Sapphire x800xtpe? anywhere?

Better scores with AA/AF on than without. cool

Although it does look sort of fishy.
Firingsquad's review here shows 4xAA/8xAF about the same performance as 4xAA @ 1600x1200.
you thnk theymessed up and its other way arround?
That is strange that it does better with AA and AF, maybe ATi is cheating... probably not.
hmmm 32.5 fps on ULTRA settings on res 1600x1200 with 4.9 beta driver? I'm not sure if this is because of new 4.9 driver but I get 60 fps most of the time in doom 3 demo. I'm quite happy with it now :)
go to they had them in like a week ago, they might still have them! theyre OEM, but the speeds are PE. i think its a pretty good deal!