S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Stories

MRG, with all the Stalker mod experiences you've had, what would you say was the most enjoyable combination of mods (including conversions) for you. Re-installing Stalker as I type this
MRG, with all the Stalker mod experiences you've had, what would you say was the most enjoyable combination of mods (including conversions) for you. Re-installing Stalker as I type this

Heya Sedako. Glad to hear you are reinstalling Stalker.

To date, the best *Large* Mod that I have installed for Stalker, is none other than: Stalker Rebalanced v1.01

Not only is the mod extremely fun, but it is also the only one that has given me the least amount of problems. When I first installed the mod, I had a couple of CTD's (Crash to desktop) which after talking to the Dev of the mod, who by the way not only knows his stuff, but is also very helpful at the same time, was able to determine that the errors were in fact on my end & offered solutions & ideas, which not only fixed my problems but then enabled me to have higher ingame settings, while at the same time better performance. All comes with knowing Stalker & it's game engine.

Keep in mind that at it's base, Stalker is a very buggy game. I also advise that when you install ANY mod, you do so on a clean install of Stalker. that means after uninstalling the game, you then delete any & all game related folders before you reinstall the game. As it would turn out, after performing a few tweaks to my system that the Dev of the mod turned me onto, I reinstalled the game over an hour ago & then install the mod on top of a clean install & patch to 1.0005. I quite literally almost fell out of my chair when I exited the traders place at the very beginning of the game & saw just how awesome the game looked & how well it ran.

A word of advise, read the Tweak guide that I link to. IT does not matter how much you may know or think you know about computers, it's a must read. It really helped my game performance. If you have any issues, let me know & i'll relay them to the Dev directly or I'll pass on his info to you. Also keep in mind that the mod I am talking about, does stress your PC more than the default game does. I also advise you to have at least an nVidia 6800 Ultra or ATI X850 or better video card.

I hope this helps & one last thing, when you play the mod, *forget* everything you know about the original Stalker. Give the mod some dedicated playtime & I promise you that you'll soon agree that it's an awesome modification for Stalker.

With the mod installed & the tweaks performed, look at the differences between the two versions I played at. Both were taken at the exact same time of day believe it or not. In town, my fps do drop down to around 20 to 25fps, but running around in the wilderness, I get a playable 25 to 40fps. Thats much better than my pre-game tweaks. Sadly my old 6800 Ultra just can't render my frames any faster if I want the eye candy on. Still, i'm keeping Full Dynamic On.

Before: Static Lighting - Vanilla Game @ 1024x768

After: Full Dynamic Lighting - With Mod Enhancements @ 1024x768

I just installed Rebalanced mod too, and can vouch for its awesomeness, IMO it's a great mod to start with because it doesn't really venture far off from vanilla STALKER, it IMO only improves upon the game, whereas OL in my opinion is more of a 'conversion' into another game.
Quotes taken from Filefront's Forums.

mrg said:
Last night I had Fraps running as I played & I totally forgot to use it. There was this Loner that wandered over toward the army outpost. 5 army guys come out shooting & the one loner stands his ground in the middle of the street with an M1911, popping off shots. Shall we call that a "Stalker Standoff"? lol.. Anyways, I feel like an ass now, that I realized Fraps was running & I just stood there watching the battle. The loner guy ended up taking around 20 direct hits with blood blowing out behind him as the army blokes walked up the street firing before he dropped. All in all, the fight lasted like a minute, but seemed much longer. As more & more army guys came to shoot at him, them with their machine guns spitting lead, seeing the puffs on the ground around him as he fires back with a small pistol. Neither of them can shoot for shit. I don't think he hit a single one of them. I laughed when I saw him run behind a tree, lean out, fire once - only for a small puff of smoke to come from the end of his gun & then his head jerks back in a spray of blood. This was just before he ran back out into the street & ended up getting turned into swiss cheese.

After watching the above fight, I started to think that it was a little odd that the one Loner guy could take so much damage & not die. So I mentioned it to the Dev & he explained that the Loner guy was most likely a Quest NPC.

Dev's answer:

It's quite random what he does onces he is free from the bandits, so I made him a quest npc as well (like guide) so that he would have less chance of dying before you could complete the "perfected jacket" quest. You can see that quest npcs are much tougher, but not invincible.

I first came across the greatly improved Quest NPC here:

mrg said:
Are there NPC's scattered around with God mod on? I met some Loner in some building after helping another guy repel some mutant dogs. Well this other guy had a sweet weapon & after asking him politely if I could look at it, he continued to ignore me, so like the punk I'm not in real life, I pulled my weapon out, a long barreled shotgun, pointed it at the guys head & pulled the trigger. Twice. The guy then gets up & fully refuses to die, by running away. So I chase him around a corner & with my shotgun now reloaded, I open up point blank. By this time he has his own weapon out, that selfsame cool gun I wanted, & proceeded to fill my scantily-armored-clad self full of holes. 2 seconds later i'm food for the worms.

Dev's answer:

The "guy with the sweet weapon" is a quest npc called "guide" he is needed for later on in the story-line, but because aliVe is so randomised, quest npcs are somtimes killed by bandits or mutants or the like. So, to make them a bit more survivable I have beefed them up so they can take more damage and kitted them out with better weapons. Guide has a Groza_m1, trader has a 10% chance of selling you this weapon right from the start (this is a vanilla setting) so I don't think it's unbalanced for a veteran stalker npc to be able to have this weapon, even so early on. The groza_m1 fires 5.45x39 ammo, instead of 9x39 (much more powerfull) so the _m1 version is about the same power as an AKs-74u. You can still kill him with about 4 - 6 shotgun blasts point blank in the head.

The above is just one more reason I enjoy the mod so much. I have had quests break with other mods because the quest giver was always so weak & would always end up picking a fight with the wrong guy, thus breaking my mission and causing it to either fail for me, or still show up as needing to be finished, even though the guy that gave me is is 6 feet under. One other awesome feature, is that if you have a better weapon in your inventory than the one a friendly NPC is carrying, you can throw the weapon at the NPC's feet and he'll then pick it up & use it, replacing the weapon he had previously.

One other awesome feature, is that if you have a better weapon in your inventory than the one a friendly NPC is carrying, you can throw the weapon at the NPC's feet and he'll then pick it up & use it, replacing the weapon he had previously.


Im pretty sure thats in vanilla because I can do that too, and i didnt install that mod.
How big is STALKER really?

I'm thinking of getting it over Steam but it says it requires 10 gigs?!
Does it seriously need that much space?! It'll take years to d/l.
How big is STALKER really?

I'm thinking of getting it over Steam but it says it requires 10 gigs?!
Does it seriously need that much space?! It'll take years to d/l.

10GB! Damn. My THQ folder is only 5.98GB with mods installed. so minus around 700mb for mods... Still long download or not, it's a great game. Sucks you have to download it though. Might want to start it when you go to bed one night. Do you download an ISO or the entire game?

Im pretty sure thats in vanilla because I can do that too, and i didnt install that mod.

Oh... I didn't know what. :eek:

10GB! Damn. My THQ folder is only 5.98GB with mods installed. so minus around 700mb for mods... Still long download or not, it's a great game. Sucks you have to download it though. Might want to start it when you go to bed one night. Do you download an ISO or the entire game?


I think it's the whole game... but that's reassuring nonetheless.

Why the hell would Steam say 10gb?!
Thanks for the mod suggestion MRG, I got it up and running with no major problems. The only thing that bugs me is that there is still no real surround sound support. I've tried the fix mentioned on a number of sites (copy the OpenAL32.dll into the bin folder). It gives me surround sound, but it sounds like I'm playing inside of a can. Disabling EAX in the options didn't fix it. Any ideas?
Sweet, just tried running STALKER and it went from the splash screen to "OUT OF RANGE" I can hear the menu music and logos and stuff, but that's it.
I end up having to alt + F4 out of it.
I already tried editing the user.ltx file but everything's in order(refresh rate is 60, resolution is at 1024x768)
And I tried changing the resolution to 800x600 and running it windowed but it does the same thing.

Downloaded it over Steam.
I think it's the whole game... but that's reassuring nonetheless.

Why the hell would Steam say 10gb?!

The stand alone game installer says it requires 10GB as well, even though it doesn't really weight that much after installation.

Since I have all the modding skills God gave a two-year-old, I have a stunningly moronic question for you. I downloaded Stalker Rebalance v1.0. It is now sitting nice and tidy in my mods folder. How do I activate it, for lack of a better word. Just putting it in the folder doesn't do anything, as I tried the game and it was identical to vanilla 1.0005 STALKER. How do I make it work/activate?

Glad you got the mod. Prepare to have an all new STALKER experience.

To be honest, I don't know what the mod folder is for, as I have never had a mod actually use the mod folder.

This is the way that I installed the mod. Of course patch the game to 1.0005 first. I also like to then start the game once, make all the changes under options & then exit the game. This way your settings are saved here: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC"

1) Extract the mod file to your desktop. I use WinRAR to extract, but other programs like WinZip or 7zip should work just as well. Once finished, you should see a folder called "Stalker Rebalanced v1.0" It's actually the newer 1.1 since it has the hot fixes already installed, bringing it to v.1.1. Open the folder & COPY or MOVE the gamedata folder directly to "C:\Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl" NOT to the mod folder

2) Go here: "C:\Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl" & edit the "fsgame.ltx" file. Open it with any word document, such as Notepad. Edit the second line from:

$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\


$game_data$ = true| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\

Save & exit. This will now allow the game to access the mod.

Restart game & enjoy. The other files that came with the mod you can delete if you like or you can read the readme & place them where it says to. I didn't, for as far as I can tell they are only if you want to have keys ingame binded to different actions. I didn't want that feature, so I don't use them.

Like I have mentioned earlier, *forget* everything you know about the game. You'll soon, become as hooked as I am.

Let me know if this helps or if you need any other help.

Thanks MRG! I'm busy for the rest of the evening unfortunately, but yours looks like a sound game plan. I'll implement int and get back to you some time tomorrow.
Sweet, just tried running STALKER and it went from the splash screen to "OUT OF RANGE" I can hear the menu music and logos and stuff, but that's it.
I end up having to alt + F4 out of it.
I already tried editing the user.ltx file but everything's in order(refresh rate is 60, resolution is at 1024x768)
And I tried changing the resolution to 800x600 and running it windowed but it does the same thing.

Downloaded it over Steam.

Man the internet is ****ing useless.

I posted my problem on the Steam forums, the THQ forums, on the Steam Support site and the THQ tech support site and got no responses. :|

Wasted $20 on a game that doesn't even work.
What kind of system do you have xlucid?

Sounds like a vidcard issue. Might wanna try reinstalling or downloading newer drivers for your card.
Whoa..whoa..whoa.. Calm down man.. calm down. Lets see if we can't get this problem of yours fixed.

Please list me out your tech specs. I'll look into it for you.

Man the internet is ****ing useless.

I posted my problem on the Steam forums, the THQ forums, on the Steam Support site and the THQ tech support site and got no responses. :|

Wasted $20 on a game that doesn't even work.

I don't know anything about your problem, but for me when problems just start happening and I don't know why, I usually do a system restoration to like 1 day before the problem started happening. Usually works. Well, it's worth trying.

Finally I tried it and I must say I'm loving it already. My system can't run it maxed out, but the mod's allowed me to ratchet up the quality a notch and I'm thoroughly impressed, especially with the shadows.

The gameplay is also completely reinvented, a whole new game, like you said. New weapons, new items, new enemies (I nigh on shat myself when I got attacked by a bloodsucker in the Cordon).

Thank you heartily for the recommendation!
So I'm playing Grumpy's mod and it's a little extreme. I have the military vest and a handful of bulletproofing artifacts and a single burst from most weapons, including shotguns, drops me. If it weren't for the fact that I'm not handicapped by weight, I wouldn't even wear armor. The weakest pistols will still drop enemies quick. I like the shotgun tweaks, but having the enhanced GP-37 is a little unfair - it's gnarlier than both the FM-200 and the Gauss rifle (and can have a grenade launcher attached). There are a handful of critters, but I'd like something almost like Painkiller: I want the place absolutely crawling with mutants.
I have actually just found a new little gem of a mod that I think I may have fallen in love with.

It's called: Run & Gun 2. It was released today if i'm not mistaken. If you want gobs of enemies, then you'll want to try this mod. I link to the version that works with the 1.0005 patch.


Modified 6 unique weapons and 2 armors.

"FatRapper" - A modified VLA Special Assault Rifle
that you can attach a scope to that has true
sniper scope magnification. Rechambered to fire all
9X19 ammunition. Magazine capacity 30 rounds.

"FatRap Snork Sweeper" - A modified Viper submachinegun
that you can carry in your pistol slot. Rechambered to
fire all 12 ga. shotgun ammunition. 25 round magazine.

"FatRap Kommander" - A fully automatic silenced Colt 1911 pistol
that has been rechambered to fire all 9X18 ammunition. Magazine
capacity 25 rounds. Very high rate of fire with minimal recoil
due to special barrel porting.

"SAIGA-SP M2" - A modified AK74 that fires 12 gauge slug ammunition.
Semi-automatic fire mode only. Can be used as a sniper weapon when
equipped with the optional PSO-1 scope. Equipped with an 8 round
magazine. Very accurate and powerful.(The SP stands for Silverpower)

"SVD-M2 Silverpower Slugger" A modified SVD sniper rifle that
fires 12 gauge slug ammunition. Equipped with improved optics
and a 5 round magazine. Very accurate and powerful. One of the
few SVD rifles that you can sprint with!

"Vintorez-NH M1" A improved Vintorez sniper rifle that is more
accurate and powerful than the base model. Equipped with improved
optics and 30 round magazine.

"FatRap Zoner" - A modified Protection suit that is suitable
for all areas of the Zone. This suit enables you to carry an
additional 500 kilos! Protection levels on par with the Military/
Scientific suits that currently exist in tne Zone. With the
proper artifacts in your belt, this suit is ideal for STALKERS!
This suit is equipped with the better night vision.

"FatRap Grunt" - A modified Stalker suit that allows you to
transport an additional 600 kilos. It has a lower protection level
than the standard Stalker suit resulting in a lower cost.
This suit is equipped with the better night vision.
A true workhorse, and very inexpensive.

Mutants abound in the Zone now.... don't stop running! Something might
have you for lunch! And they appear in the most unexpected places....

The modified Tunder S-14 is more powerful and the grenades have
a flatter trajectory.

You can attach a grenade launcher to the G-36 now and you can attach
silencers to most weapons.

The modified SPAS 12 is more powerful and holds 10 rounds.

Basic carry weight increased to 150 kilos....(175 max.)
(To carry more use the special armors!)

Explosives can now be carried.
(Very useful in tasks such as "Kill the STALKER" or
"Destroy the Duty Squad")

Belt slots increased from 5 to 7 slots.
(Adds more flexability in artifact selection)

Corpse stay time reduced from 36 hrs to 3 hrs. for humans and .5 hr
for mutants. (Reduces game clutter, stuttering, and load times.)

Boars and fleshes are your main food source. The body parts they had
before have been replaced with food items. Almost all of the other
mutants carry items like ammo, armor, or health kits.
The body parts that mutants previously carried will now appear in stashes
so you can still complete the "Find the mutant part" type quests.

Inventory of traders reduced to a minimum. Food items are no longer
for sale at the traders.

Traders will offer different prices for both buying and selling.
(HINT! Yantar trader pays premium prices because he is in a
location that is more remote than the other traders.)

Freedom trader (Skinflint) has unlimited buying power like the other traders.
(You will learn how he got his name when you see his prices! But...
he has the best inventory! )

You can trade most items with other STALKERS.
(You can PROPERLY equip all your comrades!)

NPC's will not drop weapons when you trade them a better one.

Tasks have less rewards than previously. Just the bare essentials are
given for task rewards and for treasure locations.

Task time limit extended to 5 days.
(Allows you to organize your jobs and enjoy the game instead of
running back and forth through the levels just to meet a deadline!)

Fixed the faulty task in Yantar...Where the request was for a mutant boars
leg, but the true target was a pseudodog tail!!

Box size of some ammunition adjusted to balance inventory, and 12 ga.
buckshot pellet count increased from 10 pellets to 15 pellets.

"Terrible Reputation" bug fixed!
(Reputation will not toggle from "Excellent" to "Terrible" as easily.)

Dialog will show the reward when you ask for a job.
(Nice to know if a job is worth the effort.)

Flashlight has been modified to give better vision range with less glare.

Some artifacts have been tweaked a little...for instance, "Moonlight"
has had the negative electrical shock aspect removed. (HINT! You really
want to find or earn the artifacts "Pellicle" and "Moonlight" !!!)

The jumping ability has been enhanced...you can now jump further and higher.

Your sprinting ability has been enhanced... you can run further and faster.

Certain NPC's have different starting weapons. For instance Fox will now
have a Snork Sweeper instead of a sawn-off shotgun and the Ecologist
faction is now better armed!

Wide screen patch incorporated in this mod.

NPC's are more resistant to dying in fires.

The "reach" distance of the knife is longer.

Weapons that you loot from dead bodies will be in poor condition.

Ammo, armor, and weapon prices have increased greatly!

Mutants are much harder to kill.

NPC's are harder to kill. Certain NPC's like Wolf, Fox, Tolik, Nimble,
Borov, Max, Bes, Serly and me (Fatrap) are extremely difficult to kill.

Marked One is not as robust as before... has less resistance to injury.

Marked One is much more likely to get hit by enemy fire.

Anomolies appear on your mini-map and your detector has greater range.

Anomolies are much stronger than before.

Bandages have been re-worked. They now will help stop radiation sickness.

Medkits and bandages have no food value now.

Food has no healing value.

Weapons and armor are now repairable. Repair prices are not cheap!
The only repairman in the game is the mechanic at the Freedom base.

You can sprint in the exo suit now.

Some sounds have been changed. The bar music is different and
some of the NPC's no longer say the same old annoying things.
These annoying phrases have been replaced by sounds such as
laughter, whistling and throat-clearing. Still annoying, but
not as bad!

Added dunnin's ammo fix to repack all the odd amounts of ammo
into full boxes.

New main menu and credits menu music.

Intro splash screen has been reworked.

New landscape details added (pretty flowers!)

Grenades are more powerful.

All weapons have been re-balanced.

Quest item for Hunter's rifle has been changed. Now it is a
weapon worth looking for!

Known bugs:
1. After you complete the task of getting the information from
Mole about Streloks stash, the game will crash if you come back
to him at a later time and re-engage in the same dialog with him.
Just go about your business and ignore him if he starts a repeat
dialog with you. (After I complete the task with Mole, I usually go
back and wipe out the newly arrived task force and scrounge all the
carnage! If I take too long, this triggers Mole to repeat his dialog.)

2. Not really a bug, just a side-effect of the faster corpse-removal
time....If you save a game when dead bodies are present and then you
re-load the save, those dead bodies will be gone unless they are a
"perma-corpse" or if they contain PDA info such as stash locations,
etc. So, I suggest you raid all the bodies before you save the game
and reload. Or, if you want to get rid of the clutter, just save
and reload!

3. Patch 1.0004 introduced a new bug.... your kill statistics in
your PDA are goofed up. I have not addressed this issue.


1-24 Changed Tuskano sounds.
1-24 Fixed intro sounds that ABC Sleeping Bag Mod disabled.
1-25 Added FPS intro screen.(2 files)
1-24 Changed main menu version text.
1-25 Added new landscape graphics.


1-30 Added new main menu music.
1-31 Reworked Credits function in main menu.
1-30 Added new Credits music.
1-30 Changed inventory icon for Snork Sweeper.
1-30 Reworked FPS intro screen.
1-31 Changed main menu version text again!
1-31 Made Serly a boss. (Tougher to kill)
2-01 Made Bes a boss.
2-01 Made grenades more powerful.
2-01 Made optional "CHEAT" trader file for Freedom trader.
2-01 Removed shootable crows feature.
2-03 Moved the mutant spawns in Pripyat toward the exit.
2-03 Added mutants to Red Forest.


2-05 Fixed misprinted version number in read-me file!
2-05 Toughened up "boss" NPC's.
2-05 Added dunnin's ammo fix to repack odd amounts of ammo.
2-06 Changed the quest item for Hunters Rifle to a special TOZ34.
2-11 Changed all controllers to burers.
2-12 Increased accuracy of all weapons and adjusted scope zoom powers.


2-17 Created new community called Strangers. Very tough enemies to
kill and have their own unique weapon and ammo. They are "friendly"
to every mutant and NPC except for you. They are scripted in just
like the cut-out mutants, so quick saves / reloads and multiple level
changes will trigger multiple spawns. If you want to sell the new
weapons or ammo that you loot from the Strangers, the only trader
that will buy it is the Professor at Yantar.
2-18 Re-worked ammo drops on corpses so they correspond with the
players choice of difficulty level.
2-18 Increased re-spawn times for "vanilla" NPC's by 2x.
2-19 Added in weather mod by Mr Klorox for darker night effect.
2-19 Replaced dunnin's ammo fix with NatVac's version.
2-19 Updated Credits in main menu screen.


My post to the dev:

mrg said:
Update: - Possible Spoilers

I gave your mod a 30 minute play test. About all it takes to complete the first one or two missions for Wolf. Keep in mind, I think this mod totally rocks, so anything I say that might sound negative, I do not mean it to.

They are only my own thoughts.

1) The very first thing I noticed after leaving the trader at the very start, was how smoothly the game seemed to run. What visual optimizations does your mod employ? I made no changes to my game settings, yet the game looked & ran great. Better than without your mod actually. So kudo's there.

2) You were not kidding when you said you tweaked the creature spawn locations & the amount there of. I very much liked the fact that those mutant rat like creatures were running all over the place, both inside & out of the old buildings & out in the game world itself, such as under bushes & in dark places where rodents would be. So excellent job there. I also think that the amount was spot on. They were not running all over the place in silly numbers, but they were there & they would chase you if you got to close. I'm not so sure that I liked the zombie's right at the start, as they seemed out of place to me. However, if you could make it so that they spawned only at night or near/in graveyards then that would be awesome. Perhaps have them near or in abandoned buildings as well. So that when you explored buildings, you might not be alone. The chimeras need to be beefed up health wise if possible. Only a few shots took it gown. Can you up the damage they inflict? Perhaps make them also only out in the wilderness or out at night or around deserted buildings. Bottom line, I think the added creatures & spawn rates are excellent. I have only been in the main starting area. I have not been to the garbage or beyond so how that is, I do not know. Perhaps maybe even have the chimeras from the garbage area on?

3) The weapon damage is in my humble opinion, more or less perfect. 2 or 3 hits max takes down a mutant dog, but a mob of them will strip you of you life faster than it takes you to reload. Still, perhaps up their aggressiveness & damage just a little bit. The same for all other creatures & undead. I like how ammo is very limited, but instead of wasting all your ammo on one enemy, a few well placed rounds, brings that enemy down. The military for example. Some of them brutes have some bulky armor that WILL deflect most of your early on weapons fire, but a few head shots and they come down just as fast as the next guy whose brain gets pushed out their ear by a piece of well placed lead. Their weapon damage is deadly to you. I VERY much liked the silenced gun you start with for some reason. While the clip size is "unrealistic" the ability to be full auto, is great. Single shots are weak, but a small burst is great, plus it eats up your ammo, which is nice, so you need to watch it carefully.

4) I like how the anomalies show up on your mini-map, though I forgot to check to see if they did so only AFTER you first get near one. Still, interesting addition. I totally did not check my PDA to see whats new in that department. Sorry. I got owned a couple times in the very first camp where wolf is because of them blasted Strangers. Everyone was shooting & so I opened up as well & tended to hit my own guys which for some odd reason seemed to piss them off. Still, more to shoot at overall is good, the more so if it shoots back. (Hey!, have them weapon toting zombies running around too, if you don't already) Please Beef up NPC's Health! They die way to quickly it seemed.

5) A good change that animals provide food. The first boar I killed had sausage. A fitting loot. Any way you could make Zombies have a lot more ammo as loot, since as they shamble around, i'm sure other people in the zone have taken pock shots at them & so i'm sure they have extra bullets that can be harvested. If you add more enemy NPC's, any way you could make it so only humanoid enemies with weapons have ammo as loot? Kinda funny, to kill a mutant dog & have canned goods or bullets as loot. Then again, I guess they eat almost anything.

I only played the mod for a short time. However, even so, it's very well done so you have my thanks. Please keep us updated as to what changes you make or add.

So far, 2 thumbs up.
I don't know anything about your problem, but for me when problems just start happening and I don't know why, I usually do a system restoration to like 1 day before the problem started happening. Usually works. Well, it's worth trying.

Yeah, but I just bought STALKER, downloaded it over Steam, tried running it and I got the Frequency out of Range error.

Man, this ****ing blows... I really wanted to play the game.
I downloaded the S.H.A.R.P.E.R textures pack and I wonder how I install it. I already downloaded rebalanced 1.01 and installed that; but with textures, do I put it in the same folder? IF I do that, it will overwrite rebalanced.
Yeah, but I just bought STALKER, downloaded it over Steam, tried running it and I got the Frequency out of Range error. Man, this ****ing blows... I really wanted to play the game.

Not sure if you already said you did, but did you try to manually edit the user file and set it to 800x600? This will force the game to start in 800x600. The out of range is normally an error you get when you try to have a program run, at a higher resolution than your monitor can & so you get that error. What are your specs?

The file you want to edit is located here: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC it's called "User.ltx" Just edit it with Windows Notepad or whatever & then edit the resolution at the very end of the file.

I downloaded the S.H.A.R.P.E.R textures pack and I wonder how I install it. I already downloaded rebalanced 1.01 and installed that; but with textures, do I put it in the same folder? IF I do that, it will overwrite rebalanced.

That is correct. So what you want to do, is simply move the Texture folder in the gamedata folder (Which is the Rebalanced mod) install the Sharper Textures "Textures" folder into your gamedata folder & click yes to overwrite files & then once thats done, recopy/move the original Rebalanced Textures folder back INTO the gamedata folder. This way, you do not overwrite the Rebalanced mod's textures, but you do get the sharper textures for everything else.

I hope that made sense to you, because it didn't to me. :D

Yeah I already tried that but thanks.

I decided to get rid of it, since I can't get a refund... I got it through other means and it magically worked without a hitch.

But, good God... the load times are unbearably long! BF2 takes me like 30 seconds to load.
STALKER takes me 5 minutes! D: What the hell?

Meh, the hell with it... back to CoD4!
Well, several weeks ago, I bought STALKER... but got pissed off at weapon accuracy.
I am, however, playing it again, and enjoying it a bit more...
Well the earlier weapons do suck. They're supposed to, especially in comparison to the later ones. Starting with the Okoban it gets decent. Even the ak74 sucks in comparison.
The Abakan is really worthless, I couldn't play with the constant jamming, and settled for my lovely, albeit wrongly-designed AK74.
Well, gosh...

OK, so I saved Mole from the military, and he takes me to the underground entrance. I go down there, kill off a few bandits, and make my way deeper. Then I hit one of those guys with the funky mouths that go kinda transparent. That was bad enough. Then I had to fight my way past some more military guys and then I got to a long, clear tunnel.
As soon as I got 3/4s way to the end, I heard this huge roar and this blurry guy comes out the end which I came from, and starts doing this weird psych attack on me where my vision goes all fuzzy and I keep zooming towards him. Finally killed him, but geez.. O_O
You might wanna put that in spoiler tags RyanG... there are people who haven't got that far yet. But congrats! you my friend, have met your first

Controller! Those freaks with big brains and funky jeans! When I played through I tried some potshots, failed miserably, and thought "f*** this, I'm running!" and made a dash to the ladder. Got him later when I revisited the place for a side mission though.
Too bad there are so few if them in the game.

Hell, there are only 2 of them in the game...
Sorry, you're right, shoulda put that in spoiler tags... edited.

But yeah.

When he walked in, I felt like I was in a horror movie or something. Everything went blurry and the game took control of the camera. Normally I would shun the game controlling the camera, but in this instance I think it worked.
Just played the game through with an old version of Basix Monstrosity (where they hadn't toned down the spawn count yet). I was left wanting... Here's some screenshots of the sort of critter carnage from the stock bccf mod (I think) that has the sort of action I'm looking for.

Blind dogs... needless to say, the corpses are scattered like this all around.

Pseudo dogs... this was really fun.

This is just something I think the Freedom mechanic thought was funny.

...searching for another mod now.
Oh yeah, I found out its rather useless having that many endurance orbs. They stop working after like 2 or 3. Your stamina decreases at a steady rate no matter what after a certain weight, having 2-3 orbs does the same thing as 5. Sucks, but might as well put something else in those slots.
damn, why can't i run aa in this game with hdr!!
Vectyr, because X-Ray 1.0 does NOT support real AA, even with AA maxed you still get jagged spikes etc.

It's just something you'll have to live with.

GSC did not design the engine to be compatible with any form of common AA techniques..

"the X-ray Engine does not support anti-aliasing with dynamic lighting enabled. However, a "fake" form of anti-aliasing can be enabled with the static lighting option; this format utilizes a technique to blur the image to give the false impression of anti-aliasing."
Just enable motion blur and put it as high as it can go. It made the jagginess just a bit more tolerable.