
anyone know somethign about the requirements?
P4 2GHz or AthlonXP 2000+
128MB video card - GeForce5700/Radeon9600

Core2Duo E6400 / Athlon64 X2 4200+
256MB Video card - GeForce7900/RadeonX1850
Pre-ordered mine today, picking it up tomorrow, YAY!
but it will run decent?
Honestly, it might not run at all.

BTW, Stalker is really awesome. The gunplay is a bit stiff, but everything else is really immersive and pretty and just all-around cool.
I've been enjoying the game for about a day now, it really is a unique experience.
I have to sai AI really stinks in indoors combat, look at how much I owned it at highest difficulty(I always start my games at hardest difficulty), with just a AK-74M and the first shotgun you get!


Hmmm I'm going to guess that they either bunch up and start spinning like idiots or they shoot each other in the backs.
Nope, they don't bunch up, they just don't have any animations for leaning around corners that I have seen yet, atleast not indoors, so basically, if you got a shotgun, all you need to do is find a nice corner, make some noise, wait for NPC to come around corner, BLAM headshot him.
How does the stealth work in the game? On the bottom left I can see a sound meter and a light meter however the light meter doesnt seem to do much :(
The light meter isn't actually a light meter, but it's rather a meter of how much someone sees you, IF anyone sees you, so it's not like, be in the sun it goes up, even if you are alone, be in the dark it goes down if you are alone, it's all about if someone sees you or not..
Stealthing works in some cases, but it seems to me that sadly, some of the people have mutated to use ESP to alert everyone to your whereabouts and what you've done, like I was at this base Freedom, making a personal raid for some loot, I stealth to a sniper, I look around with binoculars, no-one is watching me, and he is unaware of me, so I creep up to him and backstab him, suddenly I hear all sorts of crazy ukrainian yelling, and BAM, I am being rushed by everyone at the base!
Ah I see. Its a little confusing then, not sure how I can use that "how much they can see me bar" to my advantage. I mean if they can see you a little bit them im sure they've seen you enough :S
I'm dying to play this game...

Looks really fun.
Ew. That's no good..wonder why they didn't make the game supportive to those cards right off the bat?

It does work with the cards, just not whilst your running Vista as well.

A similar incident happened when they released the beta drivers for Vista, and graphics performance in games took a nice plunge
Just got my copy, went to Best Buy first and they told me nobody in wisconsin had it because of a shipping error, I walk two stores down to the EB and they have it in stock. Effin liars!

Honestly, it might not run at all.

BTW, Stalker is really awesome. The gunplay is a bit stiff, but everything else is really immersive and pretty and just all-around cool.

well fear could run,not perfect but good enough,isnt that a good sign?
well fear could run,not perfect but good enough,isnt that a good sign?

Stalker might require different shaders then fear does. Just don't bother running it on there. I haven't heard of anyone trying to run it on there yet but i wouldn't even try. Even if it did run, it would look like crap and you would get extremely low fps.
after playing for a few hours, i am loving every minute of this game.

it's definitely not for everyone, but it's safe to say if you loved both operation flashpoint and fallout, you'll have a blast. it's not an easy game, and you spend most of the early going running for your life when outnumbered (which happens quite a bit). the guns are not pinpoint accurate (like in op:f), which makes for a tough fight every time. enemy ai is brilliant outdoors, a mixed bag indoors, but you NEVER feel comfortable when under fire.

fwiw, my specs: p4 3ghz, 2gig ram, ati x800xt pe. i'm running at 1024*768, a balance of medium-high to max qualities, and do ok framerate-wise, usually around 30, but i get drops from time to time. turning on "static lighting" gives a huge fps boost, but completely kills the atmosphere. you need to play this game with full dynamic lighting to get the full effect. there's nothing like being circled by a group of bandits in a forest in the dark of night, struggling to see throught the rain with only intermittent lighting flashes illuminating everyone's positions.
Well I got started and all I can say is, although the game is gorgeous, has some great role-playing elements, and has an incredible sense of scale and open-endedness - I just can't really seem to find the fun. Combat is stale, slippery and on several occasions I noticed AI blatantly turn his back on me while I was firing at them. Also notable and slightly barf worthy is the popping LOD, as I sprint from location to location the transition from low to high poly models completely removes me from the immersive, otherwise beautiful environments.

I hate to say it but I'm having a bit of buyers remorse, I've been spoiled by games such as Oblivion where I don't have to literally stop the game to select dialog options. The game will undoubtably be a sleeper hit with a cult following, but from the look (and feel) of things so far, that's all it will be. I just wish I could get into it more, but I can honestly say if I'm not engrossed now, I probably never will be, and wasted a good chunk of money.
Stalker might require different shaders then fear does. Just don't bother running it on there. I haven't heard of anyone trying to run it on there yet but i wouldn't even try. Even if it did run, it would look like crap and you would get extremely low fps.

so I should forget it?
is the game still filled with broken english and text that sounds like it was written by 5-year-olds? ^^^case in point.

I remember seeing a mission briefing from some beta shots and it really made me cringe...nothing to pull you out of an immersive game but having retarded mission briefings.
The localization is actually pretty good. Only a couple poor translations so far.
even on newbie or whatever, it's still sort of hard. I guess I'm just not used to this style of fighting, but you really can't "charge!" anybody...
I'm getting a filling done tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have it then.

Might shed some happiness on the day :P
I'm really enjoying the game, my main gripe is that the AI seems to be cheating, in terms of having infinite ammo, atleast on the hardest difficulty, yet when you kill it, it has only like 4 bullets in its inventory.
I wonder if this will run decently on my setup, I mean I do have a p4 3ghz w/ a 6800 256mbs graphics card, but my ram is only 512. I guess I'll find out in a few days. So, is it still as open-ended (or nearly) as originally claimed?

P2.4Ghz with 1gB RAM, but Geforce FX5700... what do you guys think? I don't think it'll run...
I wonder if this will run decently on my setup, I mean I do have a p4 3ghz w/ a 6800 256mbs graphics card, but my ram is only 512. I guess I'll find out in a few days. So, is it still as open-ended (or nearly) as originally claimed?

I have:
2.8GHz P4
1gb pc3200
x800 Pro

and stalker runs fine at 1024x768 on High.

Open ended, no loading screens? There's like 6 six loading screens separating the 'sections' of the map, and when you get to one it'll ask you, "do you want to go to the next section?" and you can answer yes or no...other than that I've only found 1 random loading spot, and a couple glitches. Mainly one that caused an enemy to shoot and kill me while he was behind a wall...that was a one time thing though.
I finally installed... I played up until you finally get the flash drive. First impression, BLAND AS HELL.
Runs decently... I guess around 30fps and in firefights 5-20. I got:

AMD 3700+
1Gb ddr400

Everything is set to about medium or lower (view distance is the lowest). Everything high I got about 15fps indoors and 1-3 outdoors.

Edit: Besides that the game rocks! Feels a lot like Fallout (even the trade windows etc. look like from Fallout). The AI tends to do stupid decisions, few bugs here and there. After patching and some community mods (AI anyone) this game will rule.
So with my Fx5700, then... do I have a chance in hell?
I don't know. I think my ram is ****ed up. When I start my computer the bios says that my memory is ddr200 and 64bit (and single-channel if I remember correctly). Shouldn't that be ddr400 and 128bit? And I'm running the game on vista, so that could have some effect on the frame rate.