Samuelk's Artwork (South-Park style)

NOOOOOOOOO. it says image to large. max dimensions 50x50 pixels
lol for some reason it ended up as 41x51, 1 pixel over
try it now
Originally posted by Gabe Newell
We all got a kick out of this.

GABE!! OMG!!!!!! :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

You got my email!

Yeah, we all got a kick out of it.

-----Original Message-----
From: lonederanger@****.net [mailto:lonederanger@****.net]
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 9:39 AM
Subject: Cool

Hey Gabe,

Check this out:

And Gabe enters the building and everyone goes crazy!!!!!!
Originally posted by Tr0n
And Gabe enters the building and everyone goes crazy!!!!!!

You don't unserstand the significance. This is only the second time (real) Gabe posted here. The first was to explain the AA issues.

samuelk he really liked your WP so you might want to ask for a T-Shirt or something. ;)
Yea homie ask for a autograph or something!!!
Omg I posted one too, that means I count!!!


I'll be in the corner
anyone planning on making something animated in flash?
that's great :D

someone should make a flash animation or a cartoon series.

Gabe did you see my HL2 Countdown and wallpapers yet?
Originally posted by switch
anyone planning on making something animated in flash?

Im making a go inside gabes computer in flash, but there prolly wont be animation :(
I'm messing around with that creator for avatars...its great.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
You don't unserstand the significance. This is only the second time (real) Gabe posted here. The first was to explain the AA issues.

samuelk he really liked your WP so you might want to ask for a T-Shirt or something. ;)

Heh...that'd be nice, but I didn't do this to get a t-shirt...I just did it because I like Half-Life. :)

Incidentally, I'll be doing more; just takes some time to create the various characters.
Originally posted by BWMASTER

Gabe did you see my HL2 Countdown and wallpapers yet?

Quit trying to take all of samuelk's glory by advertising your silly wallpapers and your countdown. Like they said, gabe has only made like 2 posts, so I hardly think he would dignify your cut and copy javascript countdown with a response. You didn't even give credit to the people who MADE this script in your countdown. ( for those who have no idea what I mean, go here :HL2 Countdown.

This is a sample of the code I ripped from your page:


<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! [url][/url] -->

<!-- Begin
//Created by DendE PhisH

Last time I checked, your name was not DendE Phish, and you knew shit about javascript. Give the man some credit instead of trying to pass off all of this as yours. I hate when people rip my code without any credit, so I know how he would feel.

COPYRIGHT © 2003 bluEdesigns by George Isac indeed....

samuelk, if you need some help animating this in flash, let me know. Good job so far!
Originally posted by tim8604
Quit trying to take all of samuelk's glory by advertising your silly wallpapers and your countdown. Like they said, gabe has only made like 2 posts, so I hardly think he would dignify your cut and copy javascript countdown with a response. You didn't even give credit to the people who MADE this script in your countdown. ( for those who have no idea what I mean, go here :HL2 Countdown.

This is a sample of the code I ripped from your page:


<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! [url][/url] -->

<!-- Begin
//Created by DendE PhisH

Last time I checked, your name was not DendE Phish, and you knew shit about javascript. Give the man some credit instead of trying to pass off all of this as yours. I hate when people rip my code without any credit, so I know how he would feel.

COPYRIGHT © 2003 bluEdesigns by George Isac indeed....

samuelk, if you need some help animating this in flash, let me know. Good job so far!

I think I deserve more than that for compiling up a great looking HL2 Countdown wallpaper.

The copyright for the code belongs to him,
WTF do you want me to do?
compile a new code when it's already there?

That's the reason I left that peice of code in there, to give him credit for the countdown script.


And you Mr. Tim are beginning to get on my nerves.
So I suggest you stop bashing me for no reason at all (or maybe you are jealous of me, still not a valid reason)
He means put something that you can visually see on the wallpaper, just a little thing like

Countdown Script Created by DendE PhisH
aw bwmaster stole his greatest work that he tries to brag about
Originally posted by BWMASTER
The copyright for the code belongs to him,
WTF do you want me to do?
compile a new code when it's already there?
First off, this again restates you know nothing of javascript. YOU would not "compile a new code" to make a countdown. You must be thinking of the language Java. To write a javascript function, you simply can put it into the html of a page, and the browswer *compiles* it and shows you what is the result of the code.

Originally posted by BWMASTER
That's the reason I left that peice of code in there, to give him credit for the countdown script.
That my friend is a comment. Most people wouldn't even know how to see that. I was just giving you the tip of putting some text on the page that would say where you got it from, so people wouldn't have to look through the source to see it.

Originally posted by BWMASTER
And you Mr. Tim are beginning to get on my nerves.
So I suggest you stop bashing me for no reason at all (or maybe you are jealous of me, still not a valid reason)

I have a reason for everything I do. The reason for these posts has been making sure that the programmer who wrote this code receives the gratitude he deserves. In a way, we are alike. You always tell people to go to your site to view your wallpapers, so that you are able to see how many people show up, instead of linking strait to the picture. I also like this way of thinking, I think we shouldn't allow YOU to 'link to the picture' that is the source of this javascript code. Come on, let them see where you got it from, so that they may visit the site and let the guy know who wrote the code know what they think. This is not a personal attack on you, but simply a way of trying to establish justice. As the famous Cicero once stated:

"I criticize by creation - not by finding fault."
- Cicero (106-43 B.C.)

I find no fault in you, only in your work . ..

AND: One last thing, if someone has something to say about this... please click "reply" not "quote" as I have already taken up a good distance with this single post. No need to display it again :)
man all this bashin is getting too far

make a thread where everyone posts there pics and end this once and for all

sorry samuel, I tried to edit my post, but it had already been 15 minutes.
hmm strange i would have thought that provide all those scripts for free use and modification. but a quick visit to their "Legal Notices" says this:


then it contradicts itself by saying you can some for non comercial purposes aslong as you leave copywrite intact.

whether you removed copyright from anywhere i do not know, but i doubt it because i'm sure the guys who code it know full well that many people just copy and paste it (including me a few years ago before i learnt javascript).

If i was you i would now learn javascript so you can do it yourself, not only caus i personally disagree in copy and pasting, but i'm sure it will come in usefull in the future for doing other cool stuff.

ignore me if you want :dozey:

EDIT: Back on topic: samuel, you creating more characters? or doing something animated?
I'm not planning to do anything animated. I don't know Flash, and although tim8604 made a kind offer, I'd rather not do any animation unless I could do it all myself. But if anyone wants to animate any of the characters, feel free.

I'm creating more characters for more comics.
tim8604, he copied the script intact, if the one who wrote that script wanted more than a //comment, he surely could have done that. but he didnt, he just felt a comment is enough. So respect him, dont start publishing his name becuase he wrote this leet script. If there was more than just a comment, i'm sure people wouldnt have used that script, they would have searched for another, or completely erase the credit.
And if you noticed the credit, why shouldnt other people notice it too? I dont think that there is a lack of people that know what source is.

And about the topic, I'm gonna try to make a south-park ant lion :P
Excellent work! Funniest thing I've seen in years :D

Any chance we could get some tiny versions of these characters to use as 'smilies' on these forums? :)
Originally posted by switch
lol for some reason it ended up as 41x51, 1 pixel over
try it now

^there is one

Edit: hmm you said smilies, not avatars. i think i'm going blind :P
Originally posted by Munro
Excellent work! Funniest thing I've seen in years :D

Any chance we could get some tiny versions of these characters to use as 'smilies' on these forums? :)

Hmmm...what size are you thinking of? If they were the size of the current emoticons, they'd lose most of their detail...
http://www*** Size or around that :)
I'll see what I can do. :)

In the mean time, here's another comic:


  • hlcomic2.jpg
    80.3 KB · Views: 662