S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Stories

Damn, I forgot to mention something else as well.

That creature I keep talking about, is not the only variation. I managed to kill one & as I got closer to take a look, I noticed that it had 2 heads. One looked humanoid & was growing out near where it's left shoulder would be. Then I saw another dead Creature & so took a look at it & saw that it only had one head.

I'll say no more about the "other" pack hunters I have since came across. They make those diseased dogs look tame, not to mention they like to attack them (& you if you get within sight) & then eat them.

I just got past Lab X18.
Really, it was not that bad... some sounds scared me, including the pseudogiant sound, but once I saw it... well, it didn't scare me. I tought pseudogiants were scarier. Hey, it didn't even attack me much, it just kept running around to the darkness (I had the flashlight on) until I killed him.

I heard some people say X18 was the scariest part of the game. Don't believe these people.

Well is there something scarier than X18 later in the game?
Nothing that happens to me is worth a story. Oh why? :(
How do you even drive vehicles with the Faiakes mod? Do you have to bind keys or something?
I hate you all for ignoring my post!>:eek:

If you want to play the game that will be what STALKER was supposed to be, buy Metro 2033 when it comes out.

THQ forced GSC to rape the original STALKER concept.
THQ forced GSC to rape the original STALKER concept.

Not to put to fine a point on it, but STALKER was announced, and the engine showcased back in 2001 (even then they had the world built), way before half-life 2 was even known about, and yet it still had not surfaced by the time HL2EP1 had shipped. The project was pretty much regarded as vapourware by the media. That it took the publisher to send in a troubleshooter to get 'a playable game' shipped from 5 years of post engine development says volumes about the people behind the game. Talented? certainly, visionary? definitely, organized? clearly not. Even with the TS stepping in the mission system in STALKER still has issues and the HUD is ass, let's be brutally honest here.

If these Metro guys are an offshoot as you claim I expect it will be a long time before we see them get their act together and ship. :dozey:
it still has head bobbing, but not as worst as the original.

does anyone know exactly who can fix my weapons and armors? the trader from the beginning doesn't sell worth shit nor he fixes stuff.

Did you follow the readme? You have to type in a console command to get rid of it.
Did you follow the readme? You have to type in a console command to get rid of it.
I did. But there still is a slightly small head bobbing. Anyway, I got used to it...

so, can anyone tell me who can fix suits and weapons?
I don't know, but I never found myself in need of a suit or weapon repair as I always have an extra one. Before going to Yantar I bought myself a Stalker suit for 30000RU (I had 49000RU at the time, it's easy to get money) only to end up finding ANOTHER one. So if you loot bodies and explore you really don't need to repair anything or use money. Also, take your time with this game, I'm seeing the main storyline is very short now. I'm in Yantar and I think I'm near the middle of the game and I played for like 4 hours only.
Kadayi Polokov, you are aware the 'lead guy' that THQ sent in was a guy whose only projects that he actually in a large way participated in was Star Wars Episode 1(PSX) aswell as The Simpsons Wrestling, it was amazing he didn't manage to f*ck the game up as badly as he could have.

And GSC have themselves admitted that he forced through quite a few simplifications of gameplay because he felt the game was "Too realistic".

And the sad part is, when the devs originally thought up STALKER, realism was the central concept.
Well, just got through Lab X16. You know what? It wasn't scary too. Even less than X18. Since lab X18 I have not been scared by anything in this game. That's nice, of course. Now... back to not being scared. :)
Kadayi Polokov, you are aware the 'lead guy' that THQ sent in was a guy whose only projects that he actually in a large way participated in was Star Wars Episode 1(PSX) aswell as The Simpsons Wrestling, it was amazing he didn't manage to f*ck the game up as badly as he could have.

Well THQ clearly thought he was the man for the job and he delivered them something the existing people hadn't managed to achieve in, let me state this again for emphasis 5 YEARS of post engine development, namely a shippable playable game. 5 years to figure out the game play, that's an insane amount of time, and it's not like there's that much of it in STALKER anyhows. It's not Oblivion with guns in terms of the RPG factor either. Frankly I think we are lucky we saw anything. Hopefully they've got their act together for Clear Skies, and learnt something from the experience.

And GSC have themselves admitted that he forced through quite a few simplifications of game play because he felt the game was "Too realistic".

Well quite clearly it needed to be done. Sure I suspect they didn't like it , but I doubt they'd still be in business if he hadn't come in and waved the red pen around. So you have to defecate in the game? But you need to bury it so the mutant dogs don't hunt you down? think we can loose that feature. :dozey:

And the sad part is, when the devs originally thought up STALKER, realism was the central concept.

The El Dorado of game design, realism in itself isn't much use in a game unless contributes to the actual game play in a significant and positive way. It's an aspect that can firmly push a game over the fine line that separates fun from frustration. The first question you have to ask is 'would this be fun?' if the answer is 'no..it will be ass and make ppl quit' then don't implement it. :dozey:
Has anyone else come across any bugs while using the Fairakes Mod? I started to & sadly, for me, they are game breakers.

1) Several Subquests did not register as finished, even though I got the notice that they were. Once speaking to those that gave the quest would no longer talk to me, even though they "Told" me to come back. After multiple samegame reloads, they would sometimes work.

Example: The very first mission I got in the Garbage Zone, to help those guys at the junkyard repel the bandit attack. After all of them were killed, the guy (Fox?) would just run around talking Russian. 20 minutes later, when I was on the other side of the Garbage Zone, I would get a message telling me Good Job & to come back for my reward. So I go back & the guy is still talking Russian.

Another example: While walking around in the Garbage zone, I got a call for help from some guys being attacked by soldiers at some plant. So I run there, get a small cinematic & then once I make it, all the soldiers die by themselves. If I wait, the guy that called for help dies & the mission fails.

I'm going to reinstall the game & see if that fixes the probelm. (Even though the mod was already installed on a fresh installation.)

Yes, I'm also getting weird mission anomalies that never happened the first time through. In fact, right off the bat there were problems. It sort of ****s with the scripting unfortunately.

Sorry to ask this again, but do you know if I need to bind keys to drive vehicles? I only seem to be able to enter vehicles, not drive them.
The El Dorado of game design, realism in itself isn't much use in a game unless contributes to the actual game play in a significant and positive way. It's an aspect that can firmly push a game over the fine line that separates fun from frustration. The first question you have to ask is 'would this be fun?' if the answer is 'no..it will be ass and make ppl quit' then don't implement it. :dozey:

Stalker could have been a perfectly good super-realistic video game. Maybe not to your tastes, but there is a market for extremely realistic story-driven shooters. It's perfectly reasonable to think that maybe Stalker was awesome, and then Mr. Fix-It came in and replaced a bunch of well-made realistic elements with half-baked "fun" gameplay additions. The result is a game that tries to meld immersive realism with arcadey interaction, and as we can clearly see in the game it doesn't work all that well.

It's like developing a fighter jet sim that's so realistic you could almost use it to live out a virtual life as a fighter pilot, and then have a guy say "This, this and this aren't fun things", and six months later you're controlling the game with eight buttons and there's no take-off or landing portion in the game.
And here, my friends, in a totally unrelated note, is the Clear Sky menu in a widescreen resolution (From oblivion-lost.de):

I love it.
I think Stalker is a pretty cool guy. eh disappoints fans and doesn't afraid of anything
Is there a mod that just adds the cut monsters? I played Faiakes mod a long time ago and it was pretty fun (but still buggy). I've been playing it recently with mods that primarily fix the problems in the game, but want to take on more monsters (and the chimera is pretty fun).

I think the trip into the lab at Yantar (X-16?) is the creepiest. No spoilers, but that part really gave me goose bumps and chills.
Yes, that's X16. It didn't scare me, like X18. I used night vision on X16. But that's not the reason I was not scared, I just walked through thinking "well it's just a game... why should I care?, and it worked. Nothing in the lab scared me because I just didn't care. It was nice. But Stalker has some very well made scary parts like X18 and X16. I like the fact that the monsters in Stalker are not common. That makes them scarier once you meet them. I mean, there are only like 2-3 pseudogiants in the game. For example, in Doom 3, the first Imp you encounter is very scary, but when you start killing like 50 imps each level you start not caring and not getting scared anymore. In Stalker the scarier mutants are much harder to find. If you met like 30 pseudogiants in the game you would just think "oh another one...". Instead you are really scared when you find one.

Sorry for any mistakes or if I wrote something that doesn't makes sense. English is not my primary language.
No, that makes perfect sense. I agree completely, Stalker is a very scary game thanks to the rare monsters.
I played Faikes mod and I hated it.

Yes, it was fun, but for god's sake. The game crashed every time I had to reload. Every damn time. It would crash for no reason. I couldn't even complete Wolfs task it was so bad.

I'm sure i'd love it if it was stable, but i'm runningi t on 1.0004 and it's totally unplayable :(
And here, my friends, in a totally unrelated note, is the Clear Sky menu in a widescreen resolution (From oblivion-lost.de):

I love it.

Thats a great looking main menu!

Well, sorry to those of you here that downloaded & installed the Fairakes mod after I went off on how amazing it was. :( I have reinstalled STALKER & since I still refuse to play the game through vanilla, I have installed a couple newly released mods to try out. Both are installed & running at the same time. Must have Patch 1.0004 Installed.

1)Grumpy's Stalker Mod - Weapon Damage & Audio Tweaks + Much, Much More.

2)Stalker Weather Overhaul Full - Vastly improved Weather & overall World Graphical Textures.

I have at this time explored everywhere up to the place where you change zones to go to The Garbage. So far, I have had zero problems with missions ending correctly. Except for the occasional game slowdown due to the, IMHO, vastly improved Weather & graphical effects, i'm excited once more to explore the world of STALKER. I'm also very happy with the improved weapon stats & their skins. The beginning gun Wolf give you is very nice & sounds powerful, yet isn't unbalanced.


Update: - Great weapon recoil for the many different guns.
The forum on www.oblivion-lost.de is also great.

Anyway, I think the fact that THQ are now being forced to cancell several of their own planned and existing franchises because of severe financial troubles, speak alot about them as a company.

It's interesting that Clear Sky is being published by a new company, called Deep Silver.
ok, I just past the first underground level after saving mole.

before I went out to the military base, there was this creature that throw some weird sonic boom or kinetic energy at me. what the hell was that?

btw, I finally met bloodsucker in the underground. there was only one of them though...
So, most of you are playing without mods?

I finished the game with no mods some time ago and pretty much stopped playing after that, but now I'm tempted to reinstall after reading your stories :). But now, after learning that Faiakes mod is buggy I'm wondering whether to install it, or try something else.
The only mods I play with are the no headbobbing mod, the weather overhaul one, and a increased weight carrying mod.
I have a question for you guys, is there any mod that 'unlocks A-Life' and removes the story? Making STALKER what it was originally intended to be?
I have a question for you guys, is there any mod that 'unlocks A-Life' and removes the story? Making STALKER what it was originally intended to be?

And on a side note, what mods are recommended?
Ok, so after seeing those videos, I realized that I must have installed the weather mod wrong, because my game didnt look like that. Now I have, but all my settings were reset (controls, graphic settings etc). So I had to fix all them, but im still getting some serious mouselag. I turned down my graphic settings lower, and it still didnt go away, and im not sure if its actually fps-related, since when I have my flashlight on, it moves perfectly when i move the mouse, but the gun lags behind. Is there some setting i need to change to fix that?
The weather overhaul mod is gorgeous, there are some vids on youtube of it.

Hm, I don't quite remember how it looked like with the normal weather.

Anyway, probably won't make much of a difference with dynamic shadows turned off.

BTW, the Float32 'mod' - anyone uses it? Does it really improve graphics AND FPS?
I just installed the Weather mod and the texture mod that comes with it, now the game runs like ass, i'm not sure if i installed it properly either, you haveto uninstall Float32 first( i need to anyway as i don't have a SM3 card so it won't work) to make it work but there is no easy uninstall for Float32 and i dont know what files it added/changed in my Stalker directory.

Thread btw for recommended mods: