S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Stories

Mega bump, see the thread "Bought STALKER on Steam, gimmie some mods" in the same relevant forum.


...was flirting around the Bar completing missions after coming back successful from the NPP and had just finished maintaining and flogging off most of my gear to the Barkeep. Had only taken a few steps out of the vaults when i heard a few rounds go off from the west, near the Wild Territory Duty outpost in the same area. I dismissed it at first; when a few grenades started detonating it became apparent the Bar was being attacked. So me being me, i tore off towards the gunfire throwing SS rounds into me FN2000 (at this point i only tried keeping a few mags of SS109 rounds handy, to deal with low denominators such as bandits whilst leaving the majority of my 556 ammo AP to much more promising targets).

When i got to the set of gates before the guardpost, two or three Monolith blokes in exosuits bust out from behind the gates and start peppering away. They get cleaned up by a few stalkers in the adjacent warehouse and myself. After clearing the area, i start to advance towards the outpost to make sure that area's clear. Sure enough, there's the bodies of the Duty guards lying on the ground lying in their own pools of blood. And about another two or three odd of the Monolith in exosuits who hadn't yet breached the barricades of the outpost.

Felt a little sad to see them fall. For the most part, exo's lay the shit through any stalker who isn't wearing the same attire, so for them to put down about three was pretty good by any measure. Kinda attributed it to the few grenade detonations i heard beforehand...

...in any case, was a bit of a bugger to see them be replaced :(

Another instance when heading on a night-time expidition into the Warehouse district... was attacked from behind by a pack of those H.O.R.R.O.R. mutants. This occured right at the onset of a blowout. Ran to the stalker outpost beside the Freedom base, only to have them shoot at my heels because of a controller, dwarves and bloodsuckers in the general vicinity. Anywho, the main gyst is with most enemies you can outrun; after a while they'll give up the chase and resume moping around places. The only exception is the HORROR monsters. They track you from one end of the map to the other in order to rip ya apart.

I was lucky enough to have some distance to play with between me and my persuers. Logic tells me to find cover first then deal with the threat; rather than running blindly backwards and taking out the monsters individually...to save being ****ed by the blowout. So instead of heading to the smallish bunch of experts perched on the hill to the north, i head east to Freedom and the protection of the base, more men better chance for them to find another target. By this stage the screen had faded to black, right before everyone legs it to cover. That's when another of these ****ing HORROR creatures pop in from my flank, right as i enter the base and join a cohort of my neural Freedom buddies fleeing to the command building; the building containing Lukash.

....anywho, they ended up gaining a shitload of ground so just as i entered the command building the four broached the same set of stairs. I immediately fled to the unlocked cell previously containing Freedoms armoury and shut the door. Gunfire errupted to my right and the four forgot about me and charged at the group of Freedom stalkers held in a blowout protective room. The gunfire massed then died after a while into the blowout ceased. When i unlocked the door, the hallway was littered with the remains of the Freedom boys and one of the last HORROR mutants made a charge. It was dropped without much ado.

The carnage in the room was horrific, blood was everywhere, two of the mutants lay upon the threshold and the boys were scattered around the room like ragdolls, their weapons at their feet. Skinflint, the trader and repairer, hung to one side of the roof by his anke. In the corner of the room was the last of the creatures laying on the body of a Freedom stalker. All in all i counted four HORROR creatures and about six or seven Freedom men. I found another in Skinflints quarters beside a few crates later as i was picking from the morsels of the battle.

Good times, good times.
Oblivion Lost mod:

I'm returning to the Army Warehouses to collect on a few jobs I've done done for Freedom. I'm not a member of the faction, but the mass of green dots on my radar as I enter their base is a great reassurance. The ringing in my ears is not. Controller. I settle my business in the base and head out in search of it. I climb on top of hill overlooking the village and take out my binocs. I see nothing of interest in the village.

It dawns on me. I sprint to the checkpoint and see that it's already lost. There are two Freedom soldiers left fighting a pack of pseudodogs, a murder of bloodsuckers, their dead retarded ex-squadmates and a controller. I pull back to a hill and whip out my trusty H&K assault rifle. I start clinicly inserting rounds into the Controllers head while it has my back turned to me. Suddenly my brain was ripped from my skull and I was put face-to-face (so to speak) of a Controller. Not the one I had been shooting. There are two. I run.

I go back to the base and buy a sniper rifle. On my way back to the checkpoint I discover that one of the Controllers had followed me. Oh joy. I climb the nearest watchtower and unpack my new purchase. The resident sniper and I start unloading our magazines into the skull of the Controller. The Controller ambled forward, killed every stalker guarding the gate and then decided to wander off again, unconcerned by the lead bouncing off his head. Once he gets to the top of the next hill he calming decides he should die and lies down, projecting his mind into the ether of the zone.

I head back to the checkpoint, sniper in tow. I stay as far away as possible, while still able to see the remaining Controller and start to blast my remaining rounds into his head. I run out of ammo. Fed up I get out my H&K and ready the grenade launcher. I sprint in and launch two grenades at the bastard, finishing him off. Then I realise that there are four bloodsuckers running at me. I throw a frag grenade a leg it away. I take out my MP5, stop, crouch, turn around, and start spraying at the bastards chasing me. Once they're all dead I return to mop up the remain beasts with grenades and my assault rifle. I then scavanged the dead bodies.

A few days later Freedom remanned the checkpoint. They're only yellow dots though.
I suck at this game, it lags :(

Is anyone else getting fair lag too?
Damn you guys, you'll make me reinstall the game with your stories.

You know what? I'd like to see a mix of Far Cry 2 and STALKER. I know many of you here don't like FC2, and I acknowledge it does have flaws, but it's free-roaming environment (despite it's stupid limitations) is something I expected in STALKER before I played it for the first time.
I find that Clear Sky is pretty damn open-world, I actually gave up on STALKER and just play Clear Sky now

Anyways, fighting at night is always scary unless you've got night vision, always scares the shit outta me when something just pops out 3 feet in-front of me
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a controller can see you, you basically can't dodge his attack? For example, if you're out in the open, you have to get out of range (whatever that is) if there isn't otherwise something to hide behind? Two or more would be interesting.

I haven't checked the mod scene lately - anyone familiar with a Clear Sky mod that spawns hordes (like Doom 2 hordes) of mutants (including the cut ones if possible)? I couldn't find one the last time I looked.
i always try to find somthing to hide behind, pepper him with AP rounds before he gets into his HADOKEN stance and then duck behind cover to dodge the attack.

If he gets too close (which has never happened) i always thought going one on one with a knife would be fun :p