Russia's Putin Says Government Resigns


May 15, 2003
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The Mullinator said:
Russia is turning away from democracy, Putin is becoming a dictator.
What? Are you serious?
Shit, is this for real? :x
"Russia is turning away from democracy, Putin is becoming a dictator."

You are kidding!
Behave with your cold war theroies. Russia is still a very poor counrty and at the time of 'THE' cold war was a rich one, just like Hamerica is / was.

What chance would they have if they went to war with the biggest super power on earth, which I might add is also being run by the worst terrorist the earth has ever known.
My point is, they still have the same capabilities as in the cold war era.
AudioRage said:
My point is, they still have the same capabilities as in the cold war era.

And if you remember in the Cold War the idea was to get the Nukes, which werent capable of travelling vast distances to Cuba so they could launch an attack on America if nessecary and President Kennedy threatened them with war if they didnt turn back, which they did.

So, nukes are somewhat irrelevant.
AudioRage said:
Except the entire Cold war conflict was about Nuclear War.

And as I stated above, which you seem to have missed to initiate a cold war Russia would have had to get close enough to use the nukes.

So unless you see a whole gang of ships on the horizon with Mother Russia flags I'd sleep comfortably if I were you!
craigweb2k said:
And as I stated above, which you seem to have missed to initiate a cold war Russia would have had to get close enough to use the nukes.

So unless you see a whole gang of ships on the horizon with Mother Russia flags I'd sleep comfortably if I were you!

Today Russia and the U.S. have nukes that can reach any country, no matter where they're located at.
umm i doubt russia has many more. for every nuke russia made, the US had to have ten, and visa versa... which balances out in the end, of course. the problem with russia as robin williams put it "bombs? ve have many bombs! ... we don't know where they all are..!" but yes i think the question is irrelevant because it's still a situation of M.A.D. when large #'s of nukes are in question during a wartime situation.
This isn't all that bad, the Prime Minister was just the last one of politicians that worked with the former-president.
I checked CNN and Yahoo news, but didn’t find anything.
people actually believed Russia stopped its nuclear program after the cold war?

Russia is a big country, with lots of places to hide nuclear weapons and nuclear weapon facilities. I would imagine Russia has developed weapons that could hit the States.
Okay, found it.

" [Putin] pledging to appoint a team to overhaul policy ahead of next month's presidential election which he clearly expected to win. "
The US actually started dismanteling nuclear weapons after the cold war ended, and is still doing so. Russia however hasn't don the it in the same scale.
If the Government of the Russian Federation resigns or lays down its powers, it shall, following instructions by the President of the Russian Federation, continue working until the formation of a new government of the Russian Federation.
Thats number 5 under article 117. So theres nothing to be too concerned about at the moment. Thats not to say we shouldn't be concerned at all.
the US wouldn't dismantle ALL of their nuclear weapons unless they've got backups, making the old weapons obsolete. this goes back to an old post of mine where i said the US military technology is typically 30 years ahead of public knowledge. in addition, US may be dismantling, but they've still got huge stockpiles. whatever the number either nation has, the situation is STILL that of M.A.D. the question of numbers of nukes is a moot point.
Direwolf said:
Thats number 5 under article 117. So theres nothing to be too concerned about at the moment. Thats not to say we shouldn't be concerned at all.

Doesn’t it feel like talking to the wall in this thread? Everybody already went on how Russia has so many warheads and going to bomb US tomorrow.

Yeah fellows Americans, start digging nuclear shelters in your backyard.
MaxiKana said:
Russia has more nukes then the us.

Actually the U.S. has more nukes then Russia. But Russia has the most powerful nukes and is currently making supersonic nukes that can penetrate any missile shield.

Jackal hit said:
umm i doubt russia has many more. for every nuke russia made, the US had to have ten, and visa versa... which balances out in the end, of course. the problem with russia as robin williams put it "bombs? ve have many bombs! ... we don't know where they all are..!" but yes i think the question is irrelevant because it's still a situation of M.A.D. when large #'s of nukes are in question during a wartime situation.

If what you said was true, then i bet terrorist would have had Russian nukes by now.

MaxiKana said:
The US actually started dismanteling nuclear weapons after the cold war ended, and is still doing so. Russia however hasn't don the it in the same scale.

As far as i know, right after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia had more nukes then the U.S., so i would say that the U.S. isn't doing it in the same scale...
Fact: There are too many nuclear missiles on planet earth.

Fact: Both Russia & America have nuclear missiles.

Fact: People who say fact too much are annoying.

What pisses me off is the fact that Bush bullies countries into stopping their nuclear programs when America clearly hasn't.

He's like the big fat kid is school who takes your dinner money. Oh and Fact: Bush is the biggest threat to humanity since Hitler imo, not Putin.
actually, russia is missing an alarming number of nukes. it's theorized that al'qaida has/had their hands on a couple of them. these would be briefcase sized nukes, btw, low yield, but still nuclear. back in 2001 or so (give or take a year, can't remember too clearly :sleep:) russia admitted to losing track of ~52 or 53 suit case sized nukes. russia has a bad history of not being able to keep track of their sh*t. hell they don't even make high quality sh*t. look at their subs :LOL: (they are essentially like soda cans... bad construction due to mistreatment of workers under soviet rule. shame. btw, i know this because i keep my ears open to what military people have always said ;) shhhh... )

anyways, sleepy :sleep: time for me


edit: what's the greater danger? russia losing track of WMD or the US who KNOW where the WMD's are. just like iraq... the US gov't KNOW there are WMD's there... because we sold them to iraq :LOL: soooooooo dumb.
Jackal hit said:
actually, russia is missing an alarming number of nukes. it's theorized that al'qaida has/had their hands on a couple of them. these would be briefcase sized nukes, btw, low yield, but still nuclear. back in 2001 or so (give or take a year, can't remember too clearly :sleep:) russia admitted to losing track of ~52 or 53 suit case sized nukes. russia has a bad history of not being able to keep track of their sh*t. hell they don't even make high quality sh*t. look at their subs :LOL: (they are essentially like soda cans... bad construction due to mistreatment of workers under soviet rule. shame. btw, i know this because i keep my ears open to what military people have always said ;) shhhh... )

anyways, sleepy :sleep: time for me


I'm 99% sure that what you said is total BS, that you made up. It also proves that you are very immature. ;)
LiQuiD SouLja said:
I'm 99% sure that what you said is total BS, that you made up. It also proves that you are very immature. ;)

mmkay Mister Psycho... ahem, I mean Psychic. and what is your basis for this statement? are you an expert on all things russia with the info to disprove him? no? aww c'mon!
LiQuiD SouLja said:
I'm 99% sure that what you said is total BS, that you made up. It also proves that you are very immature. ;)

lmao where the hell did this come from? just because YOU don't believe me doesn't mean it's made up, oh great sage. i'm sure there's a specific name of the logic rule you just broke btw, ie, stating something you acknowledge as opinion "i'm 99% sure" ... and then going on to use it as a proof for some unnecessary comment :monkee:

edit: everything i've said comes from first and second hand sources. first hand being certain high ranking military personel that i've heard interviewed, second hand being news sources, and military stories my dad has from when he was in the service.
craigweb2k said:
mmkay Mister Psycho... ahem, I mean Psychic.

LOL that was a great joke! /sarcasm :dozey:

Jackal hit said:
lmao where the hell did this come from? just because YOU don't believe me doesn't mean it's made up, oh great sage. i'm sure there's a specific name of the logic rule you just broke btw, ie, stating something you acknowledge as opinion "i'm 99% sure" ... and then going on to use it as a proof for some unnecessary comment :monkee:

I'm 99% sure, because the only thing you where saying was that Russia has sh*t technology and that their submarines are total sh*t. But in reality, Russia had some of the best jets, subs, tanks, guns etc. in the world. So basically what you said is made up by you or was made up by someone else. ;)
Ahem, Russian subs are shit.

Notice the ability of an Ohio class sub to ghost any russian sub undetected for pretty much an unlimited amount of time.

Russian Jets are Far inferior to their American counterparts, espically their Inability to develop stealth Technology, The M1A1 Abrams Battle tank is far superior to any Russian tank.

And the Ak-47 is highly inaccurate as an automatic Rifle.
AudioRage said:
Ahem, Russian subs are shit.

Notice the ability of an Ohio class sub to ghost any russian sub undetected for pretty much an unlimited amount of time.

Russian Jets are Far inferior to their American counterparts, espically their Inability to develop stealth Technology, The M1A1 Abrams Battle tank is far superior to any Russian tank.

And the Ak-47 is highly inaccurate as an automatic Rifle.

listen to him! it's true, all of it. i had a friend that was a sniper in the turkish military(he never would tell me his kill count) anyways, he was talkin about how inaccurate the ak-47's are. my friend in the marines says the same thing.

btw, here's a cool military story for those who are interested:
back in ... i think the 80's, the sovietss were doing naval maneuvers in the north sea. an american attack class sub was detected spying on the soviets. some of the soviet ships shot torpedos at the sub, at which time, the american sub entered a very shallow dive to outrun the torpedoes.