Since CS:S was released to cafes' and until today, it's improved so much with updates. I think a few more days and valve will have a solid CS:S retail with HL2. I really am starting to believe this game will be out early-mid September. Pre-load half of the HL2 stuff on steam, while announcing like that monday it went GOLD. How awesome would that be?!
When they pre-load Monday, Sept 1st will be 9 days away... I think they will announce GOLD on Sept 1st.
Some_God said:
When they pre-load Monday, Sept 1st will be 9 days away... I think they will announce GOLD on Sept 1st.

Yeah, even the gold date is delayed :rolleyes:

But at least they know they can make the release, after all the game IS already out ;)
but do they have to announce when its gold. I mean they could pleasently suprise us with just a release date, which could be close, and not even mentioning when its gold. Im not an expert in the process but i wouldnt have thought they would be forced or anything to say.
GOLD will either be announced or leaked out... it will look better for Valve if they release it. :p
Personally in my opinion - valve will NEVER make it to september 1st with the gold master. The cs:s beta is still being tested - no RC has been sent (as cs:s is still being debugged), it will at least take weeks untill VU says yes. So it's impossible.
Funny thing that people don't notice. has been listing HL2 for 9/1 for months.

Also gamespot are idiots. Look what they said for the new GTA. At the new GTA will be released one day early. Yeah they do that cause you won't get it that day. You get it the day it hit stores if you overnight it. Look at Halo 2. They list 11/8. That's because it hits stores 11/9. It ships 11/8 and if you overnight it you get 11/9 the day it hits stores.
September 1st is less than two weeks away, so even if HL2 went gold today, a Sept. 1st release would be extremely unlikely. Also, they are still testing Source on Steam through the CS:S beta. If HL2 starts preloading on Monday however, Sept. 1st would be a realistic gold date, which may in fact be what those who claim a Sept. 1st release date have been hearing and may have misconveyed.

I'm looking at a mid-late September release date, assuming there are no further delays.
alan8325 said:
September 1st is less than two weeks away, so even if HL2 went gold today, a Sept. 1st release would be extremely unlikely. Also, they are still testing Source on Steam through the CS:S beta. If HL2 starts preloading on Monday however, Sept. 1st would be a realistic gold date, which may in fact be what those who claim a Sept. 1st release date have been hearing and may have misconveyed.

I'm looking at a mid-late September release date, assuming there are no further delays.

Note that wat they are preloading on monday for half life 2 is textures, models, etc. and other stuff that WONT change if they find bugs in the source engine. So its very unlikely that they will even have a gold done by sept 1.
Textures, models, soundeffects(?), etc. is the stuff that Valve preload tommorow, yes. But that does not mean that that is everything they are done with, for all we know the whole damn game may be finished, with only minimal bugs left to fix.
But I may be wrong, im just saying it.

Also, last night i dreamt that i got HL2 Collectors Edition in my mail, and i held the cover/casing and the DVD-Rom in my hands.
Probably the best dream i have had for years :cool:
So that means I will have to buy GTA:SA, HL2, Ground Control 2 and Dawn of War over the same period, and just after buying Driver 3. FFs developers, do I have this much money?
Yea I hear you. I'm buying HL2, Fable, and Halo 2 all within 3 months. Maybe GTA: SA but doubt it cause that's already $150 there.