S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Stories

The Priboi mod has started off nice, but it is an extreme System Hog. With Full Dynamic on @ 1024x768 & all settings to Max except for both AA & AF being off, I got between 5-10 fps. As you can see in the below SS, the world does in fact look better. I am going to try the game now with static lighting on.

Main Menu

Sun Rise

Home Away From Home

I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but now it's the Priboi Total Conversion (Too much new stuff to be called a mod anymore) that I think is the best of any I have yet downloaded & tried for STALKER. I turned on Static lighting & had all settings that static lighting will allow, set to max & I got 50+ fps.

Of course, so much has been changed, I am yet to see if there are any bugs later on which break the game, but so far all is running smooth & the mission triggers have so far worked perfectly. Apart from the improved graphics, the Audio is excellent & needs to be given Kudo's. While playing, it started to rain & I almost looked outside before I realized that it was in game. Weapon fire sounds impressive as well. A huge amount has been added to the game world in general. It's worth exploring all over again, as you'll come across all sorts of new additions. Everything from old buildings to abandoned vehicles to static objects. (A lot of which have goodies to make it worth your time)

Back To The Start

See Anything New

So guys, a sum-up, what is the best mod to get if you want a good open-ended experience without playing story?

And what has the best A-Life?
First thing I did in Priboi Story was stab the soldier next to me in the face and take all his stuff (so much I was overloaded). Nobody in the base gave a damn. Same thing with shooting at them. They just don't care, lol.

Apart from this flaw (I reloaded the game, don't want to exploit this :p) the cosmetic changes seem quite nice and generally it might be worth it to play through this 'campaign'. It seems the damage system is the same as in the original STALKER though, and that's not a good thing IMHO. I prefer the damage system in Oblivion Lost - people don't take 10 bullets to the chest.
How many shots does it take to kill someone?

Unfocused shot those soldiers like 5 times in the chest. :eek:
in the oblivion mod it takes far fewer than the original, same for yourself.
Before I purchase this game, do you think these specs can run it?

Nvidia Geforce 7950gt 512mb video card
2 gig of ram
AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800+ 2.4 Ghz

Not sure if I need any more.

Before I purchase this game, do you think these specs can run it?

Nvidia Geforce 7950gt 512mb video card
2 gig of ram
AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800+ 2.4 Ghz

Not sure if I need any more.


With specs like yours, you'll have no problem running the game. Apart from the Proc, your system is much better than mine.

First thing I did in Priboi Story was stab the soldier next to me in the face and take all his stuff (so much I was overloaded). Nobody in the base gave a damn. Same thing with shooting at them. They just don't care, lol.

Apart from this flaw (I reloaded the game, don't want to exploit this :p) the cosmetic changes seem quite nice and generally it might be worth it to play through this 'campaign'. It seems the damage system is the same as in the original STALKER though, and that's not a good thing IMHO. I prefer the damage system in Oblivion Lost - people don't take 10 bullets to the chest.

I honestly didn't think to try stabbing my own team mate in the face, so I missed that bug. Good call. As for damage, I could only take 3 to 5 shots before I was dead. A close range blast from an enemies sawed-off, killed me every time. The basic pistol really sucks & I could take more hit from it, but later on, I die really fast & quite often.

This game is down from $100 to $50, I might have to snag it... (NZ$)
This game is down from $100 to $50, I might have to snag it... (NZ$)

You live in NZ? Sweet. What part? I lived for several years on the South Island just above Christchurch in a small town called Amberley. What really sucks is that it's hard to get Footrot Flats here in the States. God I love that Comic. A pic of the Dog is on my desktop at the moment.

Nvidia Geforce 7950gt 512mb video card
2 gig of ram
AMD Athlon 64 processor 3800+ 2.4 Ghz

Do you have any idea how that card compares to a X1300Pro?

I've got the same processor but it's not overclocked + have 3gig of ram, but my hard-drive is so full that the ram probably isn't working the best it can.

EDIT: Just noticed, you have an identical setup to DEATHMASTER.. atleast in those 3 parts ;)
As for damage, I could only take 3 to 5 shots before I was dead. A close range blast from an enemies sawed-off, killed me every time. The basic pistol really sucks & I could take more hit from it, but later on, I die really fast & quite often.


I'm more concerned about the fact that I can shoot someone several times and he just staggers or takes it like a man and does nothing ;)

That may be cause I'm playing on the hardest difficulty, but I thought that was supposed to be the most realistic setting, not one that turns the balance around and makes you more vulnerable than the rest.
Try Head Shots. 1 shot kills most often. Plus body shots are where the heaviest armor is. Strange, but I have seen the exact opposite of you. I'm quite happy with the weapon damage.

I wish there was a realism mod for STALKER that made people die(or be incapacitated from an AK shoot at 3 meters, even to the chest.

Honestly, evne with body armor, at the ranges that most confrontations STALKER is, you'd atleast be incapacitated by the shot, if not wounded(or killed).
Try Head Shots. 1 shot kills most often. Plus body shots are where the heaviest armor is. Strange, but I have seen the exact opposite of you. I'm quite happy with the weapon damage.


Aiming for the head is obvious and does realistic damage, but I'm slightly annoyed by how much it takes to kill while hitting the rest of the body. I know there's body armor, but people can't take that many shots to the body IRL, as they can in STALKER. Especially if I'm shooting a bandit with some cheap armor.

Gargantou, as I said, the Oblivion Lost mod makes the damage a bit more realistic IMHO.
I'm in the Garbage at some factory after helping Bes repel the bandit attack. The factory where the train tracks go into it. At most, it takes 3 hits to take an enemy down with my AK. So in the factory, I help clear out the bandits & as i'm looting the bodies, I hear heavy breathing, so I pull out my AK & around the corner this bandit leans, sees me & opens fire. Since I heard him, I had my weapon ready. I manage to pop off a shot, when my damn weapon jams, the guy fires twice hitting me @ point blank range. I die.

I had full health + some cheap jacket I had found.

Just before that, on the side of that big hill in the Garbage where all the anomalies are, near that swamp area, there was a group of bandits. I get within sight & they open fire. I take cover behind some square tub type object & with my pistol, I trade gunfire. The range between us is at the end of my pistols effective range. Still one guy stands up & I fire off one round, which ended up being an EXTREMELY lucky shot. I hit the guy in the head, as I see his hands fly up & he drops dead. Since there is no other cover between us, I am forced to pull out my AK as my pistol is more or less worthless at this range & switch to single shot. It takes no more than 3 to 4 direct hits to bring a bandit down. I like the damage. I got hit 2 times & my health was critical & was forced to pull out bandages & then a med kit.

I will try recording a fight with Fraps, to show that i'm telling the truth. Are all of you playing on a clean install of the game? I am. Perhaps a stray file from another Mod is causing conflicts?

I will try recording a fight with Fraps, to show that i'm telling the truth. Are all of you playing on a clean install of the game? I am. Perhaps a stray file from another Mod is causing conflicts?

I doubt it, the previous gamedata was automatically renamed and a new one was copied to the folder. Anyway, the damage seems the same as in the unmodded STALKER.

Even in Oblivion Lost, as Citrus said, it took a few shots to bring someone down in my video.

Weird stuff.

EDIT: I played some more and it's not as bad as I thought, damage bit actually be a bit tweaked, compared to vanilla STALKER.

Don't forget the amped sound effects, a lot more pleasing when taking down militia

Yeah, of course those are not the only changes.
You live in NZ? Sweet. What part? I lived for several years on the South Island just above Christchurch in a small town called Amberley. What really sucks is that it's hard to get Footrot Flats here in the States. God I love that Comic. A pic of the Dog is on my desktop at the moment.


Yeah I live in Christchurch, been through Amberly a few times
on my way up to Kaikoura, nice place :) Good to see a fellow Kiwi.

In other news, I'm buying Stalker today and it should arrive tomorrow all things going well. Before it arrives, are there any mods I should get in preperation? Or anything else I should know?
Float32 is a must, of course.


Remember it works only with full dynamic lightning. But with a 7900 I'm sure you are going to use full dynamic lightning. I hope you like it, like everybody here did :thumbs:.

In case you don't like the first main missions, keep playing. I didn't like the first 40 mins too.
It starts getting really awesome.
Found a persistent bug with the Priboi Mod. Every single time I die form the Garbage area on, I see my death animation, the 'You have Died" message on screen and then the game crashes to my desktop. Every. Single. Time. A clean install of both the game & the TC does not fix the error. It only happens if I die.

Guess i'll just have to be more careful & not die. :p

Hey, how many times did you reinstall the game? Quite a few times, I think. Also I prefer to finish the main story without mods first, but now you have installed so many mods and you are used to them, so I think you will find the original game very boring.
You are prob right. As I type this out, around 400mb of new mods are being downloaded for Stalker that I found on a UK server. I'll install each and then post some info here with screen shots if it's worth while.

I see a lot of people who complain about the start weapons being inaccurate, and the head bob.

Do the weapons get better as you go, do you improve in skill? I reckon the inaccuracy and head bob seems very realistic to me.
I see a lot of people who complain about the start weapons being inaccurate, and the head bob.

Do the weapons get better as you go, do you improve in skill? I reckon the inaccuracy and head bob seems very realistic to me.

The weapons get very much better as you progress through the game. Of course you start off with the weakest gun. What fun would it be if you started out with an uber weapon? You would then have nothing to look forward to weapon wise.

As for improving your skill at firearms, no, there is no such skill. Just the weapons themselves get better with better accuracy & more damage.

I am currently playing STALKER with the "ABC Inferno" mod installed. Sadly, I'm not all that impressed with what I have thus far seen. The weapons are hit & miss, at least the very early ones I have been able to buy. I'll unload both barrels of my Hunting Shotgun at point blank & the guy keeps coming. Then i'll reload and do the same thing & he dies with one hit from a pistol. Enemies tend to take an insane amount of damage before dropping, where creatures drop often with only one hit. From what I have been able to see over the last little while playing, the weapon damage seems to be random.

The "Flashes" are an interesting idea. As you wander around, every so often, the screen will flash white, then go fuzzy & then the weather will change. When it turns foggy, undead & evil creatures come out to play. Interesting. The portal artifacts are an interesting idea. Drop one in town and then another out exploring for an instant return to town.

how the hell do you beat the x18 boss in oblivion? I used over 600 ak ammo on it and its still running around like a little sh17
how the hell do you beat the x18 boss in oblivion? I used over 600 ak ammo on it and its still running around like a little sh17

** Spolier Warning **

You use & drop a Fireball Artifact that you either have in your inventory already or the one you find while exploring X18. No ammo of any kind will kill him. Activate the artifact & then it'll set a trap. The Boss will eventually wander into it, killing him almost instantly. Stay out of the way though, as another "Guest" will show up at that time as well. You'll be better off letting the Fireball kill him. Trust me.

And how did you figured that out? That's very clever. I would never do anything like that, now that I'm used to shooting it to death.
geez, and only the fireball anomaly, I heard just anomaly other places. Tis a pity I had to sack my lovely crystal just to kill that sh17. I laid like 3 other things before, so I got a nice bloodly screen when I woke up (bloodsucker became bloodscreen via whirligig).
MRG, a tip, stop double-posting, it's against the rules, use the edit button in the lower right corner instead of making another post directly after you've already made one.
And how did you figured that out? That's very clever. I would never do anything like that, now that I'm used to shooting it to death.

Actually, it was when I was fighting that Boss that I realized I could use an artifact like that. (After, of course when I had no ammo left except my knife, which let me tell you, didn't do squat) Once, quite a bit earlier while running around, I had found my first Fireball artifact & was messing around with it, which of course resulted in activating it. So I set it on the ground. It was then with an act of ultimate newbieism, I walked into the artifact & to my total surprise, it triggered resulting in my death. Of course as luck would have it I had not saved for quite some time at that point...

MRG, a tip, stop double-posting, it's against the rules, use the edit button in the lower right corner instead of making another post directly after you've already made one.

So, every time I post about Stalker needs to be in one post? Thats going to be a very long post, but ok. I know what you mean. It's just that some people here have complained about having to read long posts.

Just so I know, which posts are you referring to? Each one is about a different mod I have tried & so each one needs it's own post so as they don't get all jumbled together, that and when I answer another persons question. Thats against the rules? Ok. I'll from here on out condense all my posts into the original post via an "Update" Flag in color. Rather silly having to do that, but I guess rules are rules huh?

No, not every time.

But here's an example, me is G, you is M, here's a post order

M > G > M that's fine, but if you go M > M > G, that's violating the forum rules.
No, not every time.

But here's an example, me is G, you is M, here's a post order

M > G > M that's fine, but if you go M > M > G, that's violating the forum rules.

Ah, ok I gotcha. Now the same goes for if say I answer your question and then I answer someone elses question, I have to then go back to the question I answered for you, edit it and then answer another question to someone else? Regardless of the reason, you can't have 2 posts one after another?

Ok, i'll do that from now on.

Update: - I very much thought the Whiteout and then the instant weather changes with the "ABC Inferno" mod were very well done, The "Fog" with the undead being my favorite by far, and the Portals were great, but unless you get a head shot, you'll go through all your ammo in about a minute during a small firefight since all the enemies can take an insane amount of damage. For me, that take away the fun of it. It's like everyone has the best bulletproof jackets money can buy, while everyone is equipped with .22's.

The mods that I downloaded from the Euro site, did not come with Readme's & being as each mod had multiple folders, I wasn't in the mood to try to figure out what goes where.

So back to square one. A clean version of Stalker is installed & i'm once more looking.

Update v.1.0 - I just remembered that I posted earlier that the Faiakes Mod had been patched & that I had not played it with the Patch & since the patch seems to fix alot of stuff, I think i'll go & give it another try. Anyone else here have the mod updated with the Patch? Any problems?

Oh One of the documents you pick up also says about the boss being beatable by artifacts only. Boss's name is Burer - dwarf leader btw.
I've got a problem. The leader of Freedom gives you a mission where you have to retrieve a bulletproof vest from some facility in Yantar. When I enter the facility area I start taking damage and a brain-struck-by-lightning icon appears on the right side of the screen. How do I get rid of this? Do I need to come back to that place after I get that item that protects me from the brain scorcher (I recall there was something like this on my first playthrough)?