S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Screenshot

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Originally posted by poseyjmac
why is that dumb? its an objective opinion about comparing the screenshots? im not saying any game is better, you dolt. listen, i think its time to go to sleep or masturbate or something, cause you are very irritable right now :cool:

Time for your bedtime too? :E Im Guessing your US based so it has to be very early morning.... :)

And people this is getting a little heated so why not cool it a little!
and you wont bother to point out how? you're going to have to realize that once you are out of high school. calling peoples opinions about music, art or whatever, "dumb" is not a good idea. some people like britney spears music, some people dont. who are the dumb ones? neither. its subjective.
Originally posted by |MaTT|
Time for your bedtime too? :E Im Guessing your US based so it has to be very early morning.... :)

And people this is getting a little heated so why not cool it a little!

not yet, im doing my abdominal workout, and in between sets, making posts here. so i have a little while longer
Anyways it doesn't matter, those two games are quite different, other one is offering very plot/AI/script driven linear FPS game and other one a huge environment that reacts non-linear, even outside the the current view, also it has RPG elements, it's more like action RPG whit quests and all, I believe it'll be quite much like Morrowind but probably much better, we'll see.

Anyways, they fight in different areas, so stop comparing them.

Both does have unnatural alien like stuff in a realistic world, that's all.
Realistic looking! NO IT'S NOT! YES IT IS!!

Who cares, give us good games with good visuals, doesn't have to be realistic since today's computers just can not do realistic graphics, except maybe after a day or two of rendering.

azz0r and posey, just stop fighting both of you and think about the whole mess for a while, then when the games come out, go and compare which is better and looks better etc...

Myself I try to be neutral about every upcoming game, so I'm not blinded by that infamous fan boyishm (soon to be religion, if not already).
Badger you should be in my corner, drown me with water and change my gum shield dammit!
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Briiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

I come back whenever I can. It's always fun watching the newest flame war, reading Lil' Timmy's posts, looking at the art and mods, reading all the random stuff on this board, or catching a troll making an ass of himself.

Plus, there's always the chance HL2 has had a surprise release.;)

Or, failing that, finding that supertrooper's started a new thread.:E
Everything looks great with ultra-hi-res textures. I'v seen pre-rendered pictures nicer than that. Problem is that a normal computer can't run a game with ultra-hi-res textures... The majority of us have to wait a few years.
Problem here is, you guys are arguing over a dead link. ;)
What's so special about that screenshot? Really, it's simple geometry, combined with textures from a digital camera and a blurry snapshot of it. I'm pretty sure STALKER can do better than that. Aswell as HL2. Just a matter of putting a lot of 1024x1024 textures on a building.
Com on guys just say it.............Stalker is way better than HL2.
Yes I did friendly,

HL2 is the best in storyline.
Stalker is excellent in graphics
HL2 is equal with stalker in physics
HL2 is the best in moding technolody. end

What I give HL2 vs stalker is 9.8* for the later and 9.9* for the formal. Why stalker is 0.01* greater? Because of the graphics technology it has.
Originally posted by G0rgon
Com on guys just say it.............Stalker is way better than HL2.

Come on guys, just say it....G0rgon is a moron who needs banning.
Azzor, if you are really smart person, you would give something truthful not disrispectful.

If you disrispect me again I will ignore you (Because of stupidity)

Well, I must say to both of you: A debate about the qualities of a blurry screenshot is not a thing to become mortal enemies about.

But it is fun to watch you.:E
Originally posted by Brian Damage

Well, I must say to both of you: A debate about the qualities of a blurry screenshot is not a thing to become mortal enemies about.

But it is fun to watch you.:E


but wait M8, I ve known that person since July, and because of him and two other members I have been band in july.........DAM

But LOL :cheese: :cheese:
Damn, this thread sort sort of got dragged out into the street and got shot..

I just wanted to share a screenshot that impressed me a bit, didnt know it would generate such a heated debate..
this is like school yard fighting, and every time your called into the principals office, there's azz0r the troubled one hiding behind the bigger boys trying to look innocent


anyhoo, it was a cool pic, faked or not it looked good and if thats what games to come will be looking like then I'm happy enough, we all benefit in the end.
Fuking now Fenric. You are always dam right............

I like what you saying. we all benefit in the end..

You see azzor this is how you should chat not some childish MSN.messanger chatting crap.
Sory for posting twice, but by the way fenric please m8 change your avatar its scares me..........

to be honest with you I dreamt yesterday night that the girl in your avatar is trying to eat me.......I swear I am telling the truth. its scary avatar, the one you had before (the hoollywood acterr is cool ave)
Can I just try and finish this :)


The only real difference between them is who makes the artwork.
Their technology is remarkably similar.
And we shouldent be comparing anyway. They are clearly both fantastic games :)

I still think that HL2 beats it. But only because I love HL. :)
It's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll cool.

I'm buying both of them, methinks.
Enough. This thread has degraded twofold: firstly it's now a "HL2 vs. STALKER" thread, as well as being the pivot for a large portion of insults.

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