S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Stories

I use Float32, StalkerSkies, a quest/text overhaul (read: bug fix), a headlamp mod, and one that turns off the crosshair when your hands are empty. I don't have side by side shots of the game with/without these mods, but the difference was big enough to notice nonetheless, including FPS. I think it's even included in the 1.0005 patch? (I'v avoided this patch because of mod incompatibility.)

Gargantou, I've been experimenting with dissecting other mods to see if I can just get the critters turned on without including all the other debris that come in the package. So far no dice, but I am not a modder and am making uneducated guesses on how to do this.

edit - there appears to be a 'bccf' mod that turns on all the critters and a 'A-Live mod by Sanex' that improves critter interactions. The bccf mod sounds familiar... looking into this now.

2nd edit - I'm downloading Basix Monstrosity now to see how that goes. It sounds like the most uncluttered mod that activates all the critters.
Stalker could have been a perfectly good super-realistic video game. Maybe not to your tastes, but there is a market for extremely realistic story-driven shooters.

Yes indeed there are people out there bashing away through operation flashpoint, but they don't exactly constitute the kind of sales numbers necessary to push a game in 5 year development hell from the deep deep red into the dark dark black, assuming they even want to change games. If it was workable it would of shipped. There would be no reason to sit on it, that it didn't, means it clearly wasn't. :dozey:
Spent a lot of time on the arena today! Well, it was fun. Especially against the guy with an exoskeleton and a thunder S14, while I had a knife and 4 grenades... I didn't use the grenades, only stealth. \o/
The arena made me rich! I mean, richer.
1.009? What the **** is that? Where did you find this one? I didn't know that one existed, lol.
i got the weather overhaul mod. is it even compatible to 1.0005?

i'm really getting tired of figuring out which mods are for 1.0005, since it never tells.
1.009? What the **** is that? Where did you find this one? I didn't know that one existed, lol.

Its 1.1009. And i dunno how I got to that version. But thats what it says on the bottom left of the main menu.
In regards to those of you having problems running the weather mod:

A silly question I know, but did you follow the install directions EXACTLY the way the dev tells you to, or did you just "assume" you knew how it was installed & so just dropped files wherever? My point, is that there are a few steps to getting the mod to install.

Also did you get both PART 1 & PART 2 of the mod along with the new fix? The fix fixes a critical error that the dev overlooked by accident.

Whats your PC's specs? While the weather w/Texture mod does make the game look a whole hell of alot better, I didn't notice that much of a fps drop & i'm as you can see from my Sig, not exactly running this game with cutting edge tech that most of you all here have.

Also, try installing the mod on a CLEAN install of Stalker patched to 1.0004. If you are still having problems, i'll type out exactly what I did to get the mod to run, though i'm not sure if it's any different from the devs readme.

Hey, I have a question!
Duty of Freedom?
If I get allied to Freedom, how am I ever coming back to the bar again?
What should I do ;(
Hey, I have a question!
Duty of Freedom?
If I get allied to Freedom, how am I ever coming back to the bar again?
What should I do ;(

Just do the missions necessary to be friendly with both factions, but not the ones that bring you into conflict with either.

when you first enter freedoms land, some duty will ambush some freedom, then invite you to help them attack the freedom base. If you instead go tell freedom and help them wipe out the duty ambushers there doesn't appear to be any negative impact with regard to how your treated at Rostok. Plus you pretty much wipe out all the top Duty guys in the process, and can nick their guns ;). I had no negatives when I went back to the Bar area at least.
I got the damn CRASH! for the first damn time. It happened while loading game at client synchronizing part.
omg, individual eleven avatar (I just got the movie)! Damn I'm late.
So I have done what Kadayi said. Thanks! :D

and I have deactivated the brain scorcher. I'm on my way to Prypiat, I'm still friendly to both factions. I'm happy, but I have some questions. So, basically I deactivated the brain scorcher just by pulling a lever. I was expecting something like having to destroy the machine or whatever, but I just had to... pull a lever. Well, why is it impossible for the monolith assholes to just turn it on again? Is it *impossible* to pull the lever back to it's original position to turn it on again? And why are the monolith assholes immune to the oh so feared brain scorcher?

By the way, Strelok is my favorite character :)
I would have some great stories for STALKER, but I BSOD everytime I try to load it ;(
my game is keep crashing at agropom underground level. once I save the game there, i can't load it because it always crashes while loading.
Are you on XP or Vista? Does it crash with an error message? And what's your hardware?
vista 32

and yes it crashes with an error message

8800 ultra
2GB of ram
using quadcore

it always crashes when I try to load the underground level. and has 1.0005 patch

im not using any mods.
hmph, I have only the first patch (1.0001 or something), I've crashed randomly but nothing specific. Try different patches.
like i said in my previous posts, i bought it from steam and it comes with 1.0005 patch. i don't think i can go back to previous patches.
XR_3DA.exe caused BREAKPOINT in module "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl\bin\xrCore.dll" at 001B:00C97CB5, xrDebug::backend()+165 byte(s)
Possible fix in last page 1 post.

1. Open the file named "fsgame.ltx" in your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. directory using a texteditor like Notepad.

Then you will see this:

$app_data_root$=true|false|C Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsSTALKER-SHOC
$app_data_root$=true|false|C Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsSTALKER-SHOC
$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$| gamedata
$game_ai$ = true| false| $game_data$| ai
$game_spawn$ = true| false| $game_data$| spawns
$game_anims$ = true| true| $game_data$| anims
$game_levels$ = true| false| $game_data$| levels
$game_meshes$ = true| true| $game_data$| meshes
$game_dm$ = true| true| $game_data$| meshes
$game_shaders$ = true| true| $game_data$| shaders
$game_sounds$ = true| true| $game_data$| sounds
$game_textures$ = true| true| $game_data$| textures
$game_scripts$ = true| false| $game_data$| scripts
$game_config$ = true| false| $game_data$| config
$level$ = false| false| $game_levels$
$game_saves$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| savedgames
$logs$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| logs
$screenshots$ = true| false| $app_data_root$| screenshots
$downloads$ = false| false| $app_data_root$| downloads

2. Delete one of the two lines containing:
$app_data_root$=true|false|C Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsSTALKER-SHOC

3. Save the file.

4. Play the game.

Some people in that thread say just reinstalling solves the problem too. Of course, keep your saves.
Right, well, turning off Dynamic lighting solved al lthe crashes for me. However, I do have a problem. The save the duty guy (first going into Wild territory) is broken, since the bandits get attacked by dogs which kill the guy before you get to him. Any way to get around this?

Otherwise, now that the crashing has stopped I am enjoying the mod.
You can always reload your last autosave. I hate when these things happen!
no no, you don't understand. That pack of dogs is ALWAYS there. I can't get along it by loading an autosave, I tried that :(

If I just ignore the guy and keep running, I can complete the task, but it breaks the game since the other duty guy just gets stuck and won't move past a certain point.
I have both, I can run forever, as long as I'm carrying less than 50kg, you know. One stupid thing I see in this game is the fact that if you carry 49.9kg, everything is OK, but if you cary 51.1kg you are ****ed and can't even run much anymore.
I think i know why I'm having a crash while loading. I've been using weight mod throughout the game. The games loaded fine until I get to certain points such as agropom and the bar, that's when it starts to crash while loading.

I reinstalled the game and got rid of the weight mod, and SO FAR, it doesnt crash while loading.

so yeah, my word of advice to anyone who are using 1.0005 patch.

do NOT use any mods, or it will loyally **** up your game.
I don't have the game in front of me right now, but what gear should I take with me? Usually I take 2 assault rifles, half a dozen medkits, 1 dozen band-aids and a pistol with me but I think that's too much.
Is the Faiakes mod ****ing serious? I mean, it basically ****s with all the scripting. It's ridiculous.
Today I finished Stalker!

First I got the "I want the Zone to Disappear" ending, then I loaded a saved game and joined C-Consciousness, then I loaded another saved game to get the true ending. It was very fun but the end was very hard! I failed to understand some parts of the story and had to use wikipedia to understand it. :rolleyes: I'm ready for Clear Sky now \o/