Sapphire's vgaforum has the most retarded forum process ever.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Okay. This thread should probably be locked too long after, but I need somewhere to vent my frustration. I JUST NEED SOMEWHERE!

So I register on sapphire's right?

Okay, I'm registered. I've activated my e-mail. I go to make a post.

I've been banned. I've been banned because I have an IP mismatch from my profile's timezone to where my IP actually resides.

It doesn't ****ing help one GOD DAMN BIT that the default ****ing timezone thing in the profile is for mother****ing western europe. Never have I seen a piece of shit forum have that sort of timezone bullshit! And what's worse, it didn't even tell you that if you don't go into your profile and set it correctly you will be banned.

So here I am banned for 2 days. I wait two days... no big deal. I'll change it after two days. I log in after two days, and I am banned for the same reason again after two ****ing days. STILL NO GOD DAMN WAY TO CHANGE THE MOTHER ****ING PIECE OF SHIT!

And so I make a new account. I make a new account and I race to the profile page to change my profile timezone correctly so I can make a mother****ing post on their mother****ing forums. Because otherwise my original account will never be able to do anything as it keeps getting banned for two days each time.

You have been banned for the following reason:
multiple registrations from same mismatched IP.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

**** you Sapphire Tech. **** you You have the shittest forum in existence with the most bullshit security features that do more harm than good that I have ever seen.
If only there was some sort of thread for posting things unworthy of a thread that don't fall under the topic of other threads. Hmmmmm....

That sucks though. See if you can email any moderator and explain your situation if you're still wanting to join.
If only there was some sort of thread for posting things unworthy of a thread that don't fall under the topic of other threads. Hmmmmm....

That sucks though. See if you can email any moderator and explain your situation if you're still wanting to join.

Yeah... no other place for me to vent like this. So I just made a ****ing new thread. I don't ****ing care. ****ing sapphire tech.

Oh, and there's no way to e-mail moderators or anything. There's no place to make any form of contact.
I was actually going to sign up and try to get to the bottom of this for you, but there is no way of knowing who's a mod, there is no help forum (just for sapphire products)..

Website sucks balls.
I was actually going to sign up and try to get to the bottom of this for you, but there is no way of knowing who's a mod, there is no help forum (just for sapphire products)..

Website sucks balls.

Nah, I wouldn't worry about it. I don't want to mess with those assholes anymore than i already have.

Apparently doesn't work, but does.
I hate stupid bullshit like that.

I know I've had experiences like that but I can't seem to recall them, I guess I've repressed them into the shallow depths of my brain.
Okay... umm...


I just tried registering for the Dallas Morning News forums... and a similar thing happened.

My e-mail address got banned right after registration and I have no idea why.

WHAT THE ****.
Hey Raz did it ever occur to you that maybe you should email an administrator?
I tried registering to see this happen to myself but
a) thought there was no point since you can select your time zone from the registration page
b) I couldn't do the captcha shit.
Raz , I'm afraid the internet its self hates you. We will need to make an incision here *marks a cross on Raz's forehead* to remove your intergland and replace it with a donor's gland. Unfortunatley there may be the side affect of having some one else's thoughts seeping through into yours which may or may not result in a quadruple homicide ending with a suicide.
Hey Raz did it ever occur to you that maybe you should email an administrator?

The Dallas Morning News incident, yes. Though I don't care enough to be bothered to.

On the one, there was no way to e-mail an administrator. There was no contact, no admin profiles showed any e-mails(couldn't see it when not logged in). No way to contact them that I saw.

But somehow my account is no longer unbanned, and i did manage to make the post. Not sure how it got unbanned, but it did eventually. Maybe they have a review process where they go through and weed them out somehow.

I tried registering to see this happen to myself but
a) thought there was no point since you can select your time zone from the registration page
b) I couldn't do the captcha shit.

Yeah? I don't remember being able to. And even if I could honestly, I never change my settings on a site I'm only there for temporary help with anyway. It's not something that has any importance to me.

Raz , I'm afraid the internet its self hates you. We will need to make an incision here *marks a cross on Raz's forehead* to remove your intergland and replace it with a donor's gland. Unfortunatley there may be the side affect of having some one else's thoughts seeping through into yours which may or may not result in a quadruple homicide ending with a suicide.

Noezzzz! :(
Okay... umm...


I just tried registering for the Dallas Morning News forums... and a similar thing happened.

My e-mail address got banned right after registration and I have no idea why.

WHAT THE ****.

Obviously the internet hates you.

Oh what the ****. I'm looking at the forum now and where I searched for "contact" before and nothing showed up, it's at the bottom of the page now.

Something must have been wrong with my page or something, because I swear I did a search for "contact" as well as "send" and other stuff to find a way to contact an administrator, to no avail. I also physically scanned the page but saw nothing. :( Otherwise I wouldn't have made that claim.

I feel stupid now.

BUT! The original reason to be so pissed off still stands.