SAT question



Can someone tell me the answer to this analogy:

A cat is to lion, as ________ is to dog.

According to my english teacher, the answer is not bear, wolf, or puppy. But she didn't tell me the answer!
You know that the new SAT's don't use the analogys right?
I think your teacher has it backwards. I would say:

cat-lion as to dog-wolf.
bvasgm said:
You know that the new SAT's don't use the analogys right?
Right you are.

If you're studying that stuff, it's not going to help you, they took it off because it's culturally dependant answers and there's often more logically acceptable answers than only the marked 'correct' answer.
Javert is right, its wolf, and if it isnt Ill eat my hat.
If his teacher says it's not wolf, I doubt it is, you know?

Say fox.
My god, I dreamt about this last nigh and got the answer, it didn't make much sense though :/
Can't remeber the answer.
How 'bout 'yo momma' for a culturally-relevant reply?
IT DOESN'T MATTER. If you want to do well on the SATs, brush up on your grammatical skills and practice writing essays in 25 minutes.