S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl delayed again


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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According to the German site of publisher THQ, STALKER has been postponed indefinitely. For the people that understand German:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. wird länger entwickelt!
Der Entwicklungszeitraum von S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl wurde verlängert, sodass der Titel nicht wie zunächst geplant im Mai 2005 erscheint.
Oleg Yavorsky, PR-Manager bei GSC Game World, erläutert dazu: "Wir freuen uns, dass THQ uns mehr Zeit für die Entwicklung eingeräumt hat. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl ist ein umfangreiches Spiel, das neue Maßstäbe in seinem Genre setzen wird. Wir wollen sichergehen, dass wir das Spiel erst dann veröffentlichen, wenn es die hohen Erwartungen erfüllt, die wir selbst und die Fans an es stellen, und nicht früher." Weitere Infos folgen in Kürze auf der offiziellen Webseite zu S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

More info on the official site soon.

I'm smelling vaporware ......

I want this game!!!

found this on bluesnews:

"Previously expected for May of this year (story), the game no longer seems to carry a specific release date. No reason for the delay is offered, but GSC Game World's PR Manager Oleg Yavorsky gamely spins this announcement, saying they are pleased that THQ has given them more time to develop their upcoming first-person shooter."

this was my most sought after game of 2005 ..I expected to be playing it by now! damn this sucks
ffs, this wouldn't bother me normally but its looking so damn good its just not fair. By the time its out it'll be like comparing Farcry to Doom3 (had to throw that in to annoy the farcry nuts) ;)

I wouldn't call it vaporware though, as it does exist, the leaked version existed and it was good. The large maps exist, the great quality exists, I'm just skeptical about the day/night effects :p

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. longer one develops! The development period of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow OF Chernobyl was extended, so that the title does not appear planned like first in May 2005. Oleg Yavorsky, PR manager with GSC Game World, describes in addition: "we are pleased that THQ granted us more time for the development. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow OF Chernobyl is an extensive play, which will set new yardsticks in its category. We want to make sure that we publish the play only then if it fulfills high expectations, which we ourselves and the fans place against it, and not in former times." Further information follows shortly on the official web page too S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Meh. Someone translate this properly. :(

[edit]: Bleh. :P

"which will set new yardsticks in its category"

classic :laugh:
CptStern said:

"which will set new yardsticks in its category"

classic :laugh:

Yeah, Babelfish translations always make me laugh. This one is even pretty accurate too.

The development period of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow OF Chernobyl was extended, so that the title does not appear planned like first in May 2005. Oleg Yavorsky, PR manager with GSC Game World, describes in addition: "we are pleased that THQ granted us more time for the development. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow OF Chernobyl is an extensive play, which will set new yardsticks in its category. We want to make sure that we publish the play only then if it fulfills high expectations, which we ourselves and the fans place against it, and not in former times." Further information follows shortly on the official web page too S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

edit: damn too late
Shakermaker said:
Yeah, Babelfish translations always make me laugh. This one is even pretty accurate too.

heheh ya

btw you brought this to our attention!

* stern pulls out gun, shoots messenger" ;)
CptStern said:
heheh ya

btw you brought this to our attention!

* stern pulls out gun, shoots messenger" ;)

LOL, that really made me laugh.
It'll end up like DNF, in perpetual development. It must have done something wrong in its previous life.
I -hate- THQ :( I bet this thing about developement is just a lie, do remember they delayed the previous release date due to economic issues within the company(THQ that is not GSC)
well the good thing is that I will hav time to upgrade

but dam that game looks good
I don't care if it's delayed if they improve the game. The game already looks amazing but if they need more time to make it better more power to them.
Boy...If I was following Stalker in any way, shape or form...I'd be annoyed...damn delays.
After reading something in PCG UK about bugs, they said one time, an AI Stalker mistook itself as an enemy and killed itself by shooting its foot.

Guess another delay is justified but annoying.
AcousticToad said:
After reading something in PCG UK about bugs, they said one time, an AI Stalker mistook itself as an enemy and killed itself by shooting its foot.
Hahaha, god, sorry but that sounded so funny.:laugh: "Hey who's feet are that! Gaaah, die you enemy! OWWW MY TOE!"
AcousticToad said:
After reading something in PCG UK about bugs, they said one time, an AI Stalker mistook itself as an enemy and killed itself by shooting its foot.

Guess another delay is justified but annoying.

Oh man you gotta love the Stalker AI lol. Heres something from Oblivion Lost site:

The Adventures of "Gosha"

Ed. Note: 'Gosha' is a kind of silly Russian name, generally taken to mean the person is not very smart or strong etc. An english equivalent, depending on where you're from I suppose :P, would be 'Kurtis' or 'Jimmy'.

The Life Simulation System, the heart of the unique game world of The Zone, took us a good 1.5-2 years to create. Throughout this time, our enthusiasm exceeded our skeptisism over the whole thing, however there was a period when we started building a "safety net" as it were, a variant we planned to use if we were unable to create the planned Life Simulation System. This far simpler alternative system was to be rather linear gameplay with strict storyline progression and quests following the good 'ol "Fedex" concept, i.e. "go there, get this, come back here". Still, in the end all that development time on the proper Life Simulation System was not for nothing: all the things we constantly argued about almost to the point of fights in the office slowly began to work properly, and we started to forget the hundreds of times each of us shouted "Mother#^*@&@#$, it @#^*@#* doesn't work!!!" during the last couple of years.

In order to test some of the simulation system elements we built a special level, which was just a huge field covering several kilometers square. The testing basically consisted of dumping a whole zoo of monsters and stalkers onto this field, and the entire development team sitting by the screen and watching what will happen. In order to give the whole thing at least the illusion of a proper test, the game output gameplay statistics onto a second screen at the same time, which mainly looked something like this:

Evnt119: Stalker 'Gosha' #84 was bitten to death by pigs
Evnt120: Stalker 'Gosha' #132 shot and killed a dog (I don't think Greepeace would've liked our testing sessions)
Evnt121: Stalker 'Gosha' #43 picked up the assault rifle belonging to 'Gosha' #84, and is now standing around with two assault rifles like a god damn fool
Evnt122: Stalker 'Gosha' #7 stomped on several rats
Evnt123: The dead rats' mates celebrated by feasting on a dead pig
Evnt124: The pigs didn't like that and wasted 'Gosha' #43
Evnt125: Stalker 'Gosha' #61 is standing over 2 assault rifles scratching his head, because he doesn't know which is better, and cannot use both like 'Gosha' #43 for religious reasons
Evnt126: Stalker 'Gosha' #17, however, is not a religious man
Evnt127: Stalker 'Gosha' #17 killed 'Gosha' #61
Evnt128: Stalker 'Gosha' #17 picked up everything on the ground, including a grenade dropped by 'Gosha' #94, killed earlier by 'Gosha' #84

The level was restarted many times, which allowed us to figure out that similar "mad" situations ensued roughly 10-15 times out of every 100. We had instances when a single assault rifle changed hands over 20 times during one round. The Life Simulation System worked, thank God, and we all celebrated our good luck.
I hate you Pressure, now I want this game even more, especcially with a level editor, imagine how fun it'd be dropping like 100 stalkers into one single building and watching'em work :)

Thanks dude, after reading that my hope has returned for some odd reason heh, I bet it won't be delayed all that much, if we're lucky perhaps we might see it 2k5 Q3-Q4.:)
It will keep getting improved so no worries, we have HL2 + mods to hold us over.
I guess you're either blind or seriously mentally limited :p
Jokes aside, the game looks great, if you haven't, go watch the DX9 videos from E3, it looks truly astonishing, also, about your sig, no it won't, you need a AMD128bit 8500+, 4 Gig of RAM, an X1200XTPE XXX 512 MB card, min specs!:)
Anyone wanna know what I think about the whole gaming delay process? no? Well here it comes anyways.

I believe game companies should NOT show off their new game until the E3 just prior to release, or people get bored with a game before it's even released. It's just retarded now that this game will fade away, it was looking so promising, but now...it's turning into DNF. Sure it will probably be released, but it'll be like Half-Life 2 in a way; it will not make as big of an impact as it would have if it were released on time. If we didn't know about this game until this year's E3, I bet we would all get excited real quick, especially if it had a fall release.

Sad day for gaming..
Pressure said:
I don't care if it's delayed if they improve the game. The game already looks amazing but if they need more time to make it better more power to them.

I agree 100%
Certain aspects of the game look good, like the textures and buildings look well done and some other aspects, but certain other aspects need to be worked on imho. Such as the hand models/textures, which look pretty awful as well as some of the foliage. It'll just help to bring the world alive instead of having all these ugly bits consistantly pulling you out of the world.

The gameplay is the bit that I'm the most interested in anyway, so it'll be nice if they do re-work these aspects but if the gameplay is great and they don't, well it won't be the end of the world for this game.
funny how the same ppl who bitched and complained about valves REASONED delay, are understanding and decent about an indefinite delay of stalker.
I know I never bitched once about HL2's delay, but I don't know about the others.
mortiz said:
Certain aspects of the game look good, like the textures and buildings look well done and some other aspects, but certain other aspects need to be worked on imho. Such as the hand models/textures, which look pretty awful as well as some of the foliage. It'll just help to bring the world alive instead of having all these ugly bits consistantly pulling you out of the world.

The gameplay is the bit that I'm the most interested in anyway, so it'll be nice if they do re-work these aspects but if the gameplay is great and they don't, well it won't be the end of the world for this game.
for real :|
The player and monster models need the most work lol.
it still looks great, I can't wait to play it
It does look awesome but it wouldn't hurt to fix some of the ugliness.
Whoah, whoah, whoah...

Let them have their delay. I'd prefer it if they made it right the first time, rather than get a half-assed product that may or may not be patched/updated in the future.

They wanted more time. As much as it annoys me, I'd have to say that this all for the best. Maybe they really needed it, just like HL2 needed another year.
Its not bad models i don't think. I just think its as close as they can get them so they blend in with the rest of the world instead of having plastic-ky models and real life (almost) everything else.

I've also noticed a general attitude change for this game on here by most people :P

The Game Really Will Rock!!! :D

Alan Freeman said:
they can delay this game all they want it looks horrible IMO.

What looks horrible about it?. What kind of games are you currently playing or looking forward too in the near future that comes anywhere close to STALKER's graphics?. Heh!. None! because no game exsists.
I hope this game turns out to be like Fallout. Travelling and exploring cities, ruins, different groups of people and stuff is fun. Hopefully they have been holding back the screenshots of the other characters and cities (or maybe adding more of them in now with the delay) because I can't say wandering around barren fields is very fun.
I think people say looks horrible cuz it dont hav bumpmapping and all that stuff (right?) IMO looks very nice
Theres something about some of the monsters and player models that just doesn't sit with me. I mean some of them look nice but other I just don't like.