S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Stories

The more I play Stalker & the further I get into the game, the more I find that I am enjoying it. Of course you have the generic "Go here, talk to or kill this guy there" missions or the few Fed-Ex missions, but for the most part & I have not yet beaten the game so I can't vouch for how the game is later, but as I do the main SP missions, there are several side quests that will have me running around from area to area, but if you do the main SP campaign, for the most part, it constantly has you progressing in a forward direction, which in turn brings you to new areas & thus new side quests.

I have Oblivion as well & for me, the game was a TOTAL letdown, whereas, I find Stalker to be fun & worthwhile usage of my gaming hours as I play through it. Sure it has it's share of bugs (which games doesn't thought??) and it was several years late in being released, not to mention a game engine that requires too powerful a PC for what visuals you get. Still, I believe the game is well worht the price tag & since it's been out for awhile now, it's quite cheap. Add in the mods that have been released & well you can pretty much taler the game to your playing preferences.

Of course each gamers ideas of what is good & what isn't, varies from the next gamer....

Does it involve alot of "look for a key, open door, repeat?" type stuff or is it mainly focused on hunting down an enemy and killing him, repeat?

I don't think you ever have to have an actual key, but there are some doors in the game with combination locks - I know in one instance you have to find the dead body of a guy in the complex where the door is, and his PDA will have the combination.
A lot of the quests are different, though. Sometimes it's finding an artifact, a weapon, or clearing mutants or enemy stalkers out of an area. General RPG stuff when you think about it. But it doesn't feel like grinding (to me). There are some nice missions, though, aside from the general "kill this" or "find this" quests where you actually have a mission to find a piece of machinery and shut it off (I won't go into too much detail, it relates to the story).
STALKER doesn't have the best graphics or anything, but it's by far the most atmospheric game I've played - There's an active weather system, a day and night cycle, even rainstorms and thunderstorms. There is a LOT of detail in the world to be appreciated. With some games, I'm sort of trying to do all this crazy stuff and do what the designer's hadn't intended, but with this one I'm too engrossed in the story and gameworld to care.
I just finished the main quest.

My Reaction: 0_o

I commend the devs for making the ending morally ambiguous.
I'm playing it with the Inferno mod now and am finally seeing the critter counts I've been looking for (with some work on my part).

Pick your favorite level that has a lot of various critters. Dark Valley has a pretty good variety. Find the spawn point and make note of its location. Go to the point farthest away from there and slowly purge the entire level as much as you can of all the critters, working your way to the spawn point. You'll wind up with an open spigot of all kinds of critters coming at you. Trying to contain them all as they continue flooding at you is a blast. I use the "unique" SPAS-12 and the FN-200.

...so I look up this shotgun on Youtube (as it's present in both Stalker and HL2, and rocks in both) and it apparently has a pretty intense 'semi-auto' mode. Yikes.
In other news a new Clear Sky Q & A from GSC is here.

No, there will be no demo version of Clear Sky. Not all that much time is left before the release, and soon you will be able to experience the full world of STALKER.

You love critisizing Stalker/GSC so much.
You will be happy to know that they probably won't delay it this time, I'm certain it's true.
Wait, is this the same team that promised me that STALKER: Oblivion Lost would come out in 2003!?!:D

This massive dose of sarcasm was justified today as GSC confirmed the release date for Clear Sky as August 29, 2008.

GSC Game World, computer games developer, its publishing subdivision GSC World Publishing and Koch Media, a leading marketer of video games, today announced the planned release date for the title S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. According to the agreed plan, the game will ship August 29, 2008 worldwide. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky will be published by the games labels Deep Silver and GSC World Publishing.

"The topic of the release date for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky has created a lot of interest among gamers, press and fans. We're pleased to announce an exact date for this highly anticipated game now," said Dr. Klemens Kundratitz, Managing Director of Koch Media.

"Our intention to deliver the game simultaneously worldwide is both a challenge and big responsibility to the many fans of the game around the globe. We are looking forward to achieve this ambitious goal in August." - said Sergiy Grygorovych, GSC World Publishing CEO.

How is it good news?
They stated the game would be out Q1 this year originally, I'll be LMAO if the game gets delayed yet another time after this.:)
Seriously? Oh I tought it was going to be released around that date originally. Lol.

Anyway stalker is meh but i'm looking forward to clear skies in august

Anyway stalker is meh but i'm looking forward to clear skies in august


In the 100 leagues bar...


and in Yantar...

Hahaha, I lol'd hard at the guy at the bar :LOL:

One of the only NPCs that had english lines and he was broken...
I managed to my game working on Steam! :D
But, for some reason when I try to join any MP servers it says my version is different? Was a patch released but not on Steam?

Can't do anything right now, I've gotta go to class.

Man, I hope Clear Sky makes that release date. It looks like it'll be even better than the original.
Hell yeah, hopefully it'll be everything the orig wasn't...i wanted so much more out of that game :| like more gametime in the countryside, more mutants (weaps were fantastic with the patches, but customizing should have been able with more small arms), larger maps, more in pripyat....

...just more in general...

i would have also liked to have spent time in more of the countryside... epic... they also didn't show much of the good weather you get over there, but i'm not bitchin bout that.

<3 the game though
Koola Mena, it won't be everything the orig wasn't.

Just so you know, the majority of the original STALKER team, LEFT GSC to make their own game which is supposed to be what they originally envisioned STALKER as, called Metro 2033, Google it.
Koola Mena, it won't be everything the orig wasn't.

Just so you know, the majority of the original STALKER team, LEFT GSC to make their own game which is supposed to be what they originally envisioned STALKER as, called Metro 2033, Google it.

I heard the majority of the Metro 2033 team left to make their own game which is supposed to be what they originally envisioned Metro 2033 to be. But now I'm hearing rumors that the majority of that team left to make their own game which strangely enough is very similar to vanilla STALKER.

My source is facts, look up the original STALKER devs via interviews etc, then look at 4a Games website, you'll see many were on the STALKER team.
I just got mind****ed by Cerpin. *scratches head*

Gargantou kk, i hope it is as epic as it sounds.
Man, I don't care if part of the team left because they didn't want the game to be like it is. Me and a lot of other people love the game just like it is now. Hopefully Clear Sky can provide an even better experience :thumbs:
I will check for game you mentioned though, Metro 2033 or something, must be interesting.
You're a bad man taviow and I hope your penis falls off.

So I'm in sarcophagus inside the Chernobyl NPP and I keep hearing this thundering voice saying something in Ukrainian or Russian or something. But what is he saying?!?! ARGH!
I'm guessing it's not essential to the game, because I've noticed that important pieces of speech have been translated and others have not, I'm guessing to save time when localizing.
If anybody knows what he's saying, please speak up. :)

I saved here a lot, because i like replaying the level...something challanging about facing a whole level of blokes in heavy suits hehe. Anyway, he says...

Come here. (literally he says, come to me)
Your path is ending.
You will get what you wish. (literally, you will get what you deserve)
Your wish will come true now. (lit, your wish will soon come true)

And then sometimes he says: Only one will be rewarded.

Good sheeet.
I've only just started playing STALKER with the OL mod and I have to say it has completely engrossed me! Quick question though, I've made it to the X16 lab I think its called and I'm having trouble killing those poltergeists that hurl objects at you and unleash fire etc. Any tips on how to put them down? I've tried grenades to no avail :(
Just shoot them with a powerful assault rifle; like the AK74.

I used an altered one + lots of screaming; it works.
Just shoot them with a powerful assault rifle; like the AK74.

I used an altered one + lots of screaming; it works.
I used up like 3 magazines shooting at the thing with the AK but it did nothing ;_;
I've only just started playing STALKER with the OL mod and I have to say it has completely engrossed me! Quick question though, I've made it to the X16 lab I think its called and I'm having trouble killing those poltergeists that hurl objects at you and unleash fire etc. Any tips on how to put them down? I've tried grenades to no avail :(

When you see them they will be a ball of floating electricity, just shoot it until it dies. The physical Poltergeist itself can't hurt you at all, even if it passes through you, only when it throws shit at you.

I just deleted my old save (I just got at the 100 rads bar and killed up to the 6 bandits in arena, I don't think that's far?), re-installed, and put in the Oblivion Lost mod, and I thought I'd share my first hour of play. Keep in mind this is on HELL difficulty.
So, I started the game as usual, and accepted the first mission from Wolf, to help his friends kill the bandits at that place, on the way there I was attacked by around 15 dogs/cats, and by the end I had no pistol rounds left, and then when I got the the scouts, I decided to just go for it, with no ammo. They ran in started blasting and everything, then I sprinted in, along the back, and as a guy just unloaded his 2 shotgun shells on one of my teamates, he went back to reload only to find me waiting for him around his cover-corner. I knifed his ass, and now I finally had a gun, and dispatched the rest with ease.

I went back to the Cordon camp and got my rewards, did a few more jobs for the trader and Wolf (well, his one job), then I decided it was time to go along with the special mission. I had about $5000 so I decided my current leather jacket was inferior to the ones I could buy so I sold it and bought a coat with a gas mask.

Big mistake. I can't see shit.

So I decided to just stick with it (I had no choice, out of money by this point, so I couldn't buy my old armor back), and made my way to the collapsed bridge checkpoint. I decided to pay the man to go through. By this time it was about 8-9 and was dark, really ****ing dark. Plus I was in a gas mask. Not a good situation. My flashlight doesn't exactly illuminate anything much.. I decided to sprint to Fox and his fire (light!), and gave him a medkit and helped him kill the dog pack. I chilled with him a bit, and decided to sleep until 7:00am (I don't like the dark in this mod it's scary! Especially with all the zombies and boars I get!), and it was still fairly dark out, although the sun was rising so it wasn't that dark, I decided to leave Fox and go across the road to rid the farm of the Pseudo-dogs (I think that's what they are), and while there I was attacked by bandits. I decided to finally give stealth a go, and what do you know, it worked for me! (I thought the stealth would be all glitchy and broken, tbh)

I got rid of the 5/6 bandits, and the last one was still somewhere, now keep in mind about 3 bullets kill me on this difficulty, so I didn't want to run out and be a fool. I just waited.

But then lightning flashed. Everything went red, then dark.

I couldn't see a thing. Uh oh.. a blowout?

Once I could see again I darted into the partially-roofed farm house where all the pseudo-dogs were, and one that I missed followed me in, I killed it, then hunkered down to what I thought would kill me.

Lightning flashed, the sky went red, I started getting radiation and losing health, luckily I just found a stash with 5 medkits. And the gas mask armor actually came in handy for the radiation. I waited it out, and by the end, I was alive, with a medkit to spare (and I still had a blue one too).

And to my enjoyment, the bandit I failed to kill died in the blowout.

Just then I was SWARMED with TONS of mutants (honestly, I thought the game broke or something), I let loose everything I had, I retreated into the farmhouse.. I managed to stay there holding the waves of mutants off until reinforcements arrived! 3 of my STALKER brothers, 2 with assault rifles, one with a shotgun. I ran out the side door of the farmhouse, and bolted through the crowd of mutants to join my brothers on the other side. We sure as shit let those ****ers know who they were dealing with! After the battle my reinforcements parted ways with me and went down the road, away from the bridge.

I was bleeding pretty bad, so I had to use my last army medkit.

I had no bandages, no ammo (aside from 21 bullets for my AK74/2U and 2 grenades). I had to get ammo if I was to continue to the garbage. No one was in sight to bargain with.. Except the military at the checkpoint.

I decided to go the way of the bandit and kill them all for their supplies. I needed to eat by this point also, so I needed food.

I hopped on the bridge, crossed to the inaccessible side and studied the military.

There were 7 of them. 3 in the center, making a line from one side to the other. 2 on the left side guarding, and 2 on the right side. I took off my armor, as it was decreasing my sight with the gas mask, I'd have to do this with no armor... damn.

So I decided I'd take out the right side with a grenade and try to carefully take out the rest with my 21 bullets.

I threw a grenade. They didn't see it, idiots, killed 2 of the right side. The others turned and looked at their fellow solders corpses, and then started looking around for the culprit. I crouched really low, and picked 2 off with just 3 bullets. Now they knew where I was.

They started firing, and 2 threw grenades at me, one of which missed and fell off the ledge (I was right on the ledge of the bridge), one landed right beside me, with my cat-like reflexes I instantly bolted away from the ledge. The grenade must've just got me, I was bleeding a little bit, but I had no bandages anyways. I went back slowly and found a guy trying to flank me on the right side, he hit me once, now I was bleeding badly, I decided I'd need a medkit now or I'd die. So I picked him off with 4 bullets, now there were 2 guys left, both on the left side.

I was loosing alot of blood now, and I NEEDED a medkit. So I went the the left side and just unloaded the rest of my bullets on a guy who was trying to flank my right side, I got him.

Now the only guy left. The guy I had to pay to get through. He had just gone behind cover, so I was able to crouch low and get the drop on him. I had only 7 bullets left, he peeked, the idiot, I killed him, shot him 1 shot in the head.

I had killed the whole army checkpoint on HELL with 21 bullets for AK74/2U and 1 grenade, I had 5 bullets left.

I was still loosing alot of blood and quickly, so I made my way across the bridge, and down the slope on the other side and quickly searched their stash, there I found the best thing I've ever seen.. 2 army medkits. Also 4 tourists delight for my starvation.

I had no resources, aside from a grenade, knife and 5 bullets for my AK74/2U, I had to make it back to Cordon camp.. Of course it wasn't as easy as just walking there..

There happened to be a fight between what seemed like 5 boars and atleast 15-20 dogs.. Right on the road before the mini bridge near the camp..

I had full health, wasn't bleeding anymore, so screw it.

I took out my knife and sprinted (still no armor on, I forgot to put it on..) I was able to get past them all without any attacks, except one boar which was easily dispatched with a swipe from my knife.

There.. I had done it, made it back to Cordon - I survived an attack on a bandit camp with no guns, multiple mutants, multiple bandit attacks, a blowout with no shelter other then a partially-roofed farmhouse, I assaulted and captured a military checkpoint with 1 grenade and 16 AK74/2U bullets, and I made it back to Cordon before dark.

I ****ing love this game and this sexy mod!
How did you install the mod, Dog? When I tried it didn't work. Is it the oblivion lost one?
I installed my game, installed patch 1.0005, then downloaded Oblivion Lost 2.2, then I extracted it (should only be one folder, a folder called gamedata - which is inside the rar file), then I just put the gamedata folder in C:\Program Files\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl. Then, before you run the game open the file fsgame.ltx (with notepad) which is in the same directory you put the gamedata in to, and mine looked like this:

$app_data_root$=true|false|C:\|Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\
$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\
$game_ai$ = true| false| $game_data$| ai\
$game_spawn$ = true| false| $game_data$| spawns\
$game_anims$ = true| true| $game_data$| anims\
$game_levels$ = true| false| $game_data$| levels\
$game_meshes$ = true| true| $game_data$| meshes\
$game_dm$ = true| true| $game_data$| meshes\
$game_shaders$ = true| true| $game_data$| shaders\
$game_sounds$ = true| true| $game_data$| sounds\
$game_textures$ = true| true| $game_data$| textures\
$game_scripts$ = true| false| $game_data$| scripts\
$game_config$ = true| false| $game_data$| config\
$level$ = false| false| $game_levels$
$game_saves$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| savedgames\
$logs$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| logs\
$screenshots$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| screenshots\
$downloads$ = false| false| $app_data_root$| downloads\
$mod_dir$ = false | false | $fs_root$ | mods\

See how $game_data$ has false then true? Change false to true.

Works fine for me, and that's all I did.
Wow Dog, what a worthy post for a bump. I've had many a close call such as the one you had while playing Oblivion Lost (Hell difficulty is the only way to go)

Funny story of mine (seems sureal looking back at it but I swear everything mentioned did actually happen):

I was at the beginning of the game, in Cordon. I had done a couple of quests and seeing how I had finished the game once before, I began to feel a little cocky. Now where could I find a nice gun to replaced my broken sawed-off shotgun? Of course! The military base just down the road.

I wasn't as well equiped as I would have liked to be, but I figured a couple of lucky heatshots would take them down. However, I really wanted a nicer gun with more range and a higher rate of fire. Plus I could sell any equipment I didnt need to get myself that sexy shotgun back in Cordon. So I went against my common sense and attacked them.

The first guy was easy enough, a surprise heatshot took care of him. Immediately the alarm went off and everyone poured out of the base looking for me. Being cocky, I decided to go Rambo and stand my ground. Big mistake. They spotted me, and I got a painful introduction to a new AI ability - throwing grenades. One exploded so close it nearly killed me, and I didnt stick around long to wait for the others to throw more. As I sprinted away, they all took potshots at me, slowly whittling down my health.

What now? I had no more medkits as I used my last one to recover from the grenade blast (another oversight of mine, forgot to buy medkits). So in desparation I dove into the bushes, out of sight of the military. They continued looking for me, but not in the direction where I actually was. I figured it was too risky to run for Cordon, as they would spot me in the open and gun me down. Instead I slept in my sleeping bag (a great idea modders!) to recover and survive back to Cordon.

All seemed well, until I woke up to a red sky.

At first I thought the characters vision was just wonky, but when it faded to black I knew something was not right. A tremor confirmed that whatever it was, it was bad (I didnt know about blowouts, looked it up later). I sprinted back to Cordon to see other loners running for the basement, so I followed.

No sooner had I gotten in with 10 or so other loners did I hear them start to yell and point their weapons at the enterance. I look up to see ALL THE MILITARY SOLDIERS that I had fought earlier pour into the basement, opening fire. I have no idea why they didnt go back to their own base, I suppose they were still looking for me when the blowout happened, and this was the nearest shelter. I fought a little bit, but remembering how hard these guys were before, I sat back to let my loner buddies take down most of them.

By the end of the blowout, literally everyone was dead, save one soldier I took care of. The basement floor was covered with bodies. A shame so many friends died, but I looted a Viper, an AK, and sold the rest of the equipement to the trader, and got my shotgun in exchange.

Awesome :LOL:
Here's a story for the ages.

I woke up during a blowout for the 23rd ****ing time since I started a new game in OL. I remember one where a bunch of Duty men were holed up in the Bar. They were all pointing their weapons at each other so I decided to join in, but they didn't like it. Must have been a members only thing. :(
^lol yeah, then they get angry and tell you to piss off :p

I've finished most of the story and i'm in the NPP, but i can't get through to the sarcophagus through all the ****ing mutants! is this a glitch? They just spawn and i get ass-reamed by all the bloodsuckers! Not to mention dwarves :(

To be honest, I didn't really love it until Oblivion Lost.. I played it and was just like 'eh alot better then the average game, but not best ever' then I put in Oblivion Lost and was like 'BEST GAME EVER.'