Russia's Putin Says Government Resigns

Zakat said:
I'm happy I live in a safe and neutral country now ;)

LOL when the nukes start goin back and forth it won't matter what country you are in. If your on this planet, your in trouble.
AudioRage said:
Ahem, Russian subs are shit.

Notice the ability of an Ohio class sub to ghost any russian sub undetected for pretty much an unlimited amount of time.

Russian Jets are Far inferior to their American counterparts, espically their Inability to develop stealth Technology, The M1A1 Abrams Battle tank is far superior to any Russian tank.

And the Ak-47 is highly inaccurate as an automatic Rifle.

Russias T-90 is a lot better then the M1A1 Abrams, want proof? here check this:

Russian T-90

M1A1 Abrams

The T-90 has far better armor and it's a lot more faster then the M1A1 Abrams, thats only some of the things that are better...

Oh and if you want i can also prove that the Russian jets and subs are a lot better then American counterparts.(if i have the time :))

The AK-47 may be inaccurate, but its not highly inaccurate.The AK-47 is also a lot more reliable then the American counterpart and many U.S. soldiers in Iraq admitted that. The AK-47 was made in 1947, by now Russia has such high tech machine guns that are a lot better then American counterparts.

Jackal hit said:
listen to him! it's true, all of it. i had a friend that was a sniper in the turkish military(he never would tell me his kill count) anyways, he was talkin about how inaccurate the ak-47's are. my friend in the marines says the same thing.

btw, here's a cool military story for those who are interested:
back in ... i think the 80's, the sovietss were doing naval maneuvers in the north sea. an american attack class sub was detected spying on the soviets. some of the soviet ships shot torpedos at the sub, at which time, the american sub entered a very shallow dive to outrun the torpedoes.

Why would a sniper be using a AK-47 instead of a sniper rifle?

Yeah i also have a cool story. During the war in Yugoslavia, Americas best stealth jet was shot down by a very old soviet SS20. The funny part is that the SS20 wasn't made to shoot down stealth jet, it was made to take down normal jets. :)
Jackal hit

First of all, the existence of these suit-case nukes hasn't been proven yet. So far, they exist only in theory and maybe blueprints. You know why? To reach critical mass you need to have a certain amount of fissionable material and adequate protection from being eradiated. Now, to have both things you need to decrease the materials's size. And it is only possible by turning the spin-tortion fields of their atoms by 90 degrese. It decreases the distance between the atoms(increases the density). But, unfortunatly(maybe fotunatly), again, it is only theoreticly possible.

If you do so, you can fit even a hydrogen bomb into a simple auto-pen.

Now, about the AK's accuracy. If you have skinny, girly hands, then you won't be able to hold even a slingshot. I shot from both AKM(7.62) and M16A2 and the reasone why he thinks it's inacurate is its recoil - bigger caliber than M16. If you take the AK-74(5.65 or 5.45) it will shoot same as M16.

If you are talking about AK-47, I completely agree with you, but no one uses nor manufactures them anymore.;)

And who needs to develope a whole new science of stealth technology if you just have to take some special paint and apply a 2-mm thik layer of it on the plane. Just like the russians did...

Do you know what an F-117's aerodynemic flight resembles when it turns off its engines? I flying iron(for ironing clothes)!

So, I can go on like this, giving you facts. You're just a prejudiced fanboy of american equipment.
craigweb2k said:
Fact: There are too many nuclear missiles on planet earth.

Fact: Both Russia & America have nuclear missiles.

Fact: People who say fact too much are annoying.

What pisses me off is the fact that Bush bullies countries into stopping their nuclear programs when America clearly hasn't.

He's like the big fat kid is school who takes your dinner money. Oh and Fact: Bush is the biggest threat to humanity since Hitler imo, not Putin.

You have no idea what is going on, do you?
Thanks to Clinton, our stockpiles are lower than that of Soviet Russia.(That's right, I called it Soviet Russia.) Anyway, they have more Arms than us. Second, since when has Bush bullied Russia in any way? Third, we've been requesting the end and prevention of Nuclear Programs by Rogue and Terrorists States; Even your beloved UN has asked and is pressuring N. Korea and Iran to do so. I myself think there is much unseen technology our military is ultilizing, and I'd like it to stay that way. However, I strongly believe Russia has more or an equal amount of Nuclear Arms, compared to that of the US. Finally, this wasn't about Bush or America itself, it was about Putin and his grip on the Govt.
btw, it may be conjecture and what not for the suitcase bombs, but prove to me that it can't exist. saying that it's only theoretically possible doesn't mean it can't be. idiot physicists almost never think outside the box. (no i don't have a high opinion of most scientists)

of course no one manufactures the ak-47 anymore ... because it's sh*t. the front end is too light weight for the ammo and results in scattered shot. want to know why american tech is better in this regard? take the m-16 rifle. OLD OLD gun, yet stick a scope on it and it is still a perfectly good weapon for use as a sniper rifle. the type of ammo used is just about enough to kill a man with a shot to the leg or arm(people in the military know what i'm saying here) if not just take that body part off. learn about entry and exit wounds and you'll know what i mean. ak-74, eh that's a good gun, but i'd rather have an m-16 or a newer model of that same gun at my side just because of the ammo spin upon entry into flesh, along with the long distance accuracy, *cough* little to no drop in projectile over 400 yards *cough*.

you know, you seem pretty well read on this subject... but you know what? you're also WAY behind the times, get with it man, f-117a stealth fighter is VERY old technology. it was 15 years old at the time of the first gulf war in 1991. :LOL:
f-22 raptor has stealth capability, why not discuss that? oh i know, because it disproves your idea of inferior american tech. radar absorbing paint isn't the only aspect of stealth tech. you also have to put certain angles in the design of the vehicle to make it stealth.

the reason all this was started was because i mentioned russia has a bad track record of keeping an eye on its weapons, which isn't helped by the shoddy workmanship of many of their components. i have yet to hear ANYONE OF YOU make any reasonable argument to refute this.

and i'm not a fanboy of american whatever. i merely appreciate the best technologies that our species have put together. btw, i wouldn't be ashamed of being an american fanboy if i were one. if you can't love the country you're in, what business have you being in that country? why not move elsewhere. i don't necessarily like or agree at all with the gov't here, but i don't really wanna live elsewhere. (except maybe holland or turkey for family/heritage purposes)

btw, i never said my turkish friend sniped with an ak-47, please don't assume i've said something when i haven't.
By the sounds of it most of Russia doesn't seem to have any problems with Putin gaining more power than he would otherwise be granted. I am also under the impression that he will be getting around 90% of the votes in the upcomming election.

That sounds like the recipe for the creation of a dictator.
LiQuiD SouLja said:
Yeah i also have a cool story. During the war in Yugoslavia, Americas best stealth jet was shot down by a very old soviet SS20. The funny part is that the SS20 wasn't made to shoot down stealth jet, it was made to take down normal jets. :)

btw, i'll assume you mean the f-117a stealth fighter? that's a slow plane. any half way decent pilot could take one down if they have a faster jet and visual confirmation of target.
edit: wtf duplicate post how do i delete

edit again: thank you mullinator for bringing this back on topic. it'll be interesting to see what happens in the next elections in russia, see what putin does. isn't he backed by the russian mafia? ... or was that the guy he deposed? hrmm... it DOESN'T seem like the russians mind it. but same could be said of the US. a lot of people here don't seem to mind things like the patriot acts taking away the right of due process.
Jackal hit said:
btw, i'll assume you mean the f-117a stealth fighter? that's a slow plane. any half way decent pilot could take one down if they have a faster jet and visual confirmation of target.

You have no idea what your talking about... The SS20 isn't a jet. :rolleyes:

Jackal hit said:
edit: wtf duplicate post how do i delete

edit again: thank you mullinator for bringing this back on topic. it'll be interesting to see what happens in the next elections in russia, see what putin does. isn't he backed by the russian mafia? ... or was that the guy he deposed? hrmm...

No, actually he's backed by the KGB. /sarcasm :dozey:
LiQuiD SouLja said:
You have no idea what your talking about... The SS20 isn't a jet. :rolleyes:

oh okay :) my bad, surface to air missile? whatever it is, sounds good to me :thumbs: btw i'm sick and can't think straight if anyone hasn't noticed. point still stands though about all the important things i've tried to say.

#1 number of nukes don't matter. there are far too many. it's MAD anyway you slice it

#2 russia can't keep track of their weapons. (har har yeah US sells weapons, dunno which is worse)

the rest of all this arguing is mental masturbation and i enjoy it :p

there IS someone high up on the russian chain of command with mafia ties. i had heard somewhere (radio?) that it was putin.

edit again: i wanna have your children soulja. when you said ss20 i was thinking of su-27

eidt again: i'm done with this thread. the important points slip through because some people can't see past the length of their pubes.
Also keep in mind that russian nuke technology has slowed if not stagnated since the cold war. THey have loads of nukes, but they're old. The US no doubt has the latest and greatest nuke technology, having never had any reason to stop developing. I wouldn't be surprised if a single modern american nuke were 20-100 times as powerful as an old russion one. That being said, americans would never fire a nuke for political reasons. The worst that america would probably do would be conventional surgical strikes and maybe an emp attack.
Jackal hit said:
the rest of all this arguing is mental masturbation and i enjoy it :p
Hey! I invented that, don't quote me when I don't let you to!:E

And SS-20 is a ground-to-ground misile. LOL!:thumbs:
Even if Putin becomes powerful, its due to support. And at leat theres a set method of replacing him. More than you can say for Russian government some times.
As a side note: anyone heard about EMP use lately. Around the end of the war there was speculation that we tested a few during the fighting, anyone heard anything further?
LOL, so when exactly is everyone expecting Putin to launch a full nuclear strike against America and effectively push the world into a radioactive coffin?More importantly why would Putin? What's his motivation for bringing death, destruction and misery to the world? Answers on a postcard please to PO Box nevergoingtohappen :rolleyes:
He's Russian! Russians are EEEEEEVIL!
If they're not evil then why are they the enemies in so many eighties action movies? Huh?
Direwolf said:
He's Russian! Russians are EEEEEEVIL!
If they're not evil then why are they the enemies in so many eighties action movies? Huh?

Maybe because you don't have any Russian born action heroes? :dozey:
Actually we did get the star of Enemy at the Gates (I won't even try to spell his name, I'd butcher it), and we got Sean Connery in Hunt for the Red October. Thats better than I'd expect from a country that we were enemies with for decades. :D
Oooooook. First off, I think he's Scottish (could be wrong, dunno). Secondly he played a Russian, as he played James Bond. Therefore he cannot be trusted!
Don't worry, his son, Harrison Ford will save us then!
FictiousWill said:
I wouldn't be surprised if a single modern american nuke were 20-100 times as powerful as an old russion one.

A russian nuke tested in Novaya Zemlya turned the earth in a 50 km radius to a glasslike substance. That would vaporize a city, and destroy miles and miles more after that radius. So I don't think american ones are going to be 20-100 times stronger, beause that would probably send us off orbit or something.

just saying.
This is crazy talk. America has 10,000 some odd hundred nukes, Russia has 8,000 some odd hundred nukes. Just seen these figures on the news a few days ago, do some research, you will see, Clinton didn't deplete our stock piles as much as you would like to think. And as said earlier wether we had 50 or 50,000 it would be M.A.D. regardless.
Funny thing is, Russia has "misplaced" upwards of a 100 nuclear weapons (history channel, so take is as you wish) But earlier 90's the IAEA had found at least one, in a field somewhere! And the only reason they found it is because some one had touched it and got radiation poisoning and set off some alarms in the U.N.
Here ya go!

US Russ. UK Fran Chin TOTAL
10,600 8,600 200 350 400 20,150
Innervision961 said:
Here ya go!

US Russ. UK Fran Chin TOTAL
10,600 8,600 200 350 400 20,150

My God! The frogs have nukes!
We need to do something!!!
If he is becoming a dictator, at least he's being honest about it.

I wish they would drop all the BS democracy song and danc ehere in the states and just announce

"haa suckers, your stinkin votes don't matter" would save us alot of time and energy.
Lordblackadder said:
If he is becoming a dictator, at least he's being honest about it.

I wish they would drop all the BS democracy song and danc ehere in the states and just announce

"haa suckers, your stinkin votes don't matter" would save us alot of time and energy.

I don't understand what your trying to say. Who's supposed to come to the states and dance...?
LiQuiD SouLja said:
I don't understand what your trying to say. Who's supposed to come to the states and dance...?

He's trying to say the President is a dictator. :|

Even though he's not forced to work, not forced to read certain material, watch certain shows, eat in rations, or told where to work. Yes, the President of the US is an aweful dictator.:hmph:
GhostValkyrie said:
He's trying to say the President is a dictator. :|

Even though he's not forced to work, not forced to read certain material, watch certain shows, eat in rations, or told where to work. Yes, the President of the US is an aweful dictator.:hmph:

Hehe.. a Texan. Howd on da dem shpuurs daar pilgrim. :farmer:

Have you ever lived under a dictatorship? Would you even know what one looks like? The examples you give have little to do with political tyranny, and even less to do with the process of wading into it.

As RW Emerson once said: "If I were to rule the world, I'd have to keep it amused."

Full Disclosure: I like Texas and have several friends in Dallas, so don't take it personally. No I didn't vote for GW "awol" Bush, nor for Algore. :LOL:

PS. Awful has no e.
CyberSh33p said:
A russian nuke tested in Novaya Zemlya turned the earth in a 50 km radius to a glasslike substance. That would vaporize a city, and destroy miles and miles more after that radius. So I don't think american ones are going to be 20-100 times stronger, beause that would probably send us off orbit or something.

just saying.

i was watching a documentary on it, and it was estimated that that nuke alone had 10x the amout of energy that every weapon, piece of ammo adn vechical used in ww2(including the 2 nukes on japan) and still stands as the largest nuke used to date
I smell a flame war about to in the Badger!!!!Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger...Mushroom Mushroom...